(UMH #202)
December 19, 2017
PO Box 2464
MUNCIE, IN 47307
(765) 282-2322
The indiana conference center and district centers will be closed December 25 through January 1. All will open on January 2.
Staff Realignment
leadership labs
2018 Winter lay academy
2018 winter mission workcamp
indiana conference umc trip to africa university
ministry with the poor matching grants
impact 2818: Outdoor ministries
continuing education units
clergy ethics
important dates for clergy calendars
2017 sermon contest open to laity
Bishop’s 2018 Israel trip
irs lowers mileage rates for 2017
2018 Dates and information for church treasurers
employment opportunities
certified lay minister program
east district umw news and events
vital congregations goals
youth ministries
important dates for your calendar
important links
2015-2016 educational opportunities
Staffing realignment
Greetings East District Friends,Many of you may have received an announcement this week regarding staffing realignment for our district administrative staff, and I wanted to also offer my praise for the leadership of our bishop and Conference Team in this work.
Bishop Trimble and Ian Hall, Conference Director of Administration and Financial Services, with the full support of the Extended Cabinet have announced a shift in staffing alignment of district administrative personnel of the Indiana Conference that will take effect January 1, 2018.
Through Phase I of the plan, all our current District Assistants who serve across the ten districts throughout the Conference will become Conference Assistants, assigned to a specific district, with supervision and support from the Conference Center.
I, personally, am thankful for the work and ministry of our Conference Assistant in the East District. Bernie Jamison will continue to support the work and ministry of the Conference Superintendent and other staff and teams in our district, as well as serve as the central resource to churches, clergy, and laity throughout the Indiana Conference.
Through this shift, the Conference Office of Administration and Financial Services, in partnership with the Extended Cabinet, Core Ministry areas, and Conference Assistants; will continue to study the administrative needs of the districts. This continued review will help us streamline:
*communications and information sharing,
*district finances;
*database administration;
*Minister Information Sheets (MIs) and Check Day;
*quality control;
*clergy moves; and
*customer service in the hopes to allow staff to do what they are best at in caring for the mission and ministry of the local church, districts, and the Indiana Conference.
And through all of the above provide a more efficient network of support for our Conference Assistants that work remotely.
To learn more detail about this plan and how it was incepted, please visit
If you have questions, please feel free to contact me, or you may also contact Kathy Mitchell, Associate Director of Support Services at .
Grace and peace,
David M. Byrum
leadership labs
Leadership Labs for Support Leaders of Emerging Leaders(directors, pastors, volunteers, part-time, full-time, new, experienced, teachers, leaders, mentors, and the list goes on…)
What are Leadership Labs?
- For all who support emerging leaders (children, youth, college students, young adults)
- Intentional Interactions in small group with 5-10 ministry leaders
- Discussion Based
- Spread out over 2 months (or more)
- 2 in person meetings and 2 online meetings
- No cost
- Connection and Growth
2018 winter lay academy
Sundays February 4, February 11 and February 18, 2018Muncie Riverside UMC
1201 N Wheeling Avenue
Muncie 47303
2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Basic Class and Advanced Classes; “You Can Preach” and “Transforming Evangelism”
Click here for Brochure/Registration Form
2018 winter mission workcamp
Plans for our 2018 winter mission workcamp are well underway. Based on a variety of factors, we have selected the Sebring, Florida area as our destination. Sebring is about 80 miles south of Orlando. The area was hit hard by Hurricane Irma.I’ve been in contact with the Florida UMC Disaster Response folks and they suggested Sebring. The Volunteer-in Mission Coordinator for Central Florida is based in Sebring and is on staff at the Sebring First United Methodist Church. The church has facilities to accommodate a group our size … sleeping space, kitchen, and showers!
So, here are the details to date:
Dates: March 11-17, 2018
Staying at: First UMC, Sebring FL
Anticipated Cost: $100/person for the week plus a contribution from our churches
We will again have our own cook crew. Everyone except the RV folks will need a cot or air mattress.
What will we be doing? The list sent by my contact in Sebring is as follows:
installing insulation and sheetrock
taping, mudding and texturing sheetrock
installing trim, doors, etc.
installing flooring – laminate or similar
repairing roofs or shingles
replacing kitchen and bathroom cabinets
tearing out damaged materials
other repair work as needed
A pre-trip meeting has been scheduled at the Hagerstown UMC for Sunday, February 11, 2018, at 2:00 p.m. to share additional information, answer questions, and fill out needed forms.
Please consider this mission opportunity. We always seem to be of help to folks in need, and we have a good time in the process! Please extend this invitation to others in your church. If you have any questions, please call or email us. Let us know of your interest as soon as possible so we may better plan the details.
indiana conference umc trip to africa university
Late October 2018 (approximately October 22 to November 8) travel from Indiana to Zimbabwe. Scholarships are available for young lay and clergy United Methodists. Click here for complete information.ministry with the poor matching grants
Applications are now being accepted for a new matching grant program for Ministry with the Poor. The grants are being funded through the Pyle Trust. These grants are only available to churches this year. Click on this link for complete details. Deadline for application is March 1, 2018.impact 2818: outdoor ministries
2018 That Thing Registration!It's time! Set your alarms because over the next week Registration for That Thing 2018 will begin in 3 different phases.
If you are wanting to book multiple lodges, your registration will open today (11/7) at 9am sharp! Click here to register.
If you are wanting to book a single lodge, your registration will open Thursday (11/9) at 9am sharp! Click here to register.
If you are wanting to book half a lodge, your registration will open next Tuesday (11/14) at 9am sharp! Click here to register.
continuing education units
We have updated the guidelines for clergy continuing education and spiritual formation. All clergy are encouraged to complete this form and have it returned electronically by June 30 or submitted with the Summer Conversation form to the District Assistant. The CEU information and form can be found at this link:clergy ethics
It was determined in the Fall of 2014 that the Indiana Conference needed to take a deeper look at the former “clergy boundaries and diversity training” experience. Since that time, a focus group of diverse clergy was convened for conversations, and a task team was created, to begin dreaming about the new possibilities to satisfy this requirement.We are excited to be in partnership with the Lewis Center for Church Leadership to provide Clergy Ethics online, with the course Maintaining Boundaries in a Digital Age. The cost for clergy is $25.00, and all clergyclassifications (associate members, elders, deacons, local pastors, supply, provisionals, and certified candidates) are required to complete the online clergy ethics course, by December 31, 2018. Additional information, along with login instructions can be found at this link: A list of those who have completed the course will be provided to districts on bi-annually.
Additional opportunities at Covenant Day and Life Together will be provided in late-2018 to enhance and expand the learning/expectations regarding clergy ethics.
important dates for clergy calendars
October 25, 2017, Clergy Covenant Day at Zionsville UMC from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.February 10, 2018, CLM Orientation
February 16-17, 2018, Our Life Together at Indianapolis Marriott East
April 13& 14, 2018, CLM Academy
October 6, 2018, Laity Day with the Bishop
bishop’s 2018 israel trip
Pastors, join Bishop Julius Trimble and First Lady Racelder Grandberry-Trimble in Israel. The dates are January 29 through February 7, 2018. You would be out of the pulpit for one Sunday unless you choose an extension to Egypt or Jordan.Pastors can earn a trip for every 5 full-paying passengers that accompany them. This does not add to the cost for those traveling with you. There are savings for those passengers who register in the next 5 months. Brochures are now available by registering for the cruise with Educational Opportunities Tours. If you are not yet a tour host it is easy to do so.
Feel free to contact Norm Nellis if you have interest or questions. He is the Trip Coordinator for the Bishop and is currently serving Pine Village UMC. He would be glad to talk with you or help you promote the trip. Contact Info: Norm Nellis, 765-491-5011 or
irs increases mileage rates for 2018
The mileage rate has been increased to 54.5 cents per mile for business miles driven. Details here.2018 dates and information for church treasurers
The 2018 East District Tithe Form is available on the website atThe Church asking for 2018 is 1.15% of your tithable income.
January 15 Last day for prior year tithe payments
January 31 4th quarter 941, W2s to employees, W3, W2s to SSA (Earlier deadline!!), 1099s to
Independent contractors
February 15 Year end reporting closes, 1096, 1099s to IRS
February 28 WH3s to IN Dept of Revenue
April 1 Property tax exemptions to local assessor’s office (if changes)
April 30 1st Quarter 941
May 15 Form NP20 to IN Dept of Revenue, Personal property tax forms to local assessor’s office
May 31 Local church audit form to Conference Center
July 31 2nd Quarter 941
October 31 3rd Quarter 941
Useful websites
Audit/Financial Report Form click here
Financial forms on Indiana Conference website
General Council on Finance & Administration
Indiana Conference
UM giving
Indiana Department of Revenue
IRS forms
General Board of Pensions and Benefits
employment opportunities
College Avenue UMC – (MUNCIE) SEEKS CHANCEL CHOIR DIRECTOR We are searching for a Chancel Choir director (8-10 hours/week) to support our sanctuary worship service. Responsibilities include conducting the Chancel Choir, selecting anthems, recruiting musicians, and supporting the worship service. Candidates should have musical gifts, a passion for worship, organizational skills, a spirit of hospitality, and experience in a church or similar setting. For a job description, please visit For more information, e-mail or call 765-289-7337.Albany UMC – Albany, Indiana (20 minutes northeast of Muncie or 25 minutes southwest of Portland) is looking for a part-time Church Secretary (up to 20 hours/week). If you enjoy crafting high-quality worship bulletins, keeping an office running smoothly, making people feel valued, and working closely with a pastor, this position might just be for you! Starting pay is $10.00 per hour with opportunities for raises, and we can help you set a work schedule that fits your other weekly responsibilities. Contact Pastor Jake Ohlemiller ( or 765-637-8965) for more information--please have a resume handy.
Eaton UMC in Eaton, Indiana (about 20 minutes from Muncie) is looking for a pianist and/or organist to play during Sunday morning worship service from 9:30 to 11:00 AM. Pay is negotiable. If interested please contact Jesse Bivens @ 765-768-6848 (leave a message and will get back to you).
HARTFORD CITY TRINITY UMC is seeking to hire a worship leader. The worship leader works with the lead pastor to plan, organize, and lead worship. Trinity Church has a blended style of worship that uses traditional elements of worship in a modern way. We are looking for someone who will help us build up the music portion of worship.If interested or you know someone who would be interested please contact Pastor Dustin Jones at 765-618-5344.
A good candidate will:
- be able to play guitar and/or piano as well as vocally lead
- be willing to try new things
- be willing to play hymns as well as contemporary music
- have a teachable attitude that is open to learning from others
- be able to work with and lead others
MUNCIE HIGH STREET UMC (219 S. High Street, Muncie) is seeking a Financial Administrator who will manage the financial operations for the church. This includes accounts payable, payroll, budget management, database management, and reporting. Prior accounting and bookkeeping experience required. Please email resumes and cover letter to Rev. Stacee Fischer Gehring () and check the church website for more information
East district umw news and events
March 2017 NewsletterDecember 2016 Newsletter
September 2016 Newsletter
June 2016 Newsletter
March 2016 Newsletter
pastors—have you activated your INUMC email account
Vital Congregations/GCFA will be using inumc.org email addresses for pastors exclusively. So now your inumc.org email is a necessity. Once activated you can have it forwarded to your personal email address. Eventually this will be the only email address used by the District as well. Carla (877-781-6706) at the Conference Center will be happy to help you if you experience problems.vital congregation goals
Based on the email address you submitted when you enrolled you will receive a weekly email reminder to submit your information. You may submit it weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly.REPORTS - Once you enter and save your weekly information, you can click on the “Reports” tab at the top of your screen to see your local church’s dashboard of information.
QUESTIONS - Email if you have further questions or call 317/564-3254.
Click here for policy resources. There is also “Safe Sanctuaries” material available through Cokesbury at .LOCAL CHURCH NEWS AND EVENTS
Covenant Partners Ministries – Community Day at Covenant Partners provides groceries, cleaning supplies, and personal care items, along with breakfast, legal advice, hair cuts, and blood pressure checksto people in need of those services, on the fourth Wednesday of each month except December which is the third Wednesday.A meal is provided after the 4:00 Sunday worship service. If you are interested in making/serving a meal, please contact (765) 284-2545 at set up a Sunday evening.
Clothing and household items are made available to the community the 1st Friday of each month May through October 11 a.m. –2:00 p.m. You are welcome to bring clothing and household goods to Covenant Partners the week of the give-away. Any questions, just call 284-2545 M-F 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Food List for Community Day
2 small cans of tuna
1 18-oz jar of peanut butter
1 jar of jelly
2 cans of vegetables (any kind)
1 box cereal (any kind)
1 can applesauce or other fruit
2 cans of soup
1 box spaghetti
1 jar spaghetti sauce
1 box of corn bread mix
Cleaning/Personal Care Supplies
1 bar or bottle of unscented hand soap
Laundry detergent (small bottle or box)
Dish detergent (16 oz)
Facial tissue (1 box)
Toilet paper (4 rolls)
Place in brown bags with handles, if possible.
Covenant Partner Ministries Holiday Needs
CHRISTMAS DAY OPEN HOUSE – (Need hams and turkeys by December 11 or 12. Everything else by December 21 or 22)
5 spiral cut hams
2 10-12 lb. turkeys
sweet potatoes for baking
2 10 lb. bags of white potatoes for baking
6 # ten cans green beans
French bread...... can buy at Walmart already sliced/ $1.00 a loaf
desserts/candies...... homemade if possible
hot chocolate packages
sour cream
margarine in tubs
Muncie High Street UMC – High Street Travelers 2017 Trips: December 5-7, Blues Christmas at Graceland. For pricing and information contact Deb Heeter by email
Muncie Riverside UMC – Wood Carvers & Crafters at Riverside
Wood Carvers & Crafters come together at Riverside UM Church on the 1st, 3rd and 5thThursdays each month at 10:00am to work on their projects and share ideas with one another. Beginners always welcome. Bring your projects and necessary project materials. Riverside is located at 1201 N. Wheeling Ave., Muncie, IN. Call 288-4257 for information.
Muncie St. Paul’s UMC – Come to Muncie St. Paul’s UMC for Lunch, Good Food, Fellowship & Fun. Open to public 4th Friday of each month at noon. RSVP by Wednesday prior to lunch at 765/288-6454. Cost $3.50.
EventsTo order brochures
important links
Sign up for e-HUM, calendar, etc. –Camping –
Interpreter Magazine –
Church Leadership Job Descriptions from GBOD -
Secretary of State-Business Entity
UM Foundation of Indiana -
Vital Congregations -
2015-2016 educational opportunities
Clergy: Identify three clergy friends who will sign up for Financial Peace University. Call Mary Ann Moman to find a clergy class near you.Laity: Go to DaveRamsey.com (click Financial Peace University). Add your zip code to locate a Financial Peace University course near you.CEU’s for clergy:
For complete information on Continuing Education and forms click here.