Nancee Hunter Phone 541-867-0357
2030 SE Marine Science Dr.Fax 541-867-0320
Newport, OR 97365
Professional Credentials
Portland State UniversityGeographyM.S. 1997
Arizona State UniversityPolitical Science B.A. 1992
Director of Education, Oregon Sea Grant 2007-Present
Assistant Professor (Geosciences), Oregon State University 2007-Present
Director of Education and Outreach, National Geographic Society2003-2007
Korean Studies Fellow, Korea Society2004
Project Manager, National Geographic Society2001-2003
Teaching Assistant - Remote Sensing, Portland State University2000
Research Assistant, Oregon Geographic Alliance1999-2000
GIS Lab Assistant, Portland State University1999
Teaching Assistant, Climate and Water, Portland State University1999
GIS Project Consultant, City of Portland Parks and Recreation Dept.1999
Publications (selected)
Web Site: “Geography Action 2001-2006” (
Educational Posters: “Public Lands of the United States,” “Kids Take Action! Be a Habitat Hero,” “Human Migration,” “Everyday Explorer,” “Hands-On Explorer: Africa” 2001-2006
Activity Guide: “Forces of Nature Activity Guide” – Companion to the giant-screen film, FORCES OF NATURE. 2003
Teacher’s Guide: “Forces of Nature Teacher’s Guide” - Companion to the giant-screen film, FORCES OF NATURE. 2003
Wild Things 2003 Habitat is…Home Sweet Home – in conjunction with U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service. Satellite Broadcast, Video, and Teacher’s Guide
* Winner of National Association of Interpretation 2004 Media Award
Educational Video and Activity Guide: “Go Wild! Take Action! Conservation Activities and Video for Middle-School Students” 2002
Family Activity Guide: “Lewis and Clark Great Journey West” – Prepared by National Geographic and Destination Cinema, Inc. for the giant-screen film Lewis and Clark: Great Journey West. 2001
Hunter, N. (2001) Forecasting Turbidity Events from Winter Climate Variability Indices in the
Bull Run Watershed, Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon. Master’sThesis - Portland
State University
Hunter, N. (1998) Using Geographic Information Systems for Evaluation of Sellwood Neighborhood Population and Community Service Information. Published Report for City f Portland Parks and Recreation Department.
Synergistic Activities
- Oversee Las OLAS, bilingual marine science programming to reach Hispanic and Latino populations and bring them into science museums in Oregon - 2007 to Present
- Virtual Teacher Workshop Graduate Instructor - Empty Oceans - 2007
- Coordinated professional development workshops and meetings among K-12 educators and researchers across the U.S. - 2001-2006
- Evaluation Learning Institute - 2005
- Innovations in conducting a series of hands-on student/teacher field studies for underserved populations to have an in-depth and first hand learning experience at National Marine Sanctuaries and urban centers around the U.S. - 2001-2004
- Certified Interpretive Trainer (CIT), National Association of Interpretation - 2003
Collaborators and other Affiliations
Bulman, T. (Portland State University); Cava, F. (National Geographic Society); Cone, J. (Oregon Sea Grant); Dierking, L. (Institute for Learning Innovation); Feldberg, M. (Oregon Sea Grant); Hungness, L. (National Geographic Society) Immucci, E. (National Geographic Television and Films); LeVasseur, M. (National Council for Geographic Education, Jackson State University); Rowe, S. (Oregon State University); Strube, T. (Oregon State University); Truitt, L. (National Geographic Television and Films).
Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors T. Bulman (Portland State University); D. Johnson (Portland State University); R. Koch (Portland State University)
Total graduate students and postdoctoral scholars currently sponsored: 4
Resume, Hunter, 1