LangSem Friday 30th August 2013
Guest speakers + Conveners
Presenters/conveners and NZALT Waikato exec members are in alphabetical order. Please refer to the first presenter named on the programme for more details about that presentation. There are more details about the ilep National Advisers, TPDL and Edventure Tours in the LangSem pack which you will receive on the day.
After 30 August, presentations, resources and links will be posted onto the Learning Languages Waikato wiki:
Merimeri Anania
Kaitakawaenga (Facilitator) for te reo Māori in English-medium schools
Merimeri will be at session1 to support teachers of te reo Māori.
See session 1 under Dr Christine Biebricher and session 4 under Jeanne Gilbert.
Alicia Aparisi Escrihuela – final plenary
My name is Alicia Aparisi Escrihuela. I come from a coastal city of Spain, Valencia. I studied English Studies but I am currently I'm working as a Spanish Assistant at Rangitoto College, Auckland. In Spain, I am also a contemporary and hip-hop dance teacher, but I like to dance all styles.
Jo Barber
Convener of the Japanese section
Jo Barber is Head of Languages at Hamilton Girls' High School and is the current President of NZAJLT. She has a passion for all languages and a strong interest in eLearning, and she never goes anywhere without her ipad.
Session 2: see under Tomoko Semba
Session 4: (I English)Technology is your friend: eLearning to engage your students will cover the following types of eLearning:
- how to make power points interactive
- BYOD ideas and policies
- QR codes
- ipad apps and uses in the language classroom
- useful websites for creating as well as practising language.
The session will be in English and be mainly generic, some of the apps and websites will be Japanese but most are useful to all, and anyone with an interest in eLearning in Languages is welcome. Feel free to bring your own device to experience these ideas for yourself.
Dr.Christine Biebricher
Professional Learning Co-ordinator for ilep, Auckland
Session 1: (in English) recommended for generalist (primary) teachers at curriculum levels 1 + 2: Christine will talk about what literacy is, support of literacy development in a different language and the processes involved in reading comprehension. She will have readers in a range of languages and an example for an interactive pre-while-and post reading activity for them. There is space for discussion and development of other ideas or activities related to reading. Merimeri Anania will be present to support teachers of te reo Māori in this session.
Linda Brown
Kaitakawaenga (Facilitator) for te reo Māori in English-medium schools
Session 2: (in English) It’s cool to korero – a tuakana/teina interactive communicative workshop for all teachers of te reo Māori focussing on levels 1 + 2 of the curriculum.
Jean-Marc Dépierre - directeur Alliance Française Auckland
– DG de Alliance Française en Nouvelle Zélande et aux Iles Cook
Session one: (in French) “L’interculturel en classe de langue: dépasser ethnocentrisme par un enseignement de la relativité”
Britta Frogley
LangSem Manager
Lead Teacher Learning Languages at Berkley Normal Middle School – femme formidable!
David Hall
Senior Vice President of NZALT, Treasurer of NZALT Waikato
David is HOD Languages at St Peter’s School, Cambridge. He is teacher of French, German and other bits and pieces! He is also currently Treasurer for NZALT Waikato. He taught French for 6 years in Brunei Darussalam. His other main passion, apart from his family, is music.
Chris Hamilton
Edventure Tours – see brochure in LangSem Pack
Dee Edwards
Dee Edwards is the National Co-ordinator Learning Languages in the Secondary Student Achievement contract supporting schools in the Northern and Central North regions. This role focuses on raising the achievement of all students especially priority student groups and those with special learning needs. Key foci areas of this support include 21st Century learning and literacy in the context of the NZC (2007). Dee is currently the secretary of the NZALT Executive.
Session 3: (in English) Thinking critically at Level 3 NCEA.
Bernadette Egan
Kaitakawaenga (Facilitator) for te reo Māori in English-medium schools
Session 4: see under Mat Jennings
Pablo Mateu Garcia
Spanish National Adviser ilep, Wellington. - see information sheet in LangSem Pack.
Session 2: (in English) Programmes and opportunitiesto support teachers of Spanish.
Pablo will talk about various aspects of support: What the Ministries of Education of New Zealand and Spain can do for you. In the second half of this presentation he will also present a classroom activity.
Session 4: Programas de apoyoy actividades para el aula de español. This session is in Spanish.
Jeanne Gilbert
LangSem Co-convener and Convener of the Curriculum levels 1 + 2 section
Jeanne’s passion is language learning! She is a Kaitakawaenga (Facilitator) for te reo Māori in English-medium schools, and also Teaching Fellow for a Senior Secondary Learning Languages paper at the Faculty of Education, University of Waikato. Currently her main priority is facilitating te reo Māori in English Medium schools. Her first second language is German but she has also facilitated in French, Spanish, Japanese and co-facilitated in Chinese. She is a very long term member of NZALT and NZALT Waikato, having held positions on both executives.
Session 2: (in English) Getting going with second language teaching? Prioritising the principles, understanding modes/skills and making literacy links. This session is intended for primary generalist teachers who have not yet had any PLD around the teaching of an additional language. The session will briefly introduce Ellis’ 11 principles and prioritise them; introduce the concept of linking into prior knowledge through cognates or loan words and emphasise the role of the 6 modes/skills. All activities are interactive and exemplify turning theory into practice. Links to resources for implementation will be made.
Session 4: (in English for all languages)Curriculum Integration and TBLL – Healthy Eating. Pedagogy, Language and culture - What is input, output and interaction? This session will provide an interactive model of curriculum integration, planning documents and processes around Task Based Language Learning (TBLL) and make sense of 3 of Ellis’ principles introduced in session 2.
Pascale Hyboud-Peron
Convener of the French section
I am a secondary teacher of French, currently the Secretary / Treasurer for NZAFT and NZAFT Listserv moderator. I redesigned and continue to maintain My interest in eLearning has led this year to the introduction of myPortfolio, an e-portfolio platform, to Languages teachers.
"L'éducation ne consiste pas à gaver mais à donner faim" - Michel TARDY
Mat Jennings
Kaitakawaenga (Facilitator) for te reo Māori in English-medium schools
Session 2 – see notes under Linda Brown.
Session 4: (in English) Creative strategies for differentiation in a language classroom. This workshop focuses on te reo Māori but would be relevant to teachers of other languages in a secondary school context.
Hein Laaper
Convener of German Section
Hein is a teacher of Japanese and German at Waikato Diocesan School for Girls.
Shelley Mackay
President NZALT Waikato 2013
Shelley is a teacher of French at Waikato Diocesan School for Girls.
Session 3: (in English) Taking the Bogey out of Teaching as Inquiry. This workshop comes from a 2012 secondary cluster context (French) but would be relevant to all teachers participating.
Kheya Mair
Teacher of French at Papamoa College
Session 4: (in English)Teaching and Learning French in a MLE (Modern Learning Environment)
Nadine Malcolm
Lead teacher te reo Māori at Hukanui Primary and teacher te reo Māori at Southwell
See session 4 under Jeanne Gilbert.
Glenda Palmer
French National Adviser ilep Auckland - see information sheet in LangSem Pack.
Using iCLT to promote interaction in French
Session 2: (in English) this will be an interactive opportunity for generalist and specialist teachers where Glenda will workshop a highly adaptable tool, suitable for formative assessment and encouraging interaction. Cultural resources will be presented alongside a peer assessment tool to demonstrate how activities/tasks based on these resources can increase oral output.
Dee Reid
Project Manager for te reo Māori in English-medium schools and online LD in te reo Māori, The University of Waikato.
‘Ko te reo te manawa pou o te iwi Māori’
Dee is employed by the University of Waikato to support te reo Māori in English-medium schools. She assists schools to design and implement quality school-wide te reo Māori programmes in partnership with iwi and whānau, and works with teachers to further develop their pedagogical content and subject knowledge to enhance the effectiveness of the teaching and learning of te reo Māori in their schools and classrooms.
Dee is also the project leader in an online professional learning and development programme for te reo Māori - Te Manawa Pou. This project involves teachers from throughout New Zealand, participating in the programme that has three main focus areas: improving teachers’ te reo Māori proficiency, enhancing effective language teaching practices and designing and implementing a school-wide te reo Māori programme in partnership with iwi and whānau.
Session 1: (in English) eLearning in a te reo Māori context. BYOD if you like.
Anne-Louise Robertson
Anne is a teacher of French and Spanish and expert in all things to do with eLearning at
Waikato Diocesan School for Girls.
Session 3: (in English) "Language Learning Tools"
"Language learning continues to work in the same way regardless of the technology available. The idea that you need to experience input in the target language and have ample opportunity to use the language for real communication still holds."
Anne will talk about how technology can be really useful for us as language teachers but that it has to be embedded and blended effectively into teaching programmes and that the tools we use have to be selected carefully for their pedagogical usefulness and effectiveness in the classroom.
She will demonstrate some tools that she uses and how she uses them. Teachers will be able to explore these if they have their own devices with them.
Dorota Roznawska
Convener of the Spanish Section
Dorota is a teacher of Spanish at Hamilton Girls’ High School
Liz Scally
My role is to appoint and oversee the work of all the Exam Setting and Marking teams for Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Samoan and Spanish.I also work with the MOE on standards review and curriculum related material insofar as they impact on exams. In my time at NZQA I've also had responsibility for Drama, Home Economics, Geography, Accounting, Economics, and been part of the Technology team. Most of my teaching career was spent teaching Science, Biology and Maths, and I was part of the bilingual unit at Aranui High for 6 years. I was originally Primary trained, and have always found that very useful.
Session 3: (in English) NZQA externals. What’s new?
Tomoko Semba
Japanese National Adviser ilep Auckland - see information sheet in LangSem Pack.
Session 1: (In English with Japanese examples) Designing a task for iCLT for the Japanese Language classroom. Tomoko will make a brief introduction of iCLT; Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching. She will then talk about tips for designing tasks for iCLT. This workshop is suitable for all teachers.
Session 2: (in English) Creative ideas for teaching and learning Japanese script - Tomoko Semba and Jo Barber
Tips and tricks, strategies and resources to teach Japanese script to students of all ages. We will cover introducing hiragana to complete beginners, use of websites and realia for katakana practice, and how to keep seniors motivated in their study of kanji. This session will also include a hands on calligraphy lesson delivered by our National Adviser, Semba Sensei.
Faith Tautuhi
Faith is a teacher of te reo Māori at
Waikato Diocesan School for Girls.
See session 4 under Mat Jennings.
Tarraleigh Te Moni
Tarraleigh is a teacher of te reo Māori at Sacred Heart Girls’ College.
See session 4 under Mat Jennings.
Dr Constanza Tolosa
Lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the University of Auckland.
Dr. Tolosa has been a language instructor in Colombia, the United States and New Zealand for over twenty years and her current research is focusing on the implementation of Learning Languages curriculum in primary schools and Learning Languages and globalisation.
Session 1: (in Spanish) Interaccion dentro y fuera del aula con tecnología
Paula Willacy
Paula is HOD Languages at Thames High School where she teaches French.
Please refer to Shelley Mackay for more details about her co-presentation in session 3.
Christine Williams
NZALT Regional Officer for the Waikato and Co-convener of LangSem
is HOD Languages at Matamata College where she teaches Japanese. She is also year 9 Dean.
Wang Yu
National Adviser Chinese, ilep Auckland - see information sheet in LangSem Pack.
Session 1: (in English) Support for teachers of Chinese
See session 4 under Jeanne Gilbert.