Member Association of the Water Environment Federation
FWEA Big Bend Chapter
Steering Committee Meeting
October 14, 2014
12:00 noon
Hatch Mott MacDonald’s Office
I. Participants:
Tony Holley, Chair (TH)
Shanin Speas-Frost, Vice Chair (SS)
Sondra Lee, Director at Large (SL)
Catalina Weaver, Secretary (CW)
Mike Murphy (MM)
Jay Peterson (JP)
II. Old Business:
III. New Business:
A. Future Chapter Meetings:
January 2015:
Topic: Awards Banquet
Committee Member Responsible: MM
Location: The Front Porch
March 2015:
Topic: Stormwater Reuse
Speaker: Rick Renna
Committee Member Responsible: SS
Time: 11:45 am
B. Future Steering Committee Meetings:
December 9
Location: Hatch Mott MacDonald
Time: 12:00 noon
C. Winter Seminar:
Date: November 4
Topic: Wastewater Impacts on Environmentally Sensitive Areas
Location: Red Cross Building – TH has reserved
Lunch: Honey Baked Ham – SS will coordinate
Registrations: SL will contact Karen Wallace to set up registration website. CW will send out e-mail to members with flyer and registration link. Registration cut off will be November 3rd.
Moderator: Pearce Barrett, CW will confirm.
Refreshments: TH will get coffee, creamer, sugar, sweetener, cups, stirrers and doughnut holes.
SL will get napkins, cups and pitchers of water.
Sponsorships: CW will contact Chen Lin and Mike Bruce. MM will contact TSC Jacobs, Water Resource Technologies and Precon.
Set up: Steering committee members will meet at 8:30 am.
TOPIC / PRESENTER’S NAME / Bio Received?Bacteriological Impairment and TMDLs / Darryl Joyner, FDEP / Yes
SB 536 Study & Reuse in Northwest FL / Leigh Brooks, NWFWMD / SS will get
Recent Developments in Springs Protection & Restoration in Florida / Eric Olson, Hopping Green & Sams / Yes
Innovations & Regulations for Septic Systems for Environmentally Sensitive Areas / Eberhard Roeder, FDOH / Yes
Wakulla Springs BMAP Development / Catherine Bray, City of Tallahassee / SL will get
Wetlands as Waters of the U.S. / Stacy Cowley, FDEP / SS will get
D. Golf Tournament:
Date: December ??
Committee Member Responsible: JP
Location: ?
Prizes: Academy gift cards, CW to purchase.
No goody bags
E. Water Festival:
A special meeting to discuss this event will take place on November 18th, at noon in the HMM office. SL will find out how to get the existing materials from FWEA. CW will start a budget spreadsheet.