*Mrs. Carroll’s Connection*

September 14-18

These are the skills that we will be working on in Reading and Math:

I can retell the story

I can pick a good fit book

I can work well with others in a group

I can speak in complete sentences

I can use grammar correctly when writing and speaking

I can use the pictures to understand the characters, setting and plot of a story

I can read numbers up to 1,000

I can answer 25 addition facts in 1 minutes with 92% accuracy

I can answer 25 subtraction facts in 1 minutes with 92% accuracy

I can add and subtract 2 digit numbers in my head

I can use different strategies to add and subtract

I can figure out the missing number in an addition or subtraction sentence

Unit:Marshall Then and Now
Snacks: Ani & Kilyn

Important Information:

  • Project Success – if you received a confirmation letter for Project Success it starts on Tuesday, September 15th. The program is over at 5:00, so if you plan to pick your child up, please be in front of the school by that time.
  • Box Tops. Please collect your Box Tops and save them in a Ziploc bag or envelope with your child’s name on it and send it to school. Our schools get 10 cents for each Box Top collected!! We also collect old cell phones, used ink cartridges, and pop tabs!
  • Sunny-D Labels – for every label we save until November, we get a free book for the class!
  • Keep reading at home each night. Our goal is that each child will read 75 minutes each week. Please encourage your child to read at least 15 minutes each evening. Write and initial nightly minutes read on your child’s behavior chart. If you don’t read, please initial anyway so I know you are checking the chart. Thanks!!
  • Picture Retake Day AND Class Picture Day is Tuesday, September 22. We will have our class pictures taken and if you want your school pictures retaken just return your packet.
  • Milk money – please send $35 for the program if you haven’t done so already.
  • Our library day will be on Wednesdays. Make sure that your child brings their library books back so that they are able to check out new ones.
  • Dreambox – a letter was sent home with your child last week about this. If you have an iPad or computer please consider allowing your child to use the program at home.
  • My email address is:

Homecoming Week Dress up Days!

Monday: "Color by Grade Day” – second grade wears green!
Tuesday: "Favorite Team/Jersey Day” – wear your favorite team jersey, shirt, or team colors.
Wednesday: "Wacky Day” – wear your hair wacky or wear wacky clothes
Thursday: "Hat Day” – wear your favorite hat
Friday: "Orange and Black day"-wear as much orange and black as you can to support your Marshall Tigers!