Basic Report Formatting

·  Report Layout

A.  Report Layout – From the bioXL Home tab, the Report Layout provides an extended tool menu to select 8 different report layout options. Once selected, the report panel will be reset and allow the user to select which report components (grid, chart, text, slicer, gauge or map) they want in each pane.

1.  Click on Report Layout within the Home tab and select a report layout option. Click on a report type option to appear within each panel.

2.  Results:

(Chart and Grid Report Types selected)

B.  Grid Styles - Allows users to elect the type of grid they would like to use in their report.

Examples below show the Multi grid and the Multi-Flat grid options.

1.  To set the grid style click on the Style icon within the Grid Panel and click on your preferred format .

2.  Additional Grid formatting options are available within the Grid Panel.

C.  Chart Formatting

1.  Chart Types – This tool menu allows the user to select from many different 2 dimensional chart types. Certain charts will produce a single matching charting image. Others (like pies, doughnuts and funnels) will automatically produce multiple charts for each chart category the underlying query. Chart categories are usually derived from the column selections in the query.

2.  Display - Display Chart Formatting is used for additional data analysis. This will allow you to see the chart as a singular image or multiple.

i.  Click on the Display icon within the Chart panel; Select Single Chart or Multi Charts. For the Multi Charts selection a panel of boxes will appear. Using your mouse, scroll over (vertically and horizontally) to determine how many charts to display.

3.  Additional chart formatting options are available within the Chart Panel.

D.  Visual Totaling - provides a convenient and powerful mechanism for displaying column and row totals based on the elements returned in the underlying query. This option allows you to add subtotals, grand totals as well as set the position of the totals to the columns and/or rows. You can also access the Totals by right clicking within the Report Panel.

E.  Hide Empty Rows and/or Columns - allows the user to have entire columns or rows with NULL data to be removed from the query result set. (Note: This function will not eliminate rows or columns that have "ZERO" values. Zeros are not the same as Null's. The option to Hide Empty is also accessible by right clicking within the Report Panel.

F.  Conditional Formatting – Conditional Formatting allows users to color code data cells in the grid component to better separate values into tiers. Tiering of data visually helps users see outliers, trends, clusters and groupings of data within the result set of a given query.

Conditional Formatting also provides a mechanism to display certain values on the grid - like percentages or ranks.

Conditional formatting can be accessed in two ways.

1.  The Conditional Formatting access through the Grid panel is used for applying custom formatting to the full grid, all columns or all rows.

i.  Click on Conditional Formatting from the Grid panel and select Grid, Columns, Rows. Once selected you will then have the options to select the type of formatting. The option ‘More Format Options’ will allow further customization to the conditional formatting.

ii.  Results:

(Conditional Formatting: Grid, Data Bars, Themed Colors)

2.  Conditional Formatting can be applied on each individual row or column within the Report Panel.

i.  Right click on the selected row/column. The Context Menu will appear; click on the Conditional Formatting option.

ii. Results:

(Conditional Formatting: Column-Application Count, Data Bars)

3.  Customizing Conditional Formatting:

When selecting the Types of ‘Background’, ‘Foreground’ or ‘Icons’, you can choose the

option of Discrete Bands for the Algorithm along with Fixed Values. This will allow you to manual set the value range for the type as well as the color scheme for each band. To change the color scheme, click on the colored box and select the color of choice. (Note: the Fixed Values are percentages not whole numbers.)