“ “ASU Alumni on the Move: New Look,

New Programs & New Opportunities”

Renaissance Hotel;Washington, DC

July 18 – 21, 2013

All Camera-Ready Advertisements MUST Be Received By June 1

All Unformatted Advertisements MUST Be Received By May 1

ASU Alumni Sponsorship Levels:

Platinum Level: $10,000.00

  • Logo prominently displayed on convention website page
  • Logo prominently displayed on convention materials
  • Logo and Full-page color advertisement in Sponsor Section of convention program
  • Logo projected during all Convention Sessions
  • Participate in Programs
  • Press Release mention
  • Mention in University’s Alumni Magazine
  • Signage as convention configuration allows
  • Ten convention participants
  • Ability to include items in registration bags
  • Mention on convention Facebook and Twitter sites

Reception Level: $6,500.00

  • Logo prominently displayed on convention website page
  • Logo prominently displayed on convention materials
  • Logo and Full-page color advertisement in Sponsor Section of convention program
  • Logo projected during ASU Alumni Reception
  • Participate in Programs
  • Press Release mention
  • Mention in University’s alumni magazine
  • Signage as convention configuration allows
  • Eight convention participants
  • Ability to include items in registration bags
  • Mention on convention Facebook and Twitter sites

Gold Level: $5,000.00

  • Logo prominently displayed on convention website page
  • Logo prominently displayed on convention materials
  • Logo and Full-page color advertisement in Sponsor Section of convention program
  • Participate in Programs
  • Press Release mention
  • Mention in University’s alumni magazine
  • Signage as convention configuration allows
  • Six convention participants
  • Ability to include items in registration bags
  • Mention on convention Facebook and Twitter sites

Silver Level: $2,500.00

  • Logo displayed on convention website page
  • Logo displayed on convention materials
  • Logo and Half-page color advertisement in Sponsor Section of convention program
  • Press Release mention
  • Mention in University’s alumni magazine
  • Signage as convention configuration allows
  • Four convention participants
  • Ability to include items in registration bags
  • Mention on convention Facebook and Twitter sites

Bronze Level: $1,000.00

  • Logo displayed on convention website page
  • Logo displayed on convention materials
  • Logo and Quarter-page color advertisement in Sponsor Section of convention program
  • Press Release mention
  • Mention in University’s alumni magazine
  • Signage as convention configuration allows
  • Two convention participants
  • Ability to include items in registration bags
  • Mention on convention Facebook and Twitter sites

Gem Level: $500.00

  • Logo displayed on convention website page
  • Logo displayed on convention materials
  • Logo and Quarter-page color advertisement in Sponsor Section of convention program
  • Press Release mention
  • Mention in University’s Alumni Magazine
  • One convention participant
  • Ability to include items in registration bags
  • Mention on convention Facebook and Twitter sites


All Camera-Ready Advertisements MUST Be Received By June 1

All Unformatted Advertisements MUST Be Received By May 1

Advertisements may be emailed but will not be added to the Souvenir Journal until a check has been received. Email Advertisements to: . Mail completed contract and payment to: NAA/ASU; P.O. Box 6078; Montgomery, AL 36106

“ “ASU Alumni on the Move: New Look,

New Programs & New Opportunities”

Renaissance Hotel; Washington, DC

July 18 – 21, 2013

All Camera-Ready Advertisements MUST Be Received By June 1

All Unformatted Advertisements MUST Be Received By May 1

Platinum Sponsor - $10,000.00
Reception Sponsor - $6,500.00
Gold Sponsor - $5,000.00
Silver Sponsor - $2,500.00
Bronze Sponsor - $1,000.00
Gem Sponsor - $500.00

Complete this contract form and attach advertisement. Again, advertisements may be emailed but will not be added to the Souvenir Journal until a check has been received.

Email Advertisements to:

Mail completed contract and payment to:


P.O. Box 6078

Montgomery, AL 36106