Community Education Plan Committee
Meeting Minutes with corrections and amendments
August 26, 2013
Lafayette Parish School Board Room
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Brent Henley, Facilitator
Members Present:, Bobby Badeaux, Adrian Baudoin, Heather Blanchard, Jerri Caillier, Dr. Gerald Carlson, Kathleen Espinoza, Cade Evans, Lynn Guidry, Jeremy Hidalgo, Leshia Hoffman, Virginia Jones, Donna Landry, Hector Lasala, Mike Leblanc, Lendon Lewis, Pat Logan, , Nathan Norris, Kirby Pecot, Terry Richard, Nathan Roberts, Margaret Trahan, Nancy Trahan, Tanya Zaunbrecher(MWL), Dr. Pat Cooper, Sandra Billeaudeau, Angela Morrison, Kyle Bordelon, Billy Guidry, Burnell LeJeune, Renee Sherville
Members Absent: Linda Armstrong, Zach Barker, Caroll Baudoin, Rebecca Bernhard, Elroy Broussard, David Fisher, Cathie Gilbert, Rudy Gonzales, Jenny Kreuger, Joyce Linde, Eric Luquette, John Milton, Mandi Mitchell, Julio Naudin, Debbie Soileau, Stella Theriot, Sarah Walker.
I. Meeting Opened at 5:35 pm: The meeting was called to order by Brent Henley, Facilitator
Approval of Minutes:
Members read over the minutes of the previous meeting and a motion was made to accept the minutes of the previous meeting Jeremy Hidalgo and seconded by Dr. Gerald Carlson. Motion carried.
II. 2013/2014 Budget and Capital Improvements
a. After budgets, funding and the plans were presented there was discussion as to Property tax versus Bonding or the combination of these funding sources.
b. CEPC members requested a breakdown of property (residential vs. commercial) tax.
III. Blending of Master Facilities Plan and Principal’s List
a. Dr. Cooper reviewed the proposed plan that totals $384,065,562.50; $307,252,450 in proposed project costs and $76,813,112.50 for a 25% project contingency. The projected costs and plan was completed in consultation with Chris Pellegrin with CSRS. Added: During a Question and Answer session, Chris Pellegrin of CSRS clarified that they had consulted with Dr. Cooper on the proposed plan, but the proposed plan is not their recommendation.
b. The projected phase one of the plan will provide immediate benefits to schools and the instructional programs. The original Master Facilities Plan would provide the basis for setting the priorities.
c. Members requested that scenarios be presented that would reflect what the public might expect to get if they passed a 12 millage; 16 millage or a 22 millage.
IV. Meeting Adjourned at 7:20 pm
V. Next Meeting: September 23, 2013, 5:30 pm, Board Room, 113 Chaplin Drive, Lafayette, LA