NHS Sports Boosters Board MeetingMinutes

August 14, 2017

I.Attendance: Denise McIntyre, Cherie Level, Christopher Gilkerson, Greg Fister, Nolan Godfrey, Lori Bailey, Cassie Alciati, Marcy Lee, Bridget Santella, Rene Portillo, Jody Kuehne, Sue Jackson, Kristi Langenbacher, Kevin Keenan.

II.The minutes of the June 12, 2017 meeting were reviewed and approved. Following approval of the minutes, Kevin Keenan, the new head football coach, was welcomed along with several football parents. Sports Boosters offered help and suggestions in a number of areas for the football program, including snack shack and merchandise.

III.New Business

  1. Reconstitution of General Board and Election of Executive Board for 2017-18. After welcoming returning and potential new members, the prior year’s board called for nominees for the new board.

By unanimous assent, the following General Board Members were elected for 2017-18: McIntyre, Level, Gilkerson, Fister (school administration), Godfrey (school administration), Bailey, Alciati, Lee, Santella, Portillo, Jackson, and Langenbacher. Positions on the General Board are subject to payment of membership dues (for non-school administration members), and a commitment to attend as many monthly meetings as possible. Dalton, Rudy and Greene (continuing board members) were unable to attend the August 14 meeting, but will be added to the General Board roster at the next meeting they attend.

By approval of the General Board, the following officers were elected to serve on the Executive Board for 2017-18: McIntyre (President), Tim Dalton (Vice President), Gilkerson (Secretary), Level and Mikie Rudy (Co-Treasurers), Greene (Financial Secretary).

  1. Sponsorship at Novato Community Hospital Golf Tournament. Based on Tim’s effort, Sports Boosters was able to secure water bottle sponsorship (with NHS Sports Boosters logo on the bottles) for $1,000. The board discussed its preference for this type of sponsorship rather than paying for a golf foursome. This is an important sponsorship for Sports Boosters, given that NCH funds our sports trainer, Steve Dehart.

A motion was made and seconded for NHSSB to pay for the $1,000 sponsorship. The motion was approved unanimously.

  1. Merchandise Inventory and Expenditure Approval. Denise and Cherie, working with Cassie, approved summer re-stock in the amount of $3,400. Freshman orientation resulted in about $1800 in sales. Cassie discussed how inventory is maintained, and that the mark-up is 15-20%. Nolan suggested a more formal inventory system for tracking purposes and potential use of a new vendor. Christopher noted that merchandise, after membership dues, is Sports Boosters largest fundraisers and is one of its biggest expenditures. Denise suggested that a year-to-year view of merchandise (ordering, expense, revenue, and inventory) be discussed at the next board meeting.
  1. Regular Schedule for SB Meetings. The board discussed and approved regular monthly meetings to be held at 7:00 p.m. each second Monday of the month, except for the month of July.
  1. Resolution for Check-Writing and Approval Authority. Christopher, as Secretary, moved the following resolution, which was approved unanimously:

To Approve Executive Board Officers (McIntyre, Dalton, Level, Rudy, Greene) to have signing authority for checks, drafts, money order payments or other forms of indebtedness on behalf of the Corporation (NHS Sports Boosters).

  1. 2017-18 Budget and Criteria for Proposals Requesting Use of General Fund. The General Fund comes from membership dues and proceeds from merchandise sales. Unlike individual sport accounts which are funded by donations to each individual sport and therefore are earmarked for that sport, the General Fund is available for disbursements that support the athletic program as a whole, multiple sports, or for extraordinary expenses or investment for a specific sport. The board discussed the advisability of a budget for the General Fund (not yet created). The board also reviewed the “NHSSB Guidelines for General Fund Expenditures” that were approved last year and circulated with the agenda, and agreed to follow them this year.
  2. Membership Drive. Given the importance of membership dues to raise money for the General Fund, the board discussed ideas to boost membership. To further develop ideas, the board appointed a membership committee to include Marcy, Christopher, Nolan, Rene, and Denise. The board also discussed the benefits of having NHS Sports Boosters banners for table registrations and other events.

A motion was made and seconded to spend up to $250 for banner(s) with the NHS logo and “Sports Boosters” lettering. The motion was approved unanimously.

  1. Assignments for Fall Sports Parents’ Meeting. It was agreed that certain board members would attend each sport break-out session on August 23 to discuss SB membership. Christopher distributed talking points. Nolan agreed to copy the new SB membership form on the back of campus maps to be distributed at the meeting.

V.Regular Reports

Administration:Nolan noted that the weight room work continued through the summer and will be finished soon. Measure G plans for a lower field multi-use practice area with artificial turf are underway. Greg reminded the board that 9/14 is back to school night, and 10/14 is homecoming.

Treasurer: Cherie noted that there is about $45,000 in the General Fund.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:20 p.m. The next board meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. September 11.