Minute of the eHealth Committee

held on Friday 10 August 2012 at 10.00am

in the Conference Room, Summerfield House


Mrs Christine Lester, Non-Executive Director, NHS Grampian (Chair)

Dr Steve Baguley, Clinical Director, eHealth

Dr Roelf Dijkhuizen, Medical Director, NHS Grampian

Mrs Jenny Greener, Non-Executive Director

Mrs Alison Hawkins, General Manager, eHealth

Ms Lynn Morrison, ACF representative

Dr Pauline Strachan, Chief Operating Officer

In Attendance:

Dr Mobeen, visitor from Pakistan, shadowing Dr Baguley

Mrs Pam Buckingham, Personal Assistant

Item / Subject / Action /
1. / Apologies
Mr Richard Carey, Chief Executive, NHS Grampian
Mr Andrew Fowlie, General Manager, Moray CH & SCP
Cllr Bill Howatson, Chairman, NHS Grampian
Dr Bill Simpson, Consultant, Chemical Biochemistry
Graeme Smith, Director of Modernisation
2. / Minute of previous meeting held on 8 June 2012
The minute of the meeting held on 8 June 2012 was agreed as an accurate record of discussion.
3. / Matters Arising from meeting held on June 2012
3.1 / eHealth Remit
Mrs Hawkins reported that there had been minor changes to the remit which had been circulated with the draft minute. Any colleagues requiring a copy of this should contact Mrs Hawkins.
4. / Working with the Modernisation Team
Mr Graeme Smith provided a paper for the meeting but was unable to attend. Dr Baguley requested clarification on a bid mentioned in the paper to support the “No Delays” initiative. It was suggested that direct contact was made with Mr Smith and Elaine Brown outwith the meeting as soon as possible in order to proceed effectively. This is particularly important as the group meets only quarterly. Mrs Lester suggested that meetings might become more frequent or that electronic updates could be provided between meetings in view of the extensive agenda and fast pace of the eHealth programme. Mrs Lester will discuss with Cllr Howatson. / SB
5 / Patient Management System
Mrs Hawkins provided an update of progress:
·  Bed Management in Acute is now live and going well.
·  The Maternity system to the 3 Community Units is now live.
·  Mental Health phase 1 is now complete and a date is awaited for Phase 2.
·  Reporting to ISD:
·  SMR00s have been submitted to ISD to the required level for 2011/12 and confirmation of publication is awaited;
·  SMR01s have been submitted for 2010/11 and 2011/12 and confirmation of publication (for 2011/12) is awaited;
·  SMR00s for 2010/11 still need to be completed;
·  SMR02s (Maternity) – the first live submission is due next Tuesday to ISD with 2010/11 submisson due by the end of August;
·  New Ways/RTT continues to report;
·  TTG – the first report is ready today and will be validated next week before being submitted to ISD. This will then be reported weekly to ISD.
·  The Lothian Report has resulted in an audit and Audit Scotland will review 100 sets of casenotes. Mrs Hawkins is in dialogue with Audit Scotland regarding this.
·  Order Comms will go live in October and is moving forward.
The move to PMS in February of last year provided serious operational problems which produced a substantial backlog in reporting to ISD. This is gradually being addressed. Dr Strachan reiterated that the vast amount of additional hours of work and commitment by staff, in order to resolve the situation, is acknowledged and appreciated by the organisation. It was agreed that there remains a challenge to ensure that staff return to normal working hours and that more than a year of development in the Department has been lost due to the ongoing issues with reporting.
Mrs Hawkins confirmed that workflow processes will likely need to be changed following the introduction of TTG. Further guidance is awaited.
6. / DALLAS upate
Mr Fowlie was unable to attend the meeting and a short update was provided by Mrs Hawkins:
A DALLAS Programme Manager and Technical Advisor have been appointment for the “Living it Up” aspect of the programme. NHS 24 as the Lead Board (and budgetholder) has signed the agreement with the Technology Strategy Board and are working to put in place appropriate governance arrangements and define the project requirements.
The National eHealth Leads group is getting regular updates from NHS24.
“Year Zero” – no update as yet as this is not affiliated with NHS 24. The programme needs to be the compatible across all Boards in order to provide continuity of service for people who move to different locations.
Mrs Lester requested that Mr Fowlie provides a written update for circulation to the group shortly as the next meeting is not until November.
Dr Dijkhuizen raised technical issues arising from the “No Delays” project re loading speeds and refresh rates. Mrs Hawkins noted that she was unaware as no such issues had been reported, nor had there been consultation with eHealth that this project might give rise to such issues. There was a general discussion around issues that might arise, e.g bandwidth from video consultations and the playing of videos across the network.
Mrs Hawkins confirmed that a procurement exercise is currently underway for a new provider for the NHs Scotland WAN (Wide Area Network) and it was agreed that an update will be provided at the next meeting. / AF
7. / Mobile Devices update
Mrs Hawkins reported that there has been considerable investment across NHS Grampian with much access to wireless internet in place. Discussion is taking place with partnership organisations with regard to a combined approach. There are some challenges around Order Comms and PMS at Woodend Hospital, due to the age of the building but these are being addressed currently in conjunction with the Estates Department. The “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) programme is progressing with the risks to security being assessed and addressed. A pilot will be rolled out this month and a policy produced by mid September. A Mobile Devices Strategy has been developed and a list of corporate devices will be available at the end of the month.
The group supported the progress of the plan.
8. / eHealth Update
A survey was conducted to assist with the development of the NHS Grampian eHealth plan over the next 5 years. The main priorities were identified as: scanning medical records; text reminders for appointments; mobile devices; expanding access to the Emergency Care Summary.
A paper will be presented at the next Budget Steering Group regarding how this might be delivered, given the scale of expectation.
It was agreed that a simplified eHealth strategy should be designed and Dr Baguley will write a first draft of this for circulation to the group. This will be a standing item for the next few meetings. / SB
9. / AOCB
No other business.
10. / Date of next Meeting
9 November 2012 at 1000 hours in the Conference Room, Summerfield House.

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