Public Library Division Executive Board Meeting

TLA Annual Assembly

July 8, 2015


Sally Miculek – Chair

Geeta Halley – Secretary

Jane Darling – Councilor

Lisa Charbonnet – Past Chair

Susan Mann – TLA President

Linda Stevens – TLA Exec Board Chair

Morgan McMillian – Membership

Operating Procedures – Mary Perroni

Gene Rollins – Planning

Jennifer Coffey – Scholarship

Victoria Kemp

Kevin Marsh – Incoming Chair

Colleen Cunningham

Jessica Russell

Christine McNew – TSLAC representative

The meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m. by Chair Sally Miculek. All attendees introduced themselves.

Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the April 17, 2015 Executive Board Meeting were approved.

TLA Exec Board Liaison Report: Presented by Linda Stevens. Input solicited for TLA’s strategic planning process. Everyone was encouraged to contribute to the Aspiration Boards near the registration tables.

Committee Reports:

Membership report given by Morgan McMillian. Discussed this year’s well-received PLD party at Conference, as well as ways to improve PLD party for next year’s conference.

Standards – No report

Operating Procedure – No report

Whilst there were no specific items to report on from Planning, suggestions were made to examine the charge of the planning committee. Suggestions were also made to outline action items for PLD based on TLA’s strategic plan.

Jennifer Coffey shared there were 9 scholarship applicants, and those awarded scholarships completed all the requirements.

Susan Mann, President of TLA gave a legislative update. She reported a successful year and everything is moving in the right direction.

Lisa Charbonnet shared the programs sponsored by PLD for 2016 conference. Discussion ensued on ways to reduce AV costs as well as ways to add a workshop in partnership with another division on the new Open Carry laws.

Jane Darling, PLD’s representative on the Strategic Planning Committee gave an overview of the work being done. The new strategic plan will take us to 2019.


2014/2015 fiscal report was given. A request was made to contribute to the legislative committee for next year. Decided todonate$200.00 to the Legislative Committee every year instead of every other year when the legislature is in session.

A motion was made to amend the budget and was seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.

Geeta Halley, Secretary