Sandwich Technology

Data sheet

Description / A closed-cell, thermoplastic foam with an extremely high damage tolerance. It is cold formable to simple 3-dimensional contours. It is a suitable core material for dynamically loaded and shock absorbing sandwich structures.
Applications /
  • Marine:
    parts of hull (slamming area)
  • Road and Rail:
front-ends for trains, side skirts
  • Industrial Parts:
    dynamically loaded structures

Characteristics / extremely high impact resistance (non-brittle failure mode)
excellent fatigue resistance
cold formable to 3-dimensional contours
rot resistant
easily thermoformable
  • good ageing properties

Processing / hand lay-up
fibre spraying
resin injection
adhesive bonding
prepreg processing

Typical properties for AIREX® R63 / R63.50 / R63.80 / R63.140
Apparent nominal density / ISO 845 / kg/m³ / 60 / 90 / 140
pcf / 3.7 / 5.6 / 8.7
Compressive strength / ISO 844 / N/mm² / 0.38 / 0.9 / 1.6
perpendicular to the sheet / psi / 55 / 130 / 230
Compressive modulus / DIN 53421 / N/mm² / 30 / 56 / 110
perpendicular to the sheet / psi / 4’350 / 8’120 / 15‘950
Tensile strength / DIN 53455 / N/mm² / 0.9 / 1.4 / 2.4
in the plane / psi / 130 / 200 / 350
Tensile modulus / DIN 53457 / N/mm² / 30 / 50 / 90
in the plane / psi / 4’350 / 7’250 / 13‘100
Shear strength / ISO 1922 / N/mm² / 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.85
psi / 72 / 145 / 270
Shear modulus / ASTM C393 / N/mm² / 11 / 21 / 37
psi / 1’600 / 3’050 / 5'370
Shearing at break / ISO 1922 / % / 70 / 75 / 80
Impact strength / DIN 53453 / kJ/m² / 4.0 / 5.0 / 6.5
lb.ft/in² / 1.9 / 2.4 / 3.12
Thermal conductivity / ISO 8301 / W/m K / 0.034 / 0.037 / 0.039
at room temperature /².hr.°F / 0.24 / 0.26 / 0.27

The data provided gives approximate values for the nominal densities. Due to density variations these values can be lower than indicated above. Minimum values to calculate sandwich constructions can be provided upon request.

Dimensions / R63.50 / R63.80 / R63.140
Standard plain sheets / width / mm ± 10 / 1300 to 1400 / 1200 / 1050
length / mm ± 10 / 2900 to 3100 / 2700 / 2400
thickness / mm ± 0.5 / 5 to 50 / 3* to 30 / 12 to 20
Contoured / width / mm ± 5 / - / 520 / -
(30x30 mm squares) / length / mm ± 5 / - / 1200 / -
thickness / mm ± 0.5 / - / 10 to 25 / -


/ brownish yellow / brownish yellow / brownish yellow

Other dimensions and closer tolerances upon request

* Tolerance for 3 mm: + 0.8 mm / - 0.2 mm