RACKET!Sept 2016


Each month I start this newsletter wondering if there will be enough to fill it, but as ever, there is plenty going on at Hale Gardens. Read on…….

WELCOME EVENING FOR NEW MEMBERS:SUN 25TH SEPTEMBER. It’s been great to see new members joining in recent months.The full committee will be hosting an evening for new members to meet each other and the Committee, and of course, enjoy a game of tennis.


CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS – FINALS DAY 16 OCTOBER. Please play your matches in good time.

VIST TO BEAULIEU:SATURDAY 8 OCTOBER: Meet at Beaulieu at about 10.30 a.m. Sharon is organising the visit at a much-reduced price for us, and tea can be arranged. She has also agreed to tell us about the role she plays as Paterson the put-upon housemaid in Palace House in Victorian times! Cars from the early days of the 1880’s, as well asfrom the adrenaline fuelled world of Grand Prix, the vehicles you saw wrecked by the Top Gear team, Harry Potter’s flying FordAnglia: come and see them all, and many more. Uncover Beaulieu’s history as a top secret training establishment for special agents of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) during World War Two (over 3,000 SOE agents were trained in the dark arts of warfare at Beaulieu before undertaking daring and dangerous missions behind enemy lines). New features include Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Topiary, and access to part of the late Lord Montagu’s private apartments. Loads more exciting info on: Sign up on the social board by the bar.

(BTW, on 30 November, Forest Arts is showing The Honorable Spy, starring Meryl Streep in the fascinating story of Lord Montague’s sister).

NEW FOREST HALF MARATHON: Many of you will have met Matthew Gilbert, one of our newer members, who is running the half marathon on 11 September, in aid of the British Heart Foundation. Just last year ago he was very seriously ill with Myocarditis: read his inspirational story on:

NEW INITIATIVES. Remember to tell your neighbours and friends about the club, especially the new adult tennis courses coming up very shortly. Personal contact is the most effective way to get people engaged in new interests. As well as leaflets about the courses, Carol has produced some general leaflets and business cards – they are on the rack on the table by the door. They are very useful if you happen to meet anyone at the club who is enquiring about membership, and the cards are ideal to keep in your wallet or handbag, for when you are out and about.

TEAM NEWS. Many congratulations to co-Captains John Lean and James Lilley and the Team for finishing mid-table in the Hampshire League, and to John and the Men’s First Team (Rob Clarke, Alex Hawley, John and Thomas Lean, Keith Bates, Nick Paul and Rob West) for gaining promotion to Division 2 in the Dorset League.More details, together with a photograph, in the New Milton Advertiser 3 Sept.

BRIDGE: Lesley Lewis’s Improvers Group is re-starting 11 – 1.00 on Thursdays in the club house. The Monday afternoon group will not be running this term.