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Title / Demonstrate knowledge of complex or non-standard telecommunications radio network management and support services
Level / 4 / Credits / 12
Purpose / This unit standard covers knowledge for people engaged in installation and maintenance of complex or non-standard applications of telecommunications radio services including cellular radio.
People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of:
–factors affecting performance and stability of radio networks, and ways to reduce the impact of these factors;
–current network and element management and performance monitoring systems for complex or non-standard radio networks; and
–common cellular and radio support services.
Classification / Telecommunications > Telecommunications - Service Delivery
Available grade / Achieved
Guidance Information
Electricity (Safety) Regulations 2010;
Electricity Act 1992;
Radiocommunications Act 1989;
Radiocommunications Regulations 2001;
Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Telecommunication Facilities) Regulations 2008;
Resource Management Act 1991;
Search and Surveillance Act 2012;
Telecommunications Act 2001;
AS/NZS 3080 (2013), Telecommunications installations – Generic cabling for commercial premises;
AS/NZS 3084 (2017), Telecommunications pathways and spaces for commercial buildings and the recommended guidelines;
Best practice guidelines for working at height in New Zealand, 2016, Worksafe New Zealand;
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Guidelines, published by International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection in Health Physics, April 1998, volume 74, number 4;
NZS 2772.1, Radiofrequency fields – Maximum exposure levels – 3 kHz to 300 GHz;
Telecommunications Carriers’ Forum Code for Residential, SOHO and Multi-dwelling Premises Wiring (“Premises Wiring Code of Practice”);
and all subsequent amendments and replacements.
AM – amplitude modulation.
Complex or non-standard – three or more components and/or services used together in radio or cellular networks or enterprise solutions systems.
Converging Technology –any existing technologies that are integrated to provide a new service including convergence of any previously separately existing technologies that now share resources.
CoS – Class of Service.
DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
DNS – Domain Name System.
DSSS – Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum.
eTOM – Enhanced Telecommunications Operations Map.
FHSS – Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum.
FM – Frequency Modulation.
Industry practice – practices that competent practitioners within the industry recognise as current industry best practice.
IP – Internet Protocol.
IT – Information Technology.
ITU – International Telecommunication Union.
NOC – network operation centre (Remote monitoring and control centre for network operations and incident management).
QAM – quadrature amplitude modulation.
QoS – Quality of Service.
Radio and cellular network service– in this unit standard means – complex and/or non-standard telecommunications radio networks.
SOHO – Small Office home office.
TCP – Transmission Control Protocol.
UPS – uninterruptable power supply.
Outcomes and performance criteria
Outcome 1
Demonstrate knowledge of factors that can reduce performance and stability of radio networks, and ways to reduce the impact of these factors.
Performance criteria
1.1Explain the factors that can reduce performance of radio signal paths and techniques to mitigate these.
Rangefactors – temperature, inversion layers, moisture, interference;
techniques– space diversity, frequency diversity, polarity diversity, filtering, modulation methods.
1.2Explain the factors reducing performance of radio frequency amplifiers and techniques to mitigate these.
Rangethermal noise, supply voltages, temperature, age.
1.3Explain dynamic modulation methods and how this allows a degraded system to continue to operate.
1.4Explain signal path redundancy and hitless switching as employed in radio networks.
Outcome 2
Demonstrate knowledge of current network and element management and performance monitoring systems for complex or non-standard radio networks.
Performance criteria
2.1Explain network operations centre and network administration activities with reference to complex radio networks.
2.2Explain the principles of operation of management networks and element management devices.
Rangemanagement devices include but are not limited to – interface management and data collection units, element managers, monitoring systems, test and measurement environment.
2.3Explain proactive, reactive and condition based maintenance practices.
2.4Describe key performance indicators for complex networks.
Rangeincludes but not limited to – element availability, interface statistics, NetFlow statistics, CoS/QoS statistics, bandwidth utilisation by application.
2.5Identify the incident management escalation hierarchy, with particular reference to the tiered structure.
RangeITU or ETOM guidelines.
2.6Explain two network records and inventory systems and practices for complex networks.
Rangemay include but is not limited to – GIS database for network inventory, logical network database for service inventory, fibre optic grid plans.
2.7Explain the roles and responsibilities of other personnel regarding radio network performance, stability, documentation/records, and software systems.
Rangemay include but not limited to – NOC, IT, Engineers, Planners, Designers, Regulators, Standard setting bodies, Inspectors.
Outcome 3
Demonstrate knowledge of common cellular and radio support services.
Performance criteria
3.1Explain the operation of typical power supply systems with reference to battery backup and emergency generation for critical or enterprise systems.
Rangeincludes but is not limited to – protection devices, UPS, redundancy, load balancing, standby power supplies.
3.2Describe security and fire protection systems with reference to requirement and purpose.
Rangefire protection – gas suppression, sprinklers, smoke alarms;
security – alarms, access control.
3.3Explain the operation and maintenance requirements of ventilation and/or air-conditioning systems in relation to equipment rooms.
3.4Explain the requirement and function of seismic infrastructure in relation to equipment rooms.
3.5Outline the key elements of telecommunications towers and masts, and passive and active roadside cabinets in relation to equipment housing.
3.6Explain cable distribution practices in telecommunications distribution rooms.
Rangepower distribution, earthing arrangements, cable management practices for fibre and copper.
Planned review date / 31 December 2020Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions
Process / Version / Date / Last Date for AssessmentRegistration / 1 / 16 July 2015 / N/A
Revision / 2 / 23 November 2017 / N/A
Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference / 0101
This CMR can be accessed at
Comments on this unit standard
Please contact Infrastructure ITO you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard.
Connexis Infrastructure ITOSSB Code 101813 / New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2018