
The municipality of Niksic


2015 – 2025

december, 2014. year

Service manager





1.1The purpose of the local energy plan...... 7

1.2Objectives, measures and roadmap...... 7

1.3The legislative framework...... 8

1.4Basic informationabout geographicandsocio-economic characteristics of the municipality ofNiksic 12

1.4.1.Geographical positionandclimate characteristicsof the municipality...... 12

1.4.2.Demographics andsettlements...... 14

1.4.3.Economic indicators...... 17

2.Energy supply, production and distribution ofenergy...... 21

2.1Energy supply...... 21

2.1.1.Coal...... 21

2.1.2.Wood...... 21

2.1.3.Electrical energy

2.1.4.Oil and oil products...... 25

2.2Energy productionin the territory ofthe local government...... 27

2.2.1.The production of electricity...... 27

2.2.2.The systemfor district heating

2.2.3 Other forms of energy generation …………………………………………………………………… 28

3.Analysis of energy consumptionin local government

3.1Energy usepertype ofenergy source

3.1.1.Use of electrical energy

3.1.2.Use of coalandwoody biomassfor obtaininguseful heat

3.1.3.The use ofoil and oil productsin traffic

3.2Use of energyby sectors

3.2.1.Use of energyin households

3.2.2.Use of energyin the services sector supplyandremoving waste D: Supply of electric energy P: Education Q: Healthand social care R: Arts, entertainmentandrecreation O: Stateandlocal government J: Information and communication S: Other service activities G: Wholesale trade and retail I:Accommodation and food services K: Financial and insurance activities

3.2.3.Existingenergyconsumptioninindustry C: Manufacturing industry

4.Analysisof emissions

5.A rough estimate ofthe plannedenergy consumption

6.Analysis ofthe energy potentialof the municipality ofNiksic

6.1Analysis of the possibilities of energy production

6.2Analysis of the possibilityof usingenergy efficiency measures


6.2.2.The service sector public services sector services

6.2.3.The industry


6.3Analysis of thepotential of renewableenergy sources

6.3.1.Hydro Plantpotential

6.3.2.Solar energy

6.3.3.Wind energy

6.3.4.Municipal waste

7.Defining of the energy goals

7.1Definingthe local energyconcept

7.2The objectives of nationalstrategies, programsandplansin energetics

7.3Defining goalsand indicatorsin local government

7.3.1.The objectivesinsystemsforenergy supply

7.3.2.Objectivesfor energy production

7.3.3.The objectivesfor increasing energyefficiency

7.3.4.Informing of citizens and employed

8.Analysisof measuresto achieve the objectivesinlocalenergetics

8.1Measures to improveenergy supplyand energy source

8.1.1.E.1.: Improving of security and quality of electricity supply

8.1.2.E.2.: Development ofdistribution networks

8.1.3.E.3.: Improvingpracticesof supplyingwoodfuels

8.1.4.E.4.: Develop a feasibility study of the use of district heating in the city core

8.2Measures to increaseenergy production

8.2.1.P.1.: The construction of smallhydropower plants

8.2.2.P.2: Utilization ofresiduesfrom the forest andwood processing industriesfor energy purposes

8.2.3.P.3: Developa feasibility study onthe remainingpotentials

8.3Measures for improvementof energy efficiency

8.3.1.Cross-sectoralmeasures Establishingenergy management systems Installingof modern devicesfor measuringenergyconsumption Regularreviewsof boilersforheating Encouraging utilizationrenewableenergy sourcesand implementationof energy efficiency measures Application of the new regulatory framework for buildings Improving theenergy characteristicsof existing facilitiesinaccordancewith EU directives, standardsand examples of good practice

8.3.2.Households Enhancingwaysof usingfuel wood Enhancingenergy performance of buildings Using energy-efficient appliances

8.3.3.Service sector public services Establishing the information systemandenergy management systemby the authoritiesof the Municipality The adoption ofplans and programsand theimplementationof energy efficiencymeasures The inclusionof energy efficiencyguidelinesinlocalspatialplanning documents services energy management systems thetechnical capacityof theindustrial enterprises Improvingenergy efficiencyin transport Improvingof transport infrastructure

8.4Measuresof raisingawareness andincreasethe level of information

8.4.1.N.1.: Increasing the levelof informing of citizens

8.4.2.N.2.: Awareness raisingandtraining oftechnicalstaff

9.Financial resourcesfor the realizationof the plan

9.1Financing sources

9.2Financing of projects

9.2.1.Measures to improveenergy supplyand energy

9.2.2.Measures to increaseenergy production

9.2.3.Measures for improvementof energy efficiency sector services services

9.2.4.Measuresof increasingawareness andraising awareness




1.1Purpose of making Local energy plan

Local energyplanthrougha comprehensive review ofcurrentconsumption and productionof electricity and energy, and discusses thepossibilitiesformore efficientsupplyof energy,itsdistributionand use,defineactions for improving thelocal energetic.Local energyplan represents alegal obligationof local governmentsinaccordancewith the Lawon Energy(„OfficialGazette of Montenegro“, number 28/10), but also the opportunitytousethe principlesdefined inthe Energy DevelopmentEnergy Policyof Montenegro until2030andEnergy Development Strategyof Montenegrountil 2025recognizeconcrete activitiesthat can berealizedat each of thelocal governments. Local energyplanhas been preparedfora period oftenyears andrefersto the entireareaof the municipality ofNiksic.

Local energyplanatthe level oflocal governmentstransferredthree prioritiesEnergy Developmentdefined bythe Energy Policyof Montenegro until2030, as follows:security of energy supply, sustainable energy development andthe development ofa competitive energy market. Local energyplanis the link betweenpriorities and strategicobjectives definedat national level andthe realization ofconcrete activitiesthat contribute toachievingthe samelevelof the municipality.


The objectivesof the LocalEnergy Planare:

Identification ofthe current state ofof consumption and productionof electricity and energyin the area ofthe Municipality,as well asroughlydefine a planforfuture energy needs(Chapters1-5);

Identification of the potentialformore efficient use, distribution, and energy productionand energy, as well as theuse of its ownnatural resourcesto meet energyneeds ofenergy productionin the municipality ofNiksic (Chapter 6);

Definingactivitiestaking intoaccount the currentstateof developmentprioritiesof the Municipality, potential andplannedfuture consumption,are stepstowards a sustainableenergy developmenton the territory of municipality(Chapters7-9).

The wayof reachingthese goalsconcrete activities, the roadmap is provided inChapter8, thedefinition of measuresforthe further development ofthe energy sector inaccordancewith the defined objectives.Local energyPlan represents aofficial, statutorily obligeddocument,local governmentand therefore theobjectives, activities and deadlinesdefinedby this planrepresent liabilitiesunits of localself-government.

1.3The legislativeframework

Local energyplanhas its placein the strategicandlegislative frameworkof Montenegroespeciallyin thefield of energy.Therefore,inthe field of energyandenergydevelopment planningat the locallevel,the most importantare the following documents, namely:

  • At the national level:
  • The Energy policyof Montenegro until2030 (2011)
  • The Energy Development Strategyof Montenegro until2025 (2008)
  • The Energy Efficiency Strategyof Montenegro(2006)
  • Programdevelopment and useof renewableenergy sources(not adopted)
  • Strategic Development Planof the Municipality ofNiksic(2014-2019)
  • Spatial and urban planof the Municipality ofNiksic(in progress)
  • Local energyplan(in preparation)
  • Energy Efficiency Program(not adopted)
  • PlanonEnergy Efficiency (not adopted).

The energy policyof Montenegro until2030,adoptedin 2011definesthree mainprioritiesof energy developmentin Montenegro, targets and measures. Prioritiesenergy developmentare:

  • sustainableenergy development,
  • security of supply and
  • development of a competitiveenergy market.

In addition to theclear directionto theefficient production, distribution andconsumptionof energy,energypolicyfocuseson theuse of nationalresources, especiallyrenewableenergy sourcesto increasedomestic production.Moreover, energy policydefinesthe growth of humanresources forenergy planningat the local levelas astrategic andsystematic measureswhich givesimportanceto localenergy plans.

Energy Development Strategyof Montenegro until2025,represents a comprehensivedocumentMontenegrin energywhich analyzes thecurrent situation,andmakeprojectionson the developmentof energy needs andtrendsto 2025and provide guidance forenergy progressandsustainable development, namely:

  • increase energyefficiency;
  • greater use of renewableenergy sources;
  • revitalizationof existing and constructionof newpower facilities;
  • achievinga balancebetweenenergy development andenvironmental protection.

In addition to cooperationwith local governmentsin theimplementation of specificactivitiesrelated to theirgeographicalarea, the strategy has a clearresponsibilityto local governmentsin the establishmentof districtheating. Inaccordancewith the Lawon Energy,the Energy Development Strategyof Montenegrofollowinga five-yearaction plansfor theimplementation of the strategy.The activities definedin the Action Plan, which startedin the past periodor in progress, in whichthe local governmenthaddirectinvolvementrelate toeducation about theintroduction of energy managementin the public sector,energy savingprojectsin the public sectorparticularlyeducation and health sectors, projects of reconstructionand extensionof electricity network,constructionof small hydropowerprojectsandthe like.

Local energyplanmust complywith the guidelinesandstrategicobjectives definedin the Strategy. In2011, theMinistry in charge ofEnergyhas launched the initiativethe updatestrategyand preparing theEnergy Development Strategyof Montenegro until2030.As this document is not adopted, but it is only a draft published to the public in 2012 so it will be the preparation of a local energy plan to rely on the guidelines defined by the current strategy.

Energy Efficiency Strategyadopted in 2006presents an overviewof the currentsituation in Montenegroandidentifyareas in which theymost significantsavings canbe achieved, with specialemphasis on thefieldof building construction.The role oflocal governmentbeen recognizedby this strategyas oneof the most importantafterthe state authorities, andthroughsupportfor energy efficiency projects, the implementationof energy efficiency measuresintheir ownfacilities, by creating a basisforfinancial and administrativemonitoringof energy consumption, the implementationof demonstration projectsandinformingcitizens.Basic principles ofthe Energy Efficiency Strategyare containedinthe Energy Development Strategyof Montenegro.

Inaccordancewith the Lawon Energy Efficiency("Official Gazette", no.29/10), an energy efficiency strategyfollowinga three-yearaction planswhich aim todefiningconcrete measuresfor achieving thenational goalof energy efficiency.Action Plan for theperiodfrom 2010 to 2012, defines the activities to improve energyefficiencyforachieving the goalof2% reduction in final energyconsumptionby 2012compared to the meanvalue for theperiodfrom2002 to 2006.The actionplanhas focused onthe household sector, public buildingsand raisingawareness ofenergy efficiency measures.

Inaccordancewith the Energy Law, in order to achievethe national target forthe share of renewableenergy in thetotal finalenergy consumption, which is setat33% by the year 2020, the Government has an obligation tothe adoptionof the Programmefor development and useof renewableenergy sources.The programdefines thedynamics of implementationof projectsusing renewable sources ofenergy to produceelectricityaswell asheat,as well asincentive measuresof certaintechnologiesin order toachievetheobjectivein an optimal way.As the programhas not been adopted, local energyplanwill focus oncurrentstrategic and legaslativeframework.

Besidesthis strategicframework, whichis directly relatedto theguidelines for the developmentof the energy sector, given thatenergy developmentis closelylinked to the developmentof the economy, it is necessary tohavetheinsightandother national strategies, such as, but not limited to theSustainable Development Strategyof Montenegroandthe Regional Development Strategyof Montenegro.

The Energy Lawadopted in 2010definesthe rights and obligationsof energy entities, and therefore thelocal governments.Inaccordancewith the Energy Lawof local governmentshall have the followingrightsand obligations:

  • The adoption ofa ten-yearlocalenergy planwhich plansthe needs and waysof energy supply,as well as measuresfor energy efficiency, renewableenergyandcogeneration;
  • Submission ofthe annual reporton the implementation ofthe local energyplanto the ministry responsibleforenergy affairslater than 31March ofthe previous year;
  • Jurisdiction overheat supply, which includes:
  • Issuanceof authorizations for facilitiestheproduction ofheat for districtheatingand /or coolingas well asheat distribution(procedure for issuing energy permitscloser tothe criteriadefined inthe Regulationsfor theenergy permit, the contents ofrequestsand the registerof energy permits);
  • Keeps the registerof the heatfor district heating/coolingorheator industrial;
  • Preparation ofannual balance of theamount ofheatproduced and deliveredinaccordancewith the aboveobligations;
  • Prescribes detailedconditions and manner, including thetariff systemforheat supply;
  • Public announcementfor the constructionof energy facilitiesin thecasedefined in article65of the Act.

Besidesthe Energy Law, the obligations andrightsof local governmentsto the energy fielddefines theLaw on Energy Efficiency. Besides before the aboveobligationsandrights, it defines the followingobligationsandrightsof local governments:

  • The passinga three-yearprogram of energyefficiency, with the consentof the ministry responsiblefor energy, based on the Strategy and ActionPlan, whichcontainsa proposalof measuresfor improving energyefficiency, dynamicsandmanner of implementationof measures andnecessary means andmethods for their provision(canbefrom the statebudget);
  • Adoption of AnnualEnergy Efficiency Planwhich is an integralpart ofthe local government budget;
  • Submit the reporton the implementation ofof the planof energy efficiencyto the ministry responsibleforenergy affairslatest by 1March of theprevious year(defines more closelyRulebookon the content ofthe reporton the implementationof the planto improve energyefficiency inlocal government units);
  • Receiveexpert assistancefrom the ministryauthorized for energy operationsin the preparation ofplans and programsof energy efficiency;
  • Established and keptenergy information systems by, as well asmanage energy morein facilitiesused byfor carrying out activitiesof local authorities,public services andpublic companiesfounded by the localadministration(defines more closelythe Regulations onInformation Systemin energy consumptionandhow to provide dataon annualenergy consumption);
  • Informscitizens about the opportunities, the importance andeffects of theenergy efficiency measures;
  • Determinesincentive measuresforimplementationof energy efficiency measuresin their area.

In addition to theabove mentionedof the Energy Lawand the Lawon energy efficiency, given that for the purposeof energy productioncan usenatural resourcessuch aswater,forest residues, waste, etc., when definingrightsandobligationswhen constructingof energy facilitiesshall be appliedotherrelevant legislation, including:

  • The Lawon Organisation ofPlanning and Building Construction;
  • Law on Concessions;
  • Law on Waters;
  • The Lawon Environmental Protection, etc.

1.4Basic informationabout geographicandsocio-economic characteristics of the municipality ofNiksic

1.4.1.Geographical positionandclimate characteristicsof the Municipality

Niksicis locatedin the same nameda karst fieldin the centralpart of Montenegro. Hoogtefieldsfrom600mto660minSlivljaonVidrovan.Geographical coordinatesare18 °57his'28' 'longitudeand 42º46'29 '' north.It is the second Montenegrin town. Fromthe Adriatic Seais onlythirtykilometersthe air line, butin view of thecompletion of the Risan-Zabljak, represents a significantpointin linkingthe coast andthe northof thecountry.

Slika 1.1 The geographical positionof Niksic municipalityandlocal communitiesmap

The emergence ofcivilization inthisspaceareinhabited by the Illyrians, Romans, Eastern Goths, and Slavsfromthe sixth century. The RomanfortAnderba, resultinginNiksic fieldin theI -omcentury, were crushedOstrogothsinVacenturyandraised thetheir fortressAnagastum, after which theSloveniansettlementcalledlaterOnogošt.The Turksconquered itin midXV -thcenturyand beginning of theXVIII -thand turned into afortification. Present namethe town wasnamed after thetribeNikšići. Aftermultiple attemptsthroughout history, theMontenegrin armywasfreedin September1877.years.Thereafterfollowedhisrapid development.Niksicisthe largestmunicipalityin Montenegro, covers an area of2,065km2, accounting for 14.95% of its territory. It borders withsixMontenegrin municipalities:Kotor, Cetinje, Danilovgrad, Kolasin, ŠavnikandPlužine. To the westtheborderwith Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Thegeologicalcomposition and structureprevaillimestonesof Cretaceous age, inNikšićkojParishupper Triassic age.The Pleistocenelayersaccumulatedflowsof Zeta andGracanicathickaround17m.On theUpper Triassiclimestones anddolomitesare depositsof bauxite, withseveralactive mines.

ReliefNiksic field, in whichthe city is located, is distinguishedrelativelyflat bottom, a veryjaggededge andquitesteep sides. Fromof its bottom, whichisofQuaternarydrifts, protrudingnumerouslimestone-dolomitehillsand heads,of which thehighestTrebješkaheadwhich is high762mabove sea level.The rim ofNiksic fieldissojaggedthathas a largenumber ofjournals andseveral smallerfields thathave theirlocal names(Upper Field, Krupačkofield, Slanskofieldand the centralpart of the field). The fieldas a wholehas atriangularform andsurroundedon all sidesby mountains, so itis a closeddepression.Fromthe valleyof Zetalimestoneseparatedby a narrowbar offBudoš-Kunak.On itseastern and northeasternmountainsPrekornica, Stitovo, Maganik, Zurim andVojnik.To the weststretchesthe mountainNjegoš,aplateauin the southwestof Old Montenegro, withwhomin the immediate vicinityfieldsandtoweringmountainsBudošand Pusti Lisac.The field iswedged betweenthe mountainsandits surfaceis66.5km2. Itslongaxisis 18.5km over awidth ofan averageoko3,5km.


ClimateNiksic fieldisadvantageous, since they feelmaritimeimpacts, and the impact ofcontinentalityismost evidentin the largerdailyand the annualtemperature ranges.The mean annualair temperature is10,7◦, and the average annual precipitation is1,993mm. Temperaturesreachingthe highest levelin Julyand August, andthe lowestin Januaryand February. Maximumamount of rainfallin Novemberand December, while theminimumin Julyand August.The averagerelative humidityis68.6%. Niksichas ahigh valueof insolation, about2,220hours per year.The dominantwinds arenorth and south. In thePleistocenewaterlayers of finesand andmarlclaydevelopeda relativelydense networkof shortwatercourses thattheedges offieldssink.The longestandmost important riverNiksic fieldisZeta. Itslargesttributaries areBistrica, MrkošnicaandGracanica. Because of the smallbandwidthcapacityabysspart ofNiksic fieldduringabundantwinter precipitationis occasionallyflooded.Thefieldis located approximately300wells,30small and largeflows anda largenumberof the abyss, even886.In the municipality ofNiksicthere areartificial lakes: Krupac, Slano, Vrtac, Liverovići, GrahovskolakeandBilećkolake.


Dueto its geographical locationandveryspecificgeomorphological,geological,hydrological,hydrogeological, soil, climate, biodiversityandother characteristics, the municipality of Niksicrepresents, especially for the protectionof the environment, an extremelyvaluable area.The Secretariatfor Spatial Planning andEnvironmental Protectionof the Municipality ofNiksicisproposedto be put underthe protection ofthe followingobjectsof nature:Studenačkaheads, estavelaGornjepoljskisource, intermittentsourceVirskistream, site Bjeloševskabar (typical exampleof preservedtraces ofglaciation-valleyglaciers), district ZabranKingNicholas inMorakovo, endemic species ofmapleAcerintermedium, district Orijenthe Bijela Gora, locality VelikaOsječenicashortage ofplant communityDioscorea-Carpinetumorientalis, forestpinewhitebark pine(Pinus heldreichii) on Stitovo, Prekornica, community forestAcerTilietummixtum.

1.4.2.Demographics andsettlements

According to resultsof the 2011 censusthe municipalityNiksicit was72 824inhabitants, whichis 11.6% of the total populationof Montenegro. Of thistown 57278,inNiksic fieldwith the town of63 280inhabitants, in the ZupiNiksickoj3 731inhabitants in thesouthern zone withBogetici424inhabitants, in thewesternzoneit was1 638inhabitantsin thenorthern zone of485inhabitants.

The population density is36.45inhabitants /km2, which the Municipality ofNiksicinclusion into the groupmunicipalitieswith meandensity.The population densityis1.23timesless than thedensityat the levelof Montenegro, whichis44.8inhabitants /km2.

In the period1991-2003.the number of inhabitantsin the municipality ofNiksicincreasedby 1404,whilein the comingcensusperioddeclined by2 458inhabitants.
In thesame periodsin the city's populationgrew by2 563, respectivelydecreasedby 1242.

In the observedperiod, onlythevillage settlementsinNiksic fieldhad aconstantpopulation growthin the first period500, and the second much smallerfor the55residents, thanks to thegrowingnumber of residents inthree villages:Milocani, Ozriniciand Rastovac.Other product areasof the municipalityhadbeenconstantdecliningpopulation, with the intensityof declineincreasedin the lastintercensalperiod.

In the central area of the first period, the population had grown to 2 742, while the second has decreased by 1 982ndIn the neighborhoods of Zupa Nikšićka population in the first period fell to 134, and the second for 303 inhabitants.

In other villages of the central areas of the population in the first period (1991-2003. G.) Declined by 187, while the second (2003-2011. G.). Of the 30 villages of the area population growth had 3 arches, Bogetići and Vitasojevici (although it's a small growth), while the rest of the decline.

West area (which we due to the large number of settlements divided the southwest and northwest) in the first period (1991-2003. G.) lost 1 152 531 inhabitants in the second emigration. In the southwest area has 24 villages in the first period, the population had dropped to 585, and in the second period to 269. In the field of population growth in the period 2003-2011.years had only two settlements and to Nudo (slightly larger) and Podbozur (very small increase only 1 resident), while all other settlements had a decline in population, of which the largest Brestice (from 51 to 10 people).

Northwestern in the first period lost 567 inhabitants, while in the second 262nd. Of the 17 villages in this area 3 had an increase in population in the last intercensal period (2003-2011). Koravlica (index 221.4), Petrovići and Podvrs, the resort Miruše population stagnated, while the other declined.

In the first period (1991-2003. G.) North area has lost 186 residents, and the second (2003-2011. G.) was considerably more 321 inhabitants. In this area, population growth was only occur Javljem, in Vrbič he stagnated, while the other 16 settlements declined. Resorts Vrbica and Wednesday have less than 10 inhabitants and below 20 settlements Ubla, Zaljutnica and Štitari.

It is important to point out that even in the western and northern area of the village population size small, in fact, no one village which has 200 inhabitants, more than 100 residents in the western area of 41 settlements have all 11 of them, while in the northern area of 18 villages only village Dubočke has over 100 inhabitants. In the central area (part of the settlement outside Niksic field and Zupa Nikšićke) 2 settlements (Dragovoljići and arches) have with over 300 inhabitants, 1 (Šipačno) has over 200 inhabitants, and 5 settlements of over 100 people. Population large settlements over 500 inhabitants are mainly in Niksic field and 4 (Source, Milocani, Rastovac and Ozrinići), of which 2 are over 1 000, and one (Ozrinići) over 2 000 inhabitants. Zupa Nikšićkoj two settlements (Dučice and Kuta) are category 501-1000 inhabitants.

Picture 1.2 – Population in theperiod1991-2011.y.