September 4, 2014

GNMS PTA September Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 9:30 by President, Missy Dixon

Introduction of all in attendance

August Board Meeting minutes presented and approved (motion to approve – Mrs. Damron, 2nd – Mrs. Seals)

Principals Report – Dr. Soltner

  • Review and discussion on Data Comparisons (PAMS and KLMS)
  • Working on ability to provide foreign languages for grade 6 students
  • Enrollment has surged from 1113 to 1145, 3 additional teachers have been hired
  • No overcrowding, all core classes under 30 students
  • Denise Herron, new employee at front desk

Student Activities Coordinator’s Report – Sherry White

  • Intramurals begins in 2 weeks, to include weight training, ultimate Frisbee, etc.
  • New clubs this year to include photography, STEM with CAD technology and 3-D printing, no physical needed
  • All fall teams have selected their players
  • 1st soccer game will be 9/10, girls away, boys home game
  • 1st football game will be 9/16 v Independence
  • 9/15-19 is Spirit Week, check announcements for information
  • Pep rally will be in October
  • Any requests for an announcement in morning announcements must be submitted by email to Ms. White with ANNOUNCEMENT in the subject line, and request will be routed appropriately

President’s Report – Missy Dixon

  • Review and discussion on volunteer guidelines
  • Successful back to school luncheon for staff
  • Volunteer opportunities available at upcoming events: football games, open house, etc

Vice President’s Report – Deedra Dills (membership report)

  • 140 Memberships received currently
  • Membership push during open house nights (9/29-10/1)
  • Data input volunteers needed for directory

Treasurer’s Report – Susan Lambert

  • Financial report is not ready for review
  • Review and approval of audit (motion to approve – Mrs. Seals, 2nd – Mrs. Damron)
  • Instructions given on submitting checks/cash and reimbursement/check requests
  • Tuesday, September 16 is Football Fundraiser night at Brother Pizza

Secretary’s Report – Stacey Pilla (Hospitality report)

  • Back to School staff luncheon was very successful, thanks to all that helped
  • More GNMS magnets will be made and available for purchase

Volunteers In Education –Ramona Seals

  • Please sign up online to volunteer for Open House nights

Reflections -

  • New coordinators: Cindy Niblo, Jo-Ann Barreiro, Stacie Allen
  • Theme: The world would be a better place if…
  • Information for participation can be included in morning announcements
  • Incentives will be provided to participants

New business:

  • Spiritwear – T-shirts to be printed and available for sale at upcoming events
  • Farm Fresh receipts and Box Tops – collection boxes in main office and cafeteria

Meeting adjourned at 10:30

Respectfully submitted by Stacey Pilla, Recording Secretary