1. Culture Means:

a) Set of habits b) Practices c) Principles

  1. Corporate Culture is Practised by

a) Corporate Personnel b) All c) M.D.

  1. Culture Percolates

a) down b) up

  1. Believing People is a Culture practice

a) yes b) No

  1. Priority to Organization than its people

a) Yes it is a Culture b) No

  1. Sub-Culture is Practised by

a) M.D. b) HODs/ Departments

  1. Sub-Culture influnces core Culture

a) Yes it can beb) No it should not

  1. Micro-level Sub-Cultures lead to core Culture

a) Yes b) No

  1. Culture is

a) Practised and felt b) cannot be felt

  1. Sub- Culture is Congruent to core Culture

a) Yes b) No


  1. HR Policy is related to

a) Corporate Culture b) Govt.Policy

  1. HR Policy will speak about

a) Work Culture b) HR People Culture

  1. HR Policy is Practised by

a) All People b) Only by HR People

  1. HR Policy is framed mostly by

a) Values b) welfare

  1. HR Policy reflects

a) Organization Culture b) Employees Culture

  1. Employee Development is an input for

a) HR Policy b) Quality Policy

  1. Who Contributes HR Policy inputs?

a) HR Manager b) Line Managers c) All

  1. HR Policy can be amended at time?

a) Yes it can be b) No

  1. HR Policy leads to

a) Customer Satisfaction b) Employee satisfaction

  1. Oraganization can be viewed thro

a) HR Policy b) Quality Policy


  1. Recruitment Standard is arrived by

a) Retention b) Employee Turn-over

  1. Job Satisfaction Standard is measured by

a) Motivational Factors b) No de-motivation

  1. HR Standard is planned thro

a) Quality policyb) Business Policy

  1. Attitude Standard match with

a) HR Policy b) Quality Policy c) Both

  1. HR Standards can be arrived by

a) Experience b) Qualifications

  1. HR Standards are Practised by

a) HR People b) All

  1. Both Education and Skills can be Standardized can Attitude be standardized

a) Yes it can beb) No it Changes

  1. Standards can come out of

a) Satisfaction b) Quality

  1. HR Standards are uniform in all Dept

a) Yes b) No

  1. Whether HR Standards can be quantified?

a) Yes b) No Sometimes it cannot


  1. Who is a HR Manager?

a) Change Agent b) Creative Pason c) Both

  1. HR Manager is a

a) Facilitator b) Philosopher c) Both

  1. HR Manager approves HR Policy

a) No MD Approves itb) Yes

  1. HR Manager can Develop

a) Power Centreb) Facilitating Centre

  1. HR Manager must be a

a) Good Thinkerb) Good Speaker

  1. HR Manager must also know some amount of

a)Technical Knowledge b) No HR Total Knowledge is Enough

  1. First drop of Culture Practice falls on HR manager from M.D.

a) Yes it is Trueb) No

  1. Cross-Functional Conflicts are happened because of

a) HR Systems b) Managers

  1. Generally HR Managers should be

a) Democratic b) Autocratic

  1. HR Manager can be successful because of

a) Win-Win Approach b) Win-Lose Approach


  1. Organization Structure is compiled by

a) HR Manager b) M.D.

  1. Organization Structure is approved by

a) HR Chief b) M.D.

  1. Functional Reporting is important in OS

a) Yes b) No

  1. Which is better?

a) More Hierarchical b) Flattening

  1. Multi-Skill is developed in

a) Flattening Structure b) Conventional Hierarchical

  1. Entrepreneural Skill development is visible in

a) Flattening Typeb) Too Many Hierarchical

  1. Authority & Power is delegated in

a) Flattening Typeb) Conventional One

  1. Shared Responsibility is more in

a) Conventional Type b) Flattening Type

  1. Participative Leadership Skills and developed in

a) Conventionalb) Flattening

  1. Effective Up-ward Communication is visible in

a) Conventionalb) Flattening


  1. Restructuring Organization is a must

a) Yes b) No

  1. Re-Structuring is done as per

a) Business Policyb) Cost-Effective

  1. Re-Structuring improves

a) Controlled Freedom b) Open Freedom

  1. Re-Structuring is periodically done

a) Yes As Per Requirement b) No As Per Budget

  1. Transparent Work Culture is more in

a) Re-Structured b) No it is not

  1. Re-Structuring is done as per

a) Skill Ratio b) Physical Number

  1. Training will help more in Re-Structuring

a) Yes b) To some Extent

  1. Re-Structuring is more effective because of

a) Succession Planning b) Career Planning

  1. Ratio of Business Target as Skills Available must be

a) 1:1b) 1:1 and more

  1. Which is Better:

a) More People With Less Salary b) Less People With More Salary


  1. HR Planning is done

a) Periodically b) Need-Base

  1. HR Planning is done by

a) HR Managerb) HR & Line Managers

  1. Planning is as per

a) Skill Requirements b) Budget

  1. Planning is done for

a)Short-Term Purpose b) Long Term Purpose

  1. Planning will be done

a) Well Ahead b) ad-hoc Basis

  1. Planning Involves

a) Budgetb) Business Growth

  1. Planning Involves

a) Existing Skillsb) Difference in Skills (Avilable & Expected)

  1. Whether HR Audit results help in Planning?

a) Yes b) To Some Extent

  1. For Planning, Data on

a)Knowledge, Skill & Attitude is Necessary b) No.of Persons

  1. Quality Audits will help Planning

a) Yesb) No. Not Necessary


  1. HR Audit is very effective for

a) Man-Power Planning b) Business Growth,

  1. HR Audit is done

a) Periodicallyb) As Per Need

  1. Whether Informal Audit is effective?

a) Yes b) Not Necessary

  1. Who will Co-Ordinate HR Audits?

a) HR Manager b) Line Managers with HR

  1. Do you feel Line Managers are biased while submitting data HR-related?

a) No b) Yes Sometimes

  1. Audit is done on

a)Motivation & Job Satisfaction Factors

b)De-Motivation & Job Dissatisfaction Factors


  1. Audit with evidences will be helpful

a) Yes b) Not Necessary

  1. Do You Check on Corrective Action & Preventive Action on Previous Audit Results?

a) Yesb) No

  1. Do You Prefer

a) Open Auditb) Close Audit

  1. Which are all evidences helpful in Audits

a)Customer Complaint / TNI / Performance Appraisals/ Quality Audit Report



  1. Skill Inventory is done by

a) HR Manager b) Line Manager With HR

  1. Pooling of Skills is done

a) As Per Needb) As Per Audit

  1. Process Capability depends on

a) Density of Skills b) No.of Persons

  1. Set of Skill Standards are

a) Essential b) Not Necessary

  1. Skill Inventory is arrived

a) As Per Performance b) As Per Employee Statement

  1. Skills are measured from

a) Job Knowledge & Attitude b) No.of Skills one has

  1. Attitudinal Skills are the starting point for job-related Skills?

a) Yes definitely b) Not Always

  1. Skill Inventory is based on

a) KRAs & Routine Functions b) Evidential reports on Performance c) Both

  1. Competency Mapping is very useful in Skill Inventory

a) Yes b) No.Not Always

  1. Measurement of Skills is done as per

a) Qualification b) Performance


  1. HR Budgeting is done by

a) HR Managerb) HR Manager with Line Managers

  1. HR Budgeting includes

a) Man-Power Planning b) Training c) Both

  1. HR Budgeting is approved by

a) HR Manager b) M.D.

  1. While Preparing HR Budget, take

a) Direct Cost b) In-Direct Cost c) Both

  1. Value Addition depends on Budgeting?

a) Yesb) No.Both are not Related

  1. Percentage of Value Addition by HR must be more than budget Amount?

a)Yes b) No. Not Necessary

  1. Will You Agree?

a) More the amount, More the Skills b) effective Cost and More skills

  1. Rate of Value addition by HR depend on

a)Directly Proportional to Budget increase b) Inversely Proportional to Budget

  1. Which is better?

a) Investment in Motivational Factors b) Training

  1. Each Rupee allocated must be directly proportional to

a) Value Addition by HR b) Retain the best Talents c) Both

  1. Career Planning is prepared on the basis of

a) Corporate Vision b) Business Strategy c) Both

  1. Succession Planning is as per

a) Man-power Planning b) Existing Avaliable Skills

  1. Which is better for employees?

a) CPb) SP

  1. CP is as per

a) Project Executionb) No. of years Service

  1. Quicker SP will lead to CP effectively.

a) Yesb) Not Necessary

  1. Present Younger Group believe in

a) Long term CPb) Quicker SP

  1. Sometimes CP slows Skill Growth. Do you Agree

a) Yesb) No.

  1. SP brings quicker growth of

a) Knowledge and Skill b) No. only satisfied level increases.

  1. Training is related to SP and Development is related to CP.

a) Yes. B) No.

  1. More Attitudinal Skills are developed because of

a) SP b) CP

  1. Do you Agree the role of HR and Personnel are different or one and the same?

a) Yes both are differentb) No. Only the new name is HR

  1. Training Activity can be separated from HR? Will it be possible?

a)No. Training is a branch of HR. b) Yes. It should be.

  1. Some Branches of HR are: Recruitment/Performance Measurement/Compensation/Training/Retention/HR Audit

a) Yes. Admn. Can be separated. B) Welfare also can be added.

  1. Sub-culture of HR Department should not deviate core culture of Organisation.

a) Yes. Totally Agree. B) slight deviation with approval can be allowed.

  1. Attitude Model can be derived from HR Department.

a) Yes. Definitely. B) No. All Departments are congruent model of Core Culture.

  1. Labour Laws are part of activities of HR.

a)No. This can be separated. B) No. Since it deals with people, it should be with HR.

  1. HR Professionals are better to be posted in HR

a) Yes. b) No. Experienced hands ae enough to handle HR matters.

  1. Do you welcome “New Blood in HR?

a) Yes. Very much. New people. New ideas. B) No. experienced and aged persons are better for maturity levels.

  1. As a HR Chief, do you prefer “Participative Approach” or “Delegative Approach”?

a)Participative Approach since it leads to Transparency.

b)No. Delegative Approach since it leads to Confidence.


  1. More the people in HR, better the results or Less no. of people in HR with Multi-skill approach.

a)More people will ease HR work and load b) Less people with multi-skill are better.

  1. Transparency leads to Automation.

a) Yes. It increases Openness. B) No. It may lead to slackness.

  1. Use of on-line information system will help quicker Automation.

a)No. It may lead to leakage of information or pilferage.

b)Yes. Proper Access by Authorised persons will increase the efficiency.

  1. All personal files can be convered into software data

a)Definitely. It is better to nullify file work in HR.

b)No some documentary evideces are essensial and hence the files.

  1. On-line Interviewing candidates is better result-oriented selection. Do you Agree?

a)No. It is not. Many times, we get poor results. b) Yes. It saves cost and time.

  1. Employee Hand-book can be displayed on on-line instead of stationery.

a) Yes. It saves stationery. b) Up-dation is easy and quicker. C) both

  1. Informal communication procedure will lead to automation.

a)Yes. Lesser the paper work more the automation. b) Not Necessary.

  1. Lesser Hierarcy will also help in automation.

a)Yes. Because communication flow is easy and understandable.

b)No. Many times communciation gets distorted.

  1. Will automation retains culture of the organisation?

a) No. Automation slowly eats away the culture. b) Yes. If strong HR Faith

HR people are there, culture at any point of time will not get deviated.

  1. Automation involves

a) more investment and not creative b) Initially it may compel more invesment, but in course of time, it streamlines the HR work flow.

  1. Who supports Automation?

a) younger group b) experienced group.

  1. Up-dation of HR knowledge is a must in the current scenario.

a)Yes. Irrespective of age and experience. b) Not necessary. Saturation level as per organisation requirement is enough.

  1. HR up-dation can be done thro

a) Innovative and creative thinking b) by general discussions

  1. How far Training is useful in up-dation?

a) Yes. Totally. b) No. To some extent only.

  1. Sharing information will lead to up-dation of Knowledge.

a) Yes. It is a two-way process. b) To some extent.

  1. Becoming HR Member in HR Institutes, Attending HR Seminars, reading HR magazines, etc. will help in up-dation.

a) Yes. definitely. B) Not necessary. Unless it is implemented, experimented and validated.

  1. Better HR Knowledge up-dation is

a) Knowing more HR concepts. b) even if it is single concept, if it is self-experimented, it is better knowledge up-dation.

  1. Knowledge Up-dation will help organisation

a) Value Addition to product or Service b) To some extent.

  1. Training cost will come down because of Knowledge up-dation.

a) Yes. to some extent. b) It develops more internal sources of Trainers.

  1. Employee counselling will also help Professionalism.

a)Yes. Attitudinal Skills will get up-dated. b) Not necessary.

10,More hierarchy level or Flattening level, which one gives more knowledge up-dation.

a)More hierarchy because it shares more experiences and maturity.

b)Flattening Level. Because it compels Knowledge and Attitude up-dation.

  1. Most of the time, self-evaluation is biased one.

a. Yes b. If true HR manager is there, it can be nullified.

  1. Self-Evaluation will help
  2. Corrective Action for Knowledge up-dation
  3. May not serve any purpose.
  1. Self Evaluation will be a feedback to the Management on

a. Weaknesses b. Additional Infra-structure to be provided to HR

  1. Self-Evaluation will be done on the basis of

a. Non confirmatities b. Regularly and periodically.

  1. Self Evaluation must focus more on job related and skill enrichment related?

a. Yes. It must be. b) No. More on lapses of Management.

  1. Let Self-Evaluation be descriptive or quantitative type?

a. Let it be descriptive and open. b) No need. Let us design as per Management expectations.

  1. Can healthy criticism be welcome in self-appraisals?

a)Yes. If it is for constructive purpose. B) No. It may lead to conflicts.

  1. Designing the Self Evaluation format which contain more on Management Support or hindrances that influces the Performance.

a)Yes. It must be a development-oriented which invites corrective action and preventive action.

b)No. Let us leave it individuals concerned.

  1. Designing self-evaluation format so that it compels more on Knowledge, Skill and Attitude enrichment towards next year’s target or strategy.

a)Yes. It is to be designed for future business strategy and indivuduals development.

b)No. Let us design according to past performance so that we can easily set the standards and TNI purposes.

  1. Does HR Manager condcut follow-up on the suggestions of employees?

a)No. Many times it is a routine and ritual one.

b) Yes. Follow-up must be done.


  1. Do you prefer

a) Open-end Appraisals b) Close-end

  1. PAs are very effective tool for TNI

a) Yesb) To some extent

  1. How do you give ratio for performance and Attitude?

a) 70:30b) 50:50

  1. Will you accept, “Weightage plays an important tole in PA?

a) Yesb) No. Equal Ratings

  1. Do you prefer to disclose “strengths and weaknesses” to the Appraisee?

a) Yes it is an effective systemb) No. The ratings are confidential

  1. Will it be possible to covert performance to numerical values?

a) Yes. It is possible b) No.it cannot be

  1. Two higher level Appraisers are better to appraise performance of an employee do you agree?

a) Yes it may be an un-biasedb) No.one level is enough

  1. Whether Attitude Traits can be derived numerical value?

a) Yes by using innovative ideas of HRb) No. it cannot be

  1. Annual Appraisals are biased and influenced?

a) Yes To some extentb) No

10. Line Managers must give serious thought on Appraisals?

a) Yes but generally they do notb) Not Necessary

  1. Generally Self Appraisals are

a) Biased and Exaggeratedb) True and open

  1. Designing Self Appraisal Format so that Statements can be converted into numerical value?

a) Yes it must beb) No. it cannot

  1. Self Appraisal ‘Questionnaires’ must be designed so that it leads to

a) Standards Set by the Organisationb) Let it be open and free flow

  1. Writing Technique of Self Appraisals needs Training

a) Yes it must beb) No. Not Necessary

  1. Better Self Appraisal is

a) More Focus Towards job effectiveness b) More Focus Towards Monetaray & Welfare

  1. Self Appraisals Must Focus

a) Training Needsb) Salary Needs

  1. Do You Prefer self-Appraisals of

a) Quantitative Typeb) Descriptive Type

  1. Do you welcome healthy Criticisms?

a)Yes. For Constructive Purpose b) No. it may lead to conflicts

  1. Do you expect communication barries because of

a) Fear and Victimisation b) No. open communication is welcome

  1. Do you Prefer Self Appraisals

a) Dailyb) Specific Period only

  1. Conventional PAs are generally

a) Close-endb) Open and transparent

  1. Most of the Organizations follow Conventional PAs in India?

a) Yesb) Now Changing

  1. Conventional PAs are generally biased

a) Yes b) No. it gives true Picture

  1. Conventioanl PAs do not warrant open discussion with appraisee?

a) Yes Agreeb) No

  1. Conventional PAs are more influenced by

a) Periodb) Attitude of False Presentation

  1. Who is the appropriate Appraiser?

a) Immediate Supervisorb) HOD

  1. Conventioanl PAs consist of more

a) Attitude Traitsb) KRAs

  1. Weightage on Specific Traits is not possible

a) Yes all traits carry equal ratingsb) No. it canbe distributed

  1. Conventional PAs are of more on past performance than on future development

a) Yes Totally Agreeb) No. it can be used for the said purpose

  1. Quantification of Performance is not possible in conventional PAs

a) Yes definitely it is not possible b) No. To some extent it si possible


  1. Whether 360 Degree PAs are effective one in measuring the real performance?

a) Yes b) No. it may not give results as expected

  1. In Various levels in 360 degree PAs, which is best one?

a) Downward-Peer-upward b) Peer-upward-Externalc) Downward-Peer-upward-external

  1. In which level 360 PAs are biased or confused?

a) From Sub-Ordinatesb) from Peers

  1. For External appraisers do you mean

a) Customers b) Vendors c) Statutory Inspectors d) Shareholderse) All

  1. Appraisal done by higher level only after

a) Downward & Peerb) Simultaneously

  1. Can Ratings given at each directional level be disclosed to other Appraisers?

a) Yes it can beb) No. Need not

7. Who plays major role in the implementation of 360Degree PAs?

a)HR Manager by hisPersonal involvement and Commitment

b)Line Managers & Management

  1. Numerical Values to the performance is better than general words such as

best, good, etc.

a) Numerical Values are defined it is good b) No. it is not Possible

  1. ‘Weightage’ must be decided at each level of evaluation on the same Trait

a) Yes it must be b) No Need

  1. For initial implementation of 360 Degree PAs, which is better group to


a) Managementb) Middle Levelc) Down-Level


  1. To measure Performance which scale is better?

a) Numerical Valuesb) Just the words such as good, poor, etc

  1. All Numerical Values are to be defined as per expectations

a) yes Clearlyb) No Guess work is okay

  1. Numerical Values are decided on the basis of

a) Job Descriptionsb) Targets

  1. Weightage on KRAs is more important than routine functions?

a)Yes it msut be decided in consultation with line manager


  1. Numerical Value and its definition and results of performance will reduce

a) Biased Ratings b) Influences

  1. Data available from Numerical Values can be used in statistical Data?

a) Yes it isb) No it can’t be

  1. This Data can be used for Hr value addition

a) yesb) No it may not give expected results

  1. Application of Numerical Value in Performance ratings require

a) Maturityb) Experience

  1. Do you prefer daily quantification of Performance?

a) yes it leads to effective evaluation b) No it involves extra work

  1. Year-End Cumulative total of ratings will be very useful and un-biased?

a) Yes Definitelyb) No it may not be


1)Results of Ratings can be linked to

a) Increments b) Training Needs c) career growth d) All

2)Generally Linking Ratings are un-biased decisions.

a)Yes. Defined Ratings lead to good decisions. b) Not necessary.

3)A uniform formula must be clearly spelt for linking ratings with HR Decisions.

a) Yes. It should be. b) Not necessary. Let it be as per discretion of Mgmt.

4)Emphasize more on KRAs and less on routine functions when linking ratings.

a) Yes. it is the correct approach. b) Not necessary. Ratings equally distributed.

5)Expected level Ratings minus achieved Ratings give the Training Needs?

a)At macro level it appears, but it will not be specific.

b)For specific Training Needs go to specific Trait.

6)Can the overall ratings of all employees give the overall organisation cuture and employee development position?

a) Yes. It will be. b) No. It may lead to confusion.

7)The ratio of density of over-all ratings must match with Skill Density Ratings?

a) Yes. This is an ideal situation. b) No. It never matches.

8)The graph of increase in productivity must go parallel with overall average performance ratings of employees.

a) Yes. It must be. b) May not be possible. Deviations may be there.

9)Each year or each project, desired level of ratings must be decided for effective result-oriented decisions?

a)Yes. It must be decided and people must be apprised.

b)Not Necessary.