“Sticky” Notes

Here are the requirements for your sticky notes.

·  Question: Good readers get questions in their minds as they read. A question might be about a character or an action. It might be a question about a word you can’t figure out. It might be a question about something you don’t understand. Write your question/comment on the sticky note. NOTE: Do not write a comprehension question meant for someone to answer. Your question should be one YOU want the answer to!

·  Favorite line: This might be an image that is created in your head, a line of text or dialogue that you find humorous, poignant, meaningful, revealing. Write the comment on the sticky note. Use correct page citation format. This means put the comment in quotation marks and write the page number after it in parenthesis. Copy accurately. Explain what you liked about this line.

·  Connection/Evaluation: Good readers make connections and evaluate information as they read. Find text that prompts thinking. Your thinking may be a judgment or evaluation about the information in the text. It may be a connection (to self, to another text, to the world, to a theme) with the information in the text. Include you’re the book action + your connection.

·  Important: Figure out what’s important. Write what it is and tell why you think it’s important. Actions, thoughts or spoken words can be important. Things that are important affect character, plot (action) or theme.

·  Design: Create a design motif appropriate to the story for use on all four of your sticky notes. It may be a border design or a symbol in the corner of the notes, or a heading across the top of each note. As inspiration for your design/drawing, you should consider the text information in each chapter. The same symbol must be on all four sticky notes for that chapter.

·  Title: Even though Sonnenblick has titled the chapters, it is your job to create a NEW and DIFFERENT title for each chapter on the line provided at the bottom of the sticky note page. Remember to enclose your chapter title in quotation marks and to capitalize it and spell it correctly.

·  Illustration: On occasion you will be asked to illustrate a chapter. You may select a scene to illustrate OR you may create a symbol or object that has significance for that chapter. Be sure to include good details from the story in your artwork.

Other requirements:

·  Be NEAT!



“Sticky” Notes for the chapter titled

(Enclose in quotes.)

Question Important (What is it and WHY do you think it is important?)

Connection/Evaluation (story + you) A favorite line + tell why (Use correct citation format!)

My title for this chapter: ______


Illustration for chapter titled ______

1. Use details from the text in your drawing.

2. EXPLAIN why this scene or symbol is important to character or action or theme.




