NCDPI - AIG Coordinators’ Institute

Delve into Data Part I: Know and understand the available data

Modeling a Data Dive

What data is available?

  • Do you know who to ask for data in your district?​
  • What else do you need/want to know before looking at specific data sets?​
  • Are there other data sets that are used by your district that would be helpful in evaluating programs?​

Regarding the 3rd grade BOG data:

  • Does the 3rd grade BOG data impact you?​ How so?
  • How would you use this data with all teachers?
  • Could this data impact your identification practices?​
  • How about if you did this at the end of 4th grade?
  • What other questions do you now have about the BOG?​

Regarding the ACT

  • What is the most interesting/alarming trend or piece of data you saw?
  • Howdo you utilize thisdata to impactinstruction in the classroom?(Ex: sharing best practices, professional development,etc.)
  • What other high school data would you want to pair with this information?
  • How would you present this in a PLC environment with content area teachers?​
  • Is there a focus you would want teachers to have with gifted students in their classroom?​
  • How would you review this with guidance counselors to help guide gifted students?​
  • Course placement​
  • Other questions?

Regarding AIG student drop out numbers:

  • What factors might contribute to the trend of AIG students to drop out of high school before graduation?
  • What service delivery options might we be able to provide to support the retention and graduation of AIG students?
  • How are you preventing drop outs in your district?​
  • What more can do you?(What additional strategies could you employ to supportstudents at risk for dropping out)?​

Delve into Data Part II: Program Evaluation based on district level data

What questions do we look to the data to help us answer?

  • Am I challenging my students to be college- and career-ready?​
  • Are we cultivating an environment that maximizes student achievement and growth?​
  • How are we serving students, how should our services be different?​
  • What, if anything, do we need to change regarding our service delivery model? How do we know? ​
  • What data dives would you be interested in doing?​
  • Which data would be most valuable for your district as you consider program evaluation?​
  • Math Acceleration​
  • High School Courses at Middle School​
  • CCP course work​
  • CTE access
  • Credit by Demonstrated Mastery (CDM)
  • MClass data

So what is your course of action to complete district data dives in order to make meaningful decisions about...

  • Programming?
  • Individual teachers?
  • Individual students?

TABB Closure:

T: What is one major takeaway from today’s data dive?

A: What is one concrete action that you will take as a result of the data dive?

B: What is one barrier to keep you from conducting a local district data dive? How can we overcome that barrier?

B: What is one benefit that will result from conducting a local district data dive?

NCDPI – AIG Coordinators’ Institute

March 1, 2017