October (for Manhattan) – 2006

/ Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
12ndSun.of St. Luke the Protecting Veil of the Theotokos & Ever-Virgin Mary
Orthros, 8:15am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
Blessing of Waters
Life-Chain, 2-3pm
Inquirers’ Class, 6-8pm / 2The Sacred-Martyr Cyprian of Antioch & Virgin-Martyr Justina /

3Our Father among the Saints Dionysios the Aereopagite

Bible Study, 9:30am / 4Our Father among the Saints Hierotheos, Bishop of Athens

Daily Vespers, 6:30pm Fast Day!

/ 5The Holy Virgin-Martyr Charitina / 6The Holy Apostle among the 12 Thomas, Evangelizer of India
Abstinence! / 7The holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus.
GreatVespers & Confessions, 5:30pm
83rdSun.of Luke Our Venerable Mother Pelagia the Penitent Courtesan
Orthros, 8:15am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
Inquirers’ Class, 6-8pm / 9The Holy Apostle James, Son of Alphaeus, Brother of St. Matthew the Evangelist / 10The Holy Martyr Evlampius & His Sister & Fellow-Martyr Evlampia
Bible Study, 9:30am / 11 The Holy Apostle Philip, of the 7 Deacons

Daily Vespers, 6:30pm

Fast Day! / 12 Our Venerable & God-Bearing Father Symeon the New Theologian / 13The Holy Martyrs Carpus, Papylus, Agathodorus & Agathodica
Fast Day! / 14Our Venerable Father Cosmas, Bishop of Maiuma
Great Vespers, 5:30pm
15Sun. of the Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council
Orthros, 8:15am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
Inquirers’ Class, 6-8pm / 16The Holy Martyr Longinus the Centurion Whose Spear Pierced Christ’s Side /

17The Holy Prophet Hosea

Bible Study, 9:30am / 18The Holy Apostle among the 70 & Evangelist Luke

DailyVespers, 6:30pm

Fast Day! / 19The Holy Prophet Joel / 20The Holy Great-Martyr Artemius
Fast Day! / 21Our Venerable Father Hilarion the Great
Great Vespers, 5:30pm
225thSun. of St. Lukethe 7 Youths of Ephesus
Orthros, 8:15am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
40-Day for Sophia Osborn
Parish Council
Inquirers’ Class, 6-8pm / 23The Holy Apostle among the 70 James, “Brother of the Lord”, / 24The Holy Martyr Aretha & His Companion Martyrs of Najran in the Yeman
Bible Study, 9:30am / 25The Holy Martyr Tabitha

Great Vespers, 6:30pm

Fast Day!

/ 26The Holy Great-Martyr Demetrius, the Myrrh-Streamer / 27The Holy Martyr Nestor of Thessalonica
Fast Day! / 28The Holy Martyr Terence & Neonilla & Their 7 Children
Great Vespers & Confession, 5:30pm
296th Sun. of St. Luke & Our Venerable & God-Bearing Mother Anastasia of Rome
Orthros, 8:15am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
Inquirers’ Class, 6-8pm / 30 The Holy Martyr Zenobius & His Sister & Fellow-Martyr Zenobia / 31 The Holy Aristobolus of the 70 Apostles, 1st Bishop of Britain
Daily Verspers, 6:30pm / Nov. 1 The Holy Wonder-Working Unmercenaries Cosmas & Damian of Asia & Their Mother Theodota
Orthros, 8:00am
Liturgy (& Lesser Sanctification of Water), 9:00am

Daily Vespers, 6:30pm

Abstinence! / 2 The Holy MartyrsAkindynus, Pegasius, Aphthonius, Elpidiphorus & Anempodistis / 3The Deposition of the Relics of St. George the Great in Lydda / 4 Our Venerable Father Ioannikios the Great
Great Vespers & Confession, 5:30pm

Abstinence: 2 meal & abstinence from meat, poultrydairy; fish, wine & oil.

Fast Day: 1 meal after 3:00pm, abstinence from meat, poultry, dairy, fish, wine & oil.

/ Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
1 2nd Sun. of St. Luke & the Protecting Veil of the Theotokos & Ever-Virgin Mary
Divine Liturgy (Salina), 9:30am
Inquirers’ Class (Salina), 6-8pm / 2 The Sacred-Martyr Cyprian of Antioch & Virgin-Martyr Justina /

3Our Father among the Saints Dionysios the Aereopagite

/ 4Our Father among the Saints Hierotheos, Bishop of Athens

Fast Day!

/ 5 The Holy Virgin-M+artyr Charitina / 6 The Holy Apostle among the 12 Thomas, Evangelizer of India
Abstinence! / 7 The holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus.
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
83rdSun.of St. Luke & Our Venerable Mother Pelagia the Penitent Courtesan
Divine Liturgy (Salina), 9:30am
Inquirers’ Class (Salina), 6-8pm / 9The Holy Apostle James, Son of Alphaeus, Brother of St. Matthew the Evangelist / 10The Holy Martyr Evlampius & His Sister & Fellow-Martyr Evlampia / 11 The Holy Apostle Philip, of the 7 Deacons
Fast Day! / 12 Our Venerable & God-Bearing Father Symeon the New Theologian / 13 The Holy Martyrs Carpus, Papylus, Agathodorus & Agathodica
Fast Day! / 14 Our Venerable Father Cosmas, Bishop of Maiuma
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
15 Sun. of the Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council
Divine Liturgy (Salina), 9:30am
Inquirers’ Class (Salina), 6-8pm / 16 The Holy Martyr Longinus the Centurion Whose Spear Pierced Christ’s Side /

17The Holy Prophet Hosea

/ 18 The Holy Apostle among the 70 & Evangelist Luke
Fast Day! / 19 The Holy Prophet Joel / 20 The Holy Great-Martyr Artemius
Daily Vespers & Confession, 6:30pm
Fast Day! / 21 Our Venerable Father Hilarion the Great
Orthros, 9:00am
Divine Liturgy, 10:00am
22 5thSun. of St. Luke & the 7 Youths of Ephesus
Divine Liturgy (Salina), 9:30am
Inquirers’ Class (Salina), 6-8pm / 23 The Holy Apostle among the 70 James, “Brother of the Lord”, / 24 The Holy Martyr Aretha & His Companion Martyrs of Najran in the Yeman / 25The Holy Martyr Tabitha

Fast Day!

/ 26 The Holy Great-Martyr Demetrius, the Myrrh-Streamer / 27 The Holy Martyr Nestor of Thessalonica
Fast Day! / 28 The Holy Martyr Terence & Neonilla & Their 7 Children
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
29 6thSun. of St. Luke & Our Venerable & God-Bearing Mother Anastasia of Rome
Divine Liturgy (Salina), 9:30am
Inquirers’ Class(Salina), 6-8pm / 30 The Holy Martyr Zenobius & His Sister & Fellow-Martyr Zenobia / 31 The Holy Aristobolus of the 70 Apostles, 1st Bishop of Britain / Nov. 1 The Holy Wonder-Working Unmercenaries Cosmas & Damian of Asia & Their Mother Theodota
Abstinence! / 2 The Holy Martyrs Akindynus, Pegasius, Aphthonius, Elpidiphorus & Anempodistis / 3 The Deposition of the Relics of St. George the Great in Lydda / 4 Our Venerable Father Ioannikios the Great
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am

Abstinence: 2 meal & abstinence from meat, poultry & dairy; fish, wine & oil.

Fast Day: 1 meal after 3:00pm, abstinence from meat, poultry, dairy, fish, wine & oil.