CLMH Fund Raiser for SlaveLake Minor Hockey

Minutes from meeting held 25 May @ CLMH Office.

The following is a brief synopsis of the 1st organization meeting held in support of the subject event, the overall attendance was poor from the Executive Council, however, the meeting was called on very short notice and for the most part members that could not attend did notify the President. It is important for all Executive Members to understand for this event to be successful, maximum participation is required, it is understood by all that several executives will not be available due to other commitments, but I strongly encourage all that are available to step-up and support this extremely worthy cause.

In case some are not completely sure in what we are doing, at the May meeting of the CLMH Executives we decided to host a fund raiser for the Slave Lake Minor Hockey Association in the form of a 3 on 3 Ball Hockey Tournament, since the SLMH teams are recognised as the Thunder, we choice the following name for our fund raiser; 3 on 3 “Thunder” Ball Hockey Tournament. It is our intentions to give all proceeds directly to the SLMH Association for them to do with as they see fit. It is important that everyone realise that this is a chance for our association’s players to give to another association in need and have a fun day as well.

Date and time of event: 25 June 2011, 9 AM till 3 PM

Location: ColdLakeHigh School Parking Lot (EnergyCenter)

Divisions and maximum number of teams:

Minor: 8 yrs – 12 yrs 16 Teams. (Must wear helmets with cages)

Major: 13 yrs – 17 yrs 16 Teams. (Must wear eye protection with retention strap)

Adult/Corporate: Unrestricted age, no min safety equipment.

Team Composition:

7 players maximum, one player must play goal and goalies must supply their own equipment. Sticks can be plastic, wood our composite, but must not have any sharp edges.

Registration: CLMH office starting week of 30 May, as well we will have a registration night at the EnergyCenter lobby 8 June 7 PM – 9 PM.

Cari: Please start a separate spread sheet in our accounts with money from this event only.

Executive Mbrs: We need a couple of volunteers to work this registration.

Cost: $20.00 per player (must be registered as a team, no individual registrations, min number on a team is 5, max number is 7.

Waiver Forms: We need every player to sign a City waiver as we will be doing this on city property. Cari Please have available on-line as well adequate numbers for the day of the event so we can get them filled out, we also need to add one change to the waiver that states neither the City of Cold Lake nor CLMH Association can be held liable etc…

General Duties

Back stops behind the nets: Crystal/Corey: Between the two will attempt to have backstops provided by either using oilfield containment barriers or CAT rentals fencing, if any other mbrs have suggestions or can help please contact them directly.

Rinks: The High School has 4 long parking lots available, they are adequately wide enough, but too long. For the Minor level we will split one parking lot in half for two rinks. The other three we will use ¾ of the lots to make three rinks 2 for Major and 1 for Adult/Corporate.

Nets: Mr. Walsh from the city has offered to loan us 3 sets of nets, these will used on the 2 Major and the Adult Rinks. The Minor Rinks will utilize street hockey nets Ray will provide two as well Jackie.

Notification to Schools: Val will get info out to all the schools to gather interest, as well Ray will be on K-Rock Friday 27 May @ 7 AM with Chris Gill.

Wristbands: Jackie will check with EnergyCenter about getting wristbands to be worn by all registered players after we have their waiver form.

Team Identification: We strongly encourage teams to “theme” their team with unique shirts/jersey’s etc… In the event that teams do not have similar attire or in the case of team with offensive attire CLMH Pinnies will be available. Larry

Rink Monitors: The idea of Ball Hockey is it is self ref’d, there is no stoppage of play for a goal or a penalty, however, it still requires a rink supervisor to quell any bad behaviour and to put new balls in play in the case of ball being shot off court to far for quick return. As well, in the event of goal, the monitor will ensure the scoring team gives the other team half ice to break out within 10 sec. It was discussed that this would be good PR op for the Jr B Ice. Crystal

Orange Street Hockey Balls: We will require 10 balls at each rink for maximum of 50 balls. Jackie

BBQ: Unfortunately the local Wal-Mart store has totally stone-walled us from having this event anywhere near the M&M store, which had graciously offered up most items to us. With a change in venue, we will now require a volunteer to handle all things associated with a BBQ. Need an Executive to step-up, you will get lots of help.

Prizes: It was decided that we would get in-expensive medals (or something similar) for top three teams in the Minor and Major category and a Trophy for the Adult/Corporate Challenge. We voted to cover these expenses as CLMH donation to the event, not to exceed $500.00. Jackie

Posters and Banner Crystal

Kiddie Play Area Sorry, but I was informed that Teresa would handle this, if you can’t please let me know, as you were not there to volunteer.

Fire Display: Since this is in support of town that was devastated by fire, we thought having fire equipment on hand would be an excellent touch. Stuart has arranged for support from the Cities Fire Department. It was discussed at the mtg that we should extend this offer to all Emergency Services in ColdLake to set-up as mbrs of our local RCMP have been sent there. In addition, we should to the Alberta Forest Fire Services to see if they would like attend as well. Stuart

Speakers: Jackie mentioned a name at the school, as well Ray has another contact, and we will have music and PA on-site. Ray

Port-a-potty: Jackie to send Ray contact numbers to arrange facilities for the day. Ray

50/50: We need an executive to run with this, it will include getting a license as well organizes the selling of the tickets. Need an Executive to step-up, you will get lots of help.

Sponsor Letter: Although we are not trying to actively canvas for donations, as many local businesses have been taped out recently with all the events that are occurring. If you have a business that would like a letter to support this cause Ray will draft one sign it and have it available on our web-site. Ray/Cari

Facebook the Event: CLMH has a Facebook account that is pretty much in-active. Crystal has already placed a thing on Facebook, she will add it our CLMH Facebook page. Crystal

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM. It was decided that no additional meeting would be required until our monthly Executive meeting in June. Please, let’s get maximum participation at the June meeting as the event is shortly there after.

Ray Carter

President CLMH