Mr. Seok Name: ______
Intro to Computer Programming
Assignment 12 – Academic Calendar
With all the days off in the beginning of the year, it would’ve been nice to have a program that told us what days we had off and what days we were in school. Write a program that does the following:
1) Asks the user for the month, and the day of the month, separately.
2) Then have Python check whether school is in session that day. You will have to refer to our academic calendar. Half days, holidays, and even weekends should be accounted for. You are only required to cover from September to December of 2016.
3) In addition, you will also include the reason as to why we are off that day.
4) You should account for days that are invalid entries, i.e. September 31st is not a valid date. If the user inputs a day before September, then you can treat this as an invalid entry, i.e. June 2nd is not a valid date.
5) Finally, I would like you to prompt the user as to whether they would like to check another day. If prompted “yes” then you should loop your program, if not, then your program should end.
Your program should look something like this:
Good morning! Would you like to see what kind of school day it is? yes
Month: 10
Day: 12
October 12is Yom Kippur and is a school holiday. You do not have school today!
Enjoy your day off.
Would you like to check another day? yes
Month: 9
Day: 24
September 24is a weekend. You do not have school today!
Go crazy …
Would you like to check another day? yes
Month: 9
Day: 32
This is not a valid date, please try again.
Month: 11
Day: 18
November 18is a regular school day.
Get up … go to school …
Would you like to check another day? yes
Month: 6
Day: 22
This is not a valid date, please try again.
Month: 11
November 23is a half day. You will end school at 12:30.
Would you like to check another day? no
Okay, have a great day!
6)You will be asked to submit this assignment in two formats. The first is via the website, using the Classroom platform on the Repl.IT website. Second, you should submit it as a Notepad file via Dropbox following the instructions below.
Your program should be named as follows: Pd ___LastNameFirstName Assignment 12and inputted into my Dropbox. Again, if you Dropbox it once, it should be in there. You can trust the system. DO NOT ask me whether I received it, PLEASE.