EHP3 for SAP CRM 7.0
October 2014
CRM Organizational Model Standalone (C02)
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
69190 Walldorf
Germany / Building Block Configuration Guide

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SAP Best Practices CRM Organizational Model Standalone (C02): Configuration Guide


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© SAP SE Page 8 of 23

SAP Best Practices CRM Organizational Model Standalone (C02): Configuration Guide


1 Purpose 6

2 Preparation 6

2.1 Prerequisites 6

3 Configuration 6

3.1 Organizational Data Maintenance 6

3.1.1 Performing Division Settings 6

3.1.2 Defining Divisions 7

3.1.3 Defining Distribution Channels 7

3.1.4 Defining Combination of Distribution Channel and Division 8

3.2 Set Up Integration Business Partner – Organizational Management 9

3.2.1 Defining Number Range for Org Business Partners 9

3.2.2 Defining Grouping for Org. Business Partners 10

3.2.3 Setting Up Integration 11

3.2.4 Executing Report for Changeover Classification 12

3.3 Organizational Units 12

3.3.1 Creating an Organizational Model 13

3.3.2 Creating and Assigning Organizational Units 14

3.3.3 Assigning Attributes to Organizational Unit 15

3.4 Holder for Positions 17

3.4.1 Defining Number Ranges for Employees 17

3.4.2 Defining Grouping for Employees 17

3.5 Organizational Model Translation 18

3.5.1 Translating Organizational Units 18

3.6 Organizational Structure Check 19

3.6.1 Updating List of Organizational Units 19

3.6.2 Checking Settings for Attribute Maintenance 20

3.6.3 Checking Organizational Data Settings 20

3.7 Organizational Units Assignment 20

3.7.1 Creating a Billing Unit 21

3.7.2 Assigning Billing Unit to Sales Organization 21

3.7.3 Assigning Billing Unit to Service and Sales Organization 22

4 Pre-Assembled Deployment 23

© SAP SE Page 8 of 23

SAP Best Practices CRM Organizational Model Standalone (C02): Configuration Guide

CRM Organizational Model Standalone: Configuration Guide

1  Purpose

This configuration guide provides the information you need to set up the configuration of this building block manually.

2  Preparation

2.1  Prerequisites

Before starting with the installation of this building block, please see the document Quick Guide to Implementing SAP Best Practices for CRM.

3  Configuration

With this building block a root organizational structure will be defined containing a sales organization and a service organization to be used as root units when setting up a detailed organizational structure for the respective application areas.

Organizational Management in CRM offers you a flexible tool for handling your company’s task-related, functional organizational structure as a current organizational model.

You can maintain the company structure including the positions and employees in an application and assign specific data (attributes) to the organizational units.

The organization model will be especially used for organizational data determination within the CRM scenarios.

For details about setting up an organizational structure please see the CRM standard documentation.

These sample organizational structure is essential for all SAP Best Practices scenarios because organizational data determination, partner determinations and evaluations are based on this structure.

SAP Best Practices customizing settings are based on the sample organizational model, that is in case of deviations from this sample model all pre-defined setting for organizational data determination and so on will not work.

3.1  Organizational Data Maintenance

3.1.1  Performing Division Settings


You can specify whether or not you work with divisions in the CRM system.
If you use a header division in CRM you do not need to use a dummy division.


1.  Access the activity using the following navigation options:

Transaction code / SPRO
SAP CRM IMG menu / Customer Relationship Management ® Master Data ® Organizational Management ® Division Settings ® Define Use of Division and Dummy Division

2.  Deselect the checkbox Division not act.

3.  Select the indicator Header Div. Act., if you wish to use divisions at header level in business transactions in CRM Enterprise (select for SAP Best Practices for CRM).


The division settings have been successfully performed.

3.1.2  Defining Divisions


In this step, you can define divisions for CRM.


1.  Access the activity using the following navigation options:

Transaction code / SPRO
SAP CRM IMG menu / Customer Relationship Management ® Master Data ® Organizational Management ®Division Settings ® Define Divisions

2.  Choose New Entries.

3.  Enter the following values:

Division / Description
10 / for example Product Division 10

4.  You can enter additional divisions, but for the SAP Best Practices scenarios only division 10 will be used.

5.  Save your entries.


You have successfully defined divisions for CRM.

3.1.3  Defining Distribution Channels


In this step, you can define distribution channels for CRM.


1.  Access the activity using the following navigation options:

Transaction code / SPRO
SAP CRM IMG menu / Customer Relationship Management ® Master Data ® Organizational Management ® Organizational Data for Sales Scenarios ® Define Distribution Channels

2.  Choose New Entries.

3.  Enter the following values:

Dis. Chan. / Description /
10 / for example Direct Sales
20 / for example Wholesale
30 / for example Other Sales

4.  You can enter additional distribution channels, but for the SAP Best Practices scenarios only channels 10, 20, and 30 will be used.

5.  Save your entries.


Distribution channels for CRM have been successfully defined.

3.1.4  Defining Combination of Distribution Channel and Division


In this step, you can define combinations of distribution channels and divisions that can be assigned as attributes to the sales organization to define a sales area.


1.  Access the activity using the following navigation options:

Transaction code / SPRO
SAP CRM IMG menu / Customer Relationship Management ® Master Data ® Organizational Management ® Organizational Data for Sales Scenarios ® Define Combination of Distribution Channel and Division

2.  Choose New Entries.

3.  Enter the following values:

Distribution Channel / Division /
10 / 10

4.  You can enter additional combinations but for the SAP Best Practices scenarios only the combination listed in the table above will be used.

5.  Save your entries.


Combination of distribution channel and division has been successfully defined.

3.2  Set Up Integration Business Partner – Organizational Management


For you to use your existing organizational units in orders, the system must create business partners from these organizational units. The system uses the Organizational Unit role for the business partners it creates from organizational units.

3.2.1  Defining Number Range for Org Business Partners


For each organizational unit created in the organizational model a business partner is generated automatically. For this business partners a number range has to be created.

If you don’t define a number range the created business partner will get a number that belongs to other business partner types, for example consumers.


1.  Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code / BUCF
SAP CRM IMG menu / Cross-Application Components ® SAP Business Partner ® Business Partner ® Basic Settings ® Number Ranges and Groupings ® Define Number Ranges

2.  Before creating new number range intervals you have to delete the SAP default number ranges.

3.  Choose Change Intervals.

a.  Business partners are already created for a number range.
In this case the value of field Current number is higher than 0 and a deletion of the number range is not possible.
Set the upper limit of the number range (field To number) to the value of field Current number.

b.  No business partners have been created for the number range.
In this case select the number range and choose Delete Line (F7).

4.  In the next steps you define the number range for Org business partners.

5.  Choose Insert Line (F6).

6.  Enter the following values:

Field / Value / Remarks
No. / Y4 / Choose an ID with leading ‘Y’
From No. / 0004000000 / If you use numeric values make sure you add leading zeroes to the value until the full length of the field is reached.
To number / 0004999999 / If you use numeric values make sure you add leading zeroes to the value until the full length of the field is reached.
NR Status
Ext / / Internal number assignment is required.

7.  Choose Insert.

8.  Choose Save.

9.  Confirm the information window Transport number range intervals with Continue.


You have successfully defined number range for Org. business partners.

3.2.2  Defining Grouping for Org. Business Partners


For each organizational unit created in the organizational model a business partner is generated automatically. The number range that was created in the section Defining Number Range for Org Business Partners (SAP CRM) has to be assigned to a grouping. This grouping can be used for selecting the number range when creating a business partner.


1.  Access the activity using the following navigation options:

Transaction code / SPRO
SAP CRM IMG menu / Cross-Application Components ® SAP Business Partner ® Business Partner ® Basic Settings ® Number Ranges and Groupings ® Define Groupings and Assign Number Ranges

2.  Choose New Entries (F5).

3.  Enter the following values:

Field / Value / Remarks /
Grouping / Y4 / The grouping must have the same ID as the assigned number range
Short name / Org BP
Description (EN) / Business Partner (Organizational Unit)
Number range / Y4 / The number range you have created for Org Business Partners.
External / / Internal number assignment is required.

4.  Choose Enter.

Int.Std.Grping / Selected
Ext.Std Grping / Deselected

Make sure that the ID of the grouping is identical with the ID of the assigned number range.

5.  Choose Save.

6.  Select a customizing request.

To maintain additional languages highlight the new grouping and choose Goto ® Translation.
Select the relevant languages and maintain the translations.

Language / Short Name / Description /
EN / Org BP / Business Partner (Organizational Unit)
DE / Org BP / Geschäftspartner (Organisationseinheit)
ES / Org BP / Interlocutor comercial (unidad organizativa)
PT / Org BP / Parceiro de negócios (unidade organizacional)
ZH / Org BP / 业务伙伴(组织单位)
FR / Org BP / Partenaire (unité organisationnelle)
JA / 組織BP / ビジネスパートナ(組織ユニット)
RU / ОРГ BP / деловой партнер (организационная единица)
AR / Org BP / شريك الأعمال (وحدة تنظيمية)


A grouping has been created and the number ranges have been assigned.