Edisto Patch Tuesday, June 23 2009
The meeting was called to order by Co-Leader, Dot Dantzler. There were 12 members present. The reading of the May 26 minutes were approved as read. The current balance in the treasury is $108.00
Angie Craft asked Dot to remind everyone that SCGS membership dues of $12 are due June 1st. The Edisto Patch dues ($12) are due on June 1st as well. Nolly Cantey attended the Cherokee Gathering June 4-7 in Cherokee, NC. She said it was a wonderful experience.
Educational Coordinator, Sandra Pollard has been busy with our class/demonstration schedule.
*July - Woodburning demonstration by Dr. Linda Lake
*August - Cutting/cleaning of gourds - Betsey Sloan will assist our group. Everyone must bring a gourd.
September - Show & Tell by members.
October - Jackie Jurecek will demonstrate Pot Huggers
November - Peggy Ash will do a Christmas project with a banana gourd
December - No Meeting
January - Carol Boyd will make decorative soaps with the luffa sponge gourd.
If you don't have any gourds for the August meeting, contact Richard Smoak on Hwy. 301/601 South. He has gourds for sale. His telephone number is 534-9081.
Dot reminded everyone that the State Fair is just around the corner. Steve Lawson has the website completed. Joy Zeigler will work on a logo. Barbara Pinson has approved the Patch Bylaws. Copies will be passed out next meeting. Dot asked about sharing member information and everyone agreed that it was OK.
Mini Classes will be offered in July, August, and September at the Fine Arts Center. Betsey Sloan will be the instructor. Please sign up a week in advance. Class schedules were passed out. The two-day workshop in Bamberg on June 22 & 23 was successful with four attending. Barbara Pinson and Steve Lawson brought some of their projects to show us. Betsey reminded us to go to the SCGS website and see what classes the other Patches have to offer. We are allowed to attend if they have room. Just contact them about space and the fee. The Georgia Gourd Society is having a Gourd Gathering the last of August. The Florida Gourd Society is having an event in late September. Go to the American Gourd Society and find links for information.
Delicious refreshments were provided by Deni Quay and Barbara Pinson. Betsey Sloan guided us in making name tags from gourd pieces.
Respectfully Submitted, Mary B. Jones, Secretary/Treasurer