Publication Management

This program is developed for managing publications.

1. Fields in the database

The database includes fields as Fig.1-a and Fig.1-b.




Book ID: sequence numbers

Title: the title of publications

Authors: the authors of publications

JournalName: journal name of the publications

Remark: indicate the publications as Invited Paper, Best Paper Award, etc.

Month: published month

Year: published year

Volume: issue volume

VolNo: issue number

Pages: pages in the issue

Document: the original publication files which can contain any format of files

Organization: the issues’ sponsor

City: published city

StorCountry: published in State or Country

Notes: any other information about the publication

2. Main Menu

The main menu is shown in Fig.2.


In this menu, it contains five choices.

3. Enter/View Publications

This is the interface to do data entry, and each of publications can be searched by find function of MS Access and edited. The picture is shown as Fig.3. Some fields can be entered by choosing. If new items need to be entered which can not be found in the scroll list, the new words should be typed in. To the field of Document, the electronic version of the publications should be provided and the file name and its path should be entered in this field. The file format can be any format of disk files, such as image file, (.jpg, gif, tif, pcx, etc.) WORD file, (.doc, .dot) PDF file, (.pdf) Excel file (.xls), Powerpoint file, (.ppt), text file, etc. When finished data entry, click the X button on the up right corner of the form to close the form.


4. Find Publications

When the button of Find Publications is clicked, the picture as Fig.4 will appear on the screen. There are four choices for searching by Author, Title, Journal name and Year. And there are two buttons named Search Only and Search Combination.

The Search Only button is used to find publication only by one of Author, Title, Journal name, and Year. The Search Combination button is designed for searching by any combined criteria of Author, Title, Journal, and/or Year. The relationship between the criteria will be logic AND. The Fig.5 shows the picture of Search Combination.



Fig.6 give an example of the find result.


5. Preview Reports

The Preview Reports sub-menu is shown as Fig.7. Three kinds of reports, Report by the sequence of Author name, Year, or All papers, can be viewed or printed out to printer. Fig.9, Fig.10 and Fig.11 show the examples of the reports. The reports can be viewed page by page by clicking the small arrows at the bottom of the reports’ windows. To print reports, choose Publish It with MS Word as Fig.8, and then print it out inside MS Word.






6. View All

This function will give out the list of all papers in this database by the order of published years and months. Fig.12 is an example of the publication list.

7. Exit this database

End the work with this database and quit from the database management.


Jiannong Feng & Ming Zhao Feb.18, 2000

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