St. Clair County RESA Mathematics and Science Center
FIVE-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2012 through 2015-2016
Performance Effectiveness Indicator for Leadership:Centers assess needs, leverage resources, and promote collaboration in improving mathematics and science education.
Identified Leadership Needs Based on a Current Comprehensive Needs Assessment:
Based on results of various teacher surveys and professional development evaluations, analysis of Districts’ building level School Improvement Plans, analysis of various student performance data, and interviews with stakeholders, St. Clair County RESA Mathematics and Science Center identified the following needs:
· Cost-effective ways to enhance instructional quality
· Assistance in implementing Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards and preparing for the new assessments
· Support for LEA’s in finding and interpreting data
Center Five-Year Goals for LEADERSHIP:
L1. Support teachers and administrators in using 21st Century technologies to equip students for college and career readiness.L2. Promote development of teacher leaders in math and science.
L3. Assist LEA’s in data-based decision making.
Goal L1. Support teachers and administrators in using 21st Century technologies to equip students for college and career readiness.List of Planned Programs for Year /
Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness
/ References for Data GatheringL1.1
Continue 21st Century Technology Learning Symposium and encourage teachers and administrators to attend. / L1.1
· How many district teachers attended the symposium?
· How many teachers gained useful information from the symposium? / L1.1
· Registration lists and evaluations
Encourage and support teachers in using 21st Century Technologies in their classroom and sharing with their building and county. / L1.2
· What tools are currently being used in classrooms?
· What is the effectiveness of those tools?
· How are teachers sharing tools that are effective?
/ L1.2
· Teacher survey
· Observations
· Amount of resources shared
· Attendance at PLN Group meetings
Support local math and science teachers in implementing their grant proposals awarded under the RESA Innovations Grants. / L1.3
· What obligations are contained in the math and science teachers’ grant proposals?
· Are activities successfully implemented?
/ L1.3
· Measurable outcomes in grant proposals
Promote and facilitate the use of blended learning in math and science classrooms in St. Clair County. / L1.4
· What are the blended learning techniques being employed in classrooms?
· How many teachers are using blended learning strategies?
· Are blended learning strategies effective?
/ L1.4
· Number of teachers trained in blended learning
· Number of teachers participating in PLN
· Moodle traffic data
· Teacher surveys
Goal L2. Promote development of teacher leaders in math and science.
List of Planned Programs for Year /
Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness
/ References for Data GatheringL2.1
Promote and support involvement in statewide, regional and county mathematics and science initiatives. / L2.1
· Are teachers involved in statewide, regional and county initiatives? / L2.1
· Number of teachers involved in statewide, regional and county initiatives
Partner with SC4 to re-establish the Blue Water Mathematics and Science Teachers Council. / L2.2
· Do representatives of math/science teachers from all district buildings participate in Blue Water Mathematics and Science Teachers’ Council activities?
/ L2.2
· Attendance lists and evaluations from meetings of Blue Water Mathematics and Science Teachers Council
Establish an accurate database of local math and science teachers and identify teacher leaders in each at district schools following the model of Science Matters. Disseminate information to share with building staff. / L2.3
· Is database current and accurate?
· Are teachers receiving information from teacher leaders? / L2.3
· Lists checked by building principals
· Survey teachers in data base at end of school year
Promote membership in national, state and regional organizations. / L2.4
· What percentage of St. Clair County math or science teachers are members of national, state or regional organizations? / L2.4
· Membership lists from statewide organizations and compare growth from year-to-year
· Survey of teachers at end of each school year
Goal L3. Assist LEA’s in data-based decision making.
List of Planned Programs for Year 1 /
Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness
/ References for Data GatheringL3.1
Center staff will participate in the Multi-Tiered System of Support* Committee to analyze data, identify needs and support change in local districts / L3.1
· Is Math/Science Center represented at all meetings?
· What are the indicated needs in Math and Science?
· What recommendations from the group affect math and science instruction in St. Clair County?
· What data pieces are being used to make recommendations?
/ L3.1
· Notes from group meetings (list of questions)
· Explore, Plan and ACT data
· Evidence of implementation from building school improvement plans
· Feedback from district principals and County Curriculum Council
Facilitate districts with the analysis and use of data to drive school improvement goals / L.3.2
· Are districts participating in data analysis days held by RESA?
· How are districts using data to influence their school improvement plans?
· Are districts digging deeply enough into their data to correctly identify needs?
/ L3.2
· Registrations at school improvement technical assistance sessions
· Survey of school improvement plans to identify strategies for specific subgroups
· Feedback from district principals and County Curriculum Council
*The Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) team contains representatives from St. Clair Mathematics and Science Center staff, St. Clair County RESA Educational Services, Information Technology and Special Educational staff. The purpose of the MTSS team is to: (1) analyze data through the lenses of each of the members’ expertise in order to identify needs; (2) to make recommendations to local districts as to how best meet those needs; (3) to support local districts in the process of improvement.
Performance Effectiveness Indicator for Professional Development:Educators who participate in Center Professional Development reflect best instructional practices in their own settings.
Identified Professional Development Needs Based on a Current Comprehensive Needs Assessment:
Based on results of various teacher surveys and professional development evaluations, analysis of Districts’ building level School Improvement Plans, analysis of various student performance data, and interviews with stakeholders, St. Clair County RESA Mathematics and Science Center identified the following needs:
· Increase the performance level of all students with emphasis on sub-groups of students in math and science.
· Provide teachers with strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners and to make real world connections.
Center Five-Year Goals for Professional Development:
PD1 Create teacher professional development opportunities that incorporate inquiry-based, and real-world, problem-solving best practices that meet the needs of students with diverse abilities.PD2 Use 21st Century technologies to create opportunities for teachers to enhance their professional development and their ability to reach diverse learners.
PD3 Address specific professional development needs identified by local districts.
PD4 Facilitate Mathematics and Science Center Network and state initiatives in St. Clair County.
Goal PD1 Create teacher professional development opportunities that incorporate inquiry-based, and real-world, problem-solving best practices that meet the needs of students with diverse abilities.List of Planned Programs for Year 1 /
Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness
/ References for Data GatheringPD1.1
Provide training and assistance on integration of curriculum and technology through the implementation of inquiry-based and real-world problem-solving best practices that meet the needs of students with diverse abilities. / PD1.1
· Do teaching and learning in science and math classrooms reflect best practice strategies?
· Are teachers using best practice strategies to promote math and science skills to meet the needs of students with diverse abilities?
/ PD1.1
· Feedback from County Curriculum Council
· Teacher surveys and perception data
· Attendance records and evaluations from scheduled professional developments
· Evidence in building School Improvement Plans
Provide training and assistance with the alignment of, integration of and preparing for assessments associated with of the CCSS and the Next Generation Science Standards into local district curriculum. / PD1.2
· What is the level of understanding of the Common Core State Standards and Mathematical Practices?
· Are the Mathematical Practices being reflected in daily lessons?
· What is the level of understanding of the High Priority Science Expectations?
· What is the awareness of the Framework for Science Education?
/ PD1.2
· District curriculum and alignment guides
· District common assessments
· Teacher surveys
· Principal observations
· Pre/Post tests and evaluations for professional developments
Goal PD 2: Use 21st Century technologies to create professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their ability to reach
diverse learners
List of Planned Programs for Year 1 /
Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness
/ References for Data GatheringPD2.1
Establish a Professional Learning Network (PLN), an informational portal for teachers, to exchange information on best practices and technology integration. / PD2.1
· What topics do teachers feel they need help with?
· What is the level of satisfaction of users of the PLN portal?
· What do district administrators see as a need for their teachers?
· What effective best practices are already in place?
/ PD2.1
· Teacher surveys
· Number of portal hits
· County Curriculum Council and principal feedback at organized meetings
Create video content to be shared on the information portal. / PD2.2
· What topics do teachers feel they need help with?
· Are teachers viewing video content?
/ PD2.3
· Teacher surveys
· Number of portal hits
· County Curriculum Council and principal feedback at organized meetings
Goal PD 3: Address specific professional development needs identified by local districts.
List of Planned Programs for Year 1 /
Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness
/ References for Data GatheringPD3.1
Provide support as requested by LEAs with alignment, integration of, the CCSS and the Next Generation Science Standards into local district curriculum. / PD3.1
· Are districts successfully transitioning to the CCSS and Next Generation Science Standards?
· What requests for assistance are being for transitioning to the CCSS and Next Generation Science Standard? / PD3.1
· District curriculum and alignment guides
· District common assessments
· School Improvement Plans
· Consultant Logs
PD 3.2
Support requests from local districts for professional development for math and science teachers (e.g.FOSS, ICLE, Battle Creek, Math expressions, Saxon math, etc.). / PD 3.2
· What services are districts requesting?
· Is student performance increasing?
/ PD3.2
· Consultant logs
· MEAP, MME and common assessments data
· Requests from CCC and building principals
Model best practices in district classrooms as requested by local districts (e.g. Cooperative Learning, Claims and Evidence, using graphing calculators, etc.). / PD3.3
· What practices are being modeled?
· Are practices being subsequently implemented by classroom teacher? / PD 3.3
· Consultant logs
· MEAP, MME and common assessments data
· Requests from CCC and building principals
Goal PD 4: Facilitate Network and state initiatives in St. Clair County.
List of Planned Programs for Year 1 /
Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness
/ References for Data GatheringPD4.1
The Center will provide sustained professional development by continuing A4A in year 3 and the Measurement Project. / PD4.1
· Project assessments and data collected as identified
/ PD4.1
· Project evaluations and SAMPI data
The Center will facilitate new initiatives as identified by the Network. (Math for 4th/6th grades, E-Maths, Any STEM initiatives) / PD4.2
· Project assessments and data collected as identified
/ PD4.2
· Project evaluations and SAMPI data
The Center will participate in Year 3 of
Misconceptions project. / PD4.3
· Which district and building will participate in the project?
/ PD4.3
· Building performance data
· Input from principals and superintendents
Performance Effectiveness Indicators for Student Services:
Students impacted (directly and indirectly) by Center programs demonstrate progress toward mathematics and science literacy.
Students will elect to participate in mathematics and science opportunities in greater numbers.
Identified Student Service Needs Based on a Current Comprehensive Needs Assessment:
Based on results of various teacher surveys and professional development evaluations, analysis of Districts’ building level School Improvement Plans, analysis of various student performance data, and interviews with stakeholders, St. Clair County RESA Mathematics and Science Center identified the following needs:
· Provide programs and strategies to meet the needs of all students.
· Assist LEA’s with their efforts to meet the needs of targeted groups of students.
· Increase the number of students who are career and college ready and the number of students who continue their education beyond High School.
Center Five-Year Goals for Student Services:
SS1 Provide programs to meet the needs of gifted and talented students.SS2 Assist teachers in using technology to make mathematics and science curriculum assessable at all levels of understanding.
SS3 Support programs that increase the number of career and college ready students.
Goal SS 1: Provide programs to meet the needs of gifted and talented studentsList of Planned Programs for Year 1 /
Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness
/ References for Data GatheringSS1.1
Continue Middle School Academic Academy, an opportunity for 7th graders to experience STEM curriculum. / SS1.1
· Is program meeting the needs of students?
/ SS1.1
· Pre/Post test
· Survey of students
· Follow up using DataDirector program
Support the implementation of the Capac and Memphis Advanced Academic Achievement program.
/ SS1.2· Is program meeting the needs of students?
/ SS1.2
· Survey of stakeholders
· Survey of students
Facilitate the final year of the St. Clair County Academic Academy at SC4. / SS1.3
· Are students successfully completing the St. Clair Academic Academy at SC4? / SS1.3
· Student records
· Feedback from SC4 instructors
Interface and support programming in the newly established Blue Water Middle College. / SS1.4
· Are students successfully completing their first year at Blue Water Middle College? / SS1.4
· Student records
· Feedback from instructors
Goal SS 2: Assist teachers in using technology to make mathematics and science curriculum assessable at all levels of understanding.
List of Planned Programs for Year 1 /
Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness