Top of Form

STATEMENT / Strongly Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
1. / I feel that I am a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others. / / / / /
2. / I feel that I have a number of good qualities.. / / / / /
3. / All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure. / / / / /
4. / I am able to do things as well as most other people. / / / / /
5. / I feel I do not have much to be proud of. / / / / /
6. / I take a positive attitude toward myself. / / / / /
7. / On the whole, I am satisfied with myself. / / / / /
8. / I wish I could have more respect for myself. / / / / /
9. / I certainly feel useless at times. / / / / /
10. / At times I think I am no good at all. / / / / /

Your score on the Rosenberg self-esteem scale is: .

Scores are calculated as follows:

  • For items 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7:

Strongly agree = 3
Agree = 2
Disagree = 1
Strongly disagree = 0
  • For items 3, 5, 8, 9, and 10 (which are reversed in valence):

Strongly agree = 0
Agree = 1
Disagree = 2
Strongly disagree = 3

The scale ranges from 0-30. Scores between 15 and 25 are within normal range; scores below 15 suggest low self-esteem.




Name of the candidate and address
(in block letters) / MISS. SANTOSHI KUMARI
Course of Study and Subject / M. Sc. NURSING
Date of Admission to the course / 15.07.2010
7. / Title of the Topic
Brief resume of the intended work
6.1 Need for the study
‘Keep the river of life flowing, give blood regularly’
Blood is a priceless gift and there is no substitute for human blood. Blood is that magic portion which give life to another person(1).Blood transfusion is the process of transferring blood or blood based products from one person into the circulatory system of another.In the earlier days, for transfusion whole blood was used, but modern medical practice commonly uses only components of theblood.Blood is separated in three components thus it saves three lives(2).
Blood accounts for 8% of the human body weight with an average density of approximately 1060kg/m3. The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 liters, composed of plasma and several kinds of cells like erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes. Blood serves numerous functions in human body including oxygen and nutrients supply,waste removal ,immunological reactions ,regulation of pH and body temperature.(3)
Increase in life expectancy rate, urban development and associated increase in accidents and specialized surgeries requiring blood, the rate of blood usage is on the increase. There has been steady decline in blood donation although the demand for transfusion continues to rise (4).According to WHO,about 3000 peoples die daily in the world because of road traffic accident, majority as a result of massive blood loss(5). Out of the several factors causing bleeding, post partum haemorrhage (6 lakhs maternal death/year in the world(6)) and bleeding disorders(1 out of 10,000men in United states(7)) stand next to road traffic accidents. Every two seconds someone needs blood. More than 38,000 blood donations are needed every day.
In developing countries, approximately 50% of blood donation are made by either voluntary or by paid donors. India is in need of about 8 million unit of blood every year, out of this only half that is around 4million units can be obtained from voluntary blood donors. Rest all comes from replacement donors, relatives and paid donors. Only 5.5 -6 million unit blood is collected annually. If only 3% of eligible population donates their blood, there will be no shortage of blood and it’s components in blood bank(9). In the primary health centres, the need of blood may be 3 units per bed per year, while at a super speciality surgical hospital the need may be as high as 25 - 30 units /bed /year(8).
The knowledge is the confident understanding of a subject with the ability to use(9). An attitude is a complex mental state involving belief and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways(10).Astudy was conductedon knowledge attitude and socio-demographicfactors of donors and non-donors among 402 subjects in urbanslums of Delhi which showed that 22.4% had not heard about blood donation and only 10.9% were aware of their own blood group.It also stated that only 6.4% had correct knowledge regarding of inter donation intervals and 6%had donated blood before.Out of the subjects,blooddonors were likely to have a more favourable attitude than non donors in their general perception about blood donation, societal needs, positive feelings concerning blood donation that it will not cause any harm to the body.The study concluded that public had lack of knowledge and low attitude regarding blood donation. Those who knew own blood group were nearly 8 times more likely to donate as compared to those who did not. There is a gap in the awareness (cognition) and practice (behaviour).(12)
A study was conducted in King Khalid Hospital, Saudi to assess the attitude, beliefs and level of knowledge regarding blood donation.It was found that 81.7% of the non donors were between 15-30 years had low attitude and knowledge regarding blood donation(12). Attitude belief and level of knowledge associated with blood donation vary among people. There is growing evidence that public perceives blood transfusion as risky although there is remarkable advances in blood safety programmes. Non donors stated that long distance travel, transportation difficulty,time commitment, getting a break from office or work time, different fears, mistrust,lack of information and motivation as the major barrier for blood donation(12).
As per the report of blood donation awareness campaign by National Service Scheme (NSS) of Government Medical College Nanded, it was found that students from Arts and Science colleges have a less response rate as compared to professional college students regarding blood donation. About 60% blood was obtained from medical and engineering students (19).
Youth are healthy, active, dynamic, and receptive and constitute a greater proportion of population. A healthy attitude among college students will bring change as they are the backbone of the country. The first step for attaining this goal is to perform comprehensive studies about knowledge and attitude of the students towards blood donation. A healthy attitude among college students will bring changes as they are the backbone of the country. They need to be encouraged inspired and motivated to donate blood voluntarily(10)
Over a million blood units are collected from donors every year; nevertheless, many more millions still need to be collected to meet the global demand and ensure sufficient and timely provision of blood. This shows that blood donation is a highly relevant issue worldwide that calls for the government commitment to it as well as research in this field.(8) Those who knew own blood group were nearly 8times more likely to donate as compared to those who did not.There is a gap in the awareness (cognition) and practice (behaviour)(12).
Comparingwith the need there exists a shortage of 3million units of blood which may increase up to 4.2million units annually.In this present scenario, theme of world blood donor day focuses on commitment from healthy individual(youth of age 18-25yrs) to become voluntary unpaid blood donors and commitment from existing voluntary donors to continue to donate regularly.Even though blood donation is common, youths are still reluctant to donate blood. They have to be encouraged, inspired and motivated to donate blood voluntarily through community based agencies. During clinical posting researcher felt that there is scarcity of blood in hospitals during an emergency. Since there exist a significant relation between knowledge attitude and practise, the researcher felt the need to assess the knowledge and attitude of college students towards blood donation.
6.2) Review of literature
A cross sectional study was conducted in Iran, to study about knowledge, attitude and practice regarding blood donation, among 1394 people (697 women and 697 men). They were asked to fill a specially formattedquestionnaire. Result showed thatless than half of the population under study were aware about the appropriate age for blood donation and certain deferral criteria.Majority(98%) of them believed that blood donation is a moral duty with a spiritual reward and 38% of the population under study(60% of men and 16% of women) had donated blood at least once in past. Women and young people had the least of knowledge and performance. Although the attitude level of women was high, their performance level was very low. Result showed a direct relationship between knowledge attitude and performance (p=0.000).It was observed that with an increase in level of knowledge and attitude, the performance level was also increased.(4)
A cross sectional descriptive study on attitude towards blood donation was conducted among 400 people who got health services from the Bang Sapan Hospital in Thailand. A self administered questionnaire was used and analysis showed that less than 50% people had good attitude. Attitude of subjects significantly correlated with their level of education. It was found that only 14% of the subjects had overall good attitude, 76% had an overall fair attitude and 10% had an overall poor attitude. Study showed thatthere was no significant correlation between attitude and sex. Also, there was no significant correlation between attitude and age. But there was a significant correlation between attitude and education level of the subjects.Study suggested that every blood bank should design a program for provoking knowledge in order to improve the attitude of the people.(13)
A descriptive study was conducted among 200 students of the university of Dhaka Bangladesh on knowledge and attitude towards voluntary blood donation. In this study 82% participants had positive attitude towards blood donation,only 16% of the participant had never donated blood voluntarily. Among non donor respondents, physical harm and fear were found to be the common reasons for not donating blood. Results also showed that a high number of respondents (93%) had a positive attitude towards paid blood donation.(14)
An interventional study was conducted on 100 first year engineeringstudents of PSG technology of Loyola college Chennai to know effectiveness of health education program consisting of charts and display in improvement of their knowledge attitude and practice regarding voluntary blood donation. It was found that knowledge of student’s improved by 40% and the practice of voluntary blood donation in a blood donation camp conducted by them was 50.9%.(15)
A study was conducted in Northern India among 300 adultsto assess their attitude regarding blood donation .An over whelming majority (78.7%) of people responded they had donated blood to save their family member, relatives or friends. Fifteen (15%) respondents said that people donated blood to be healthy, 37% responded that they donated blood to get some free investigation done for HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis and 27% responded they donate for money. On the contrary minority respondents (46%) were ready to donate blood voluntarily,only 12.7% of respondents had ever donated blood while 87.3% had never donated at all. Among ever donors, gender wise men donors were found to be more, (89%) were married, and half of them were 30 to 39 years age group. As per capita income or level of education increased the percentage of blood donors also increased.(16)
A descriptive study was done on knowledge, attitude beliefs and motivations about blood donation, anda total of 542 blood donors from Lagos State University Teaching Hospital were interviewed with questionnaires. It wasfound a that large number of them (92.9%)donated because of the benefits they would obtain from the hospital, like antenatal registration (67.15%) and saving the lives of relatives(25.8%).Even though many of the donors were educated (98.9%), majority had university degrees (36.15%) and had heard about blood donation before, (52.4%) of them believed that they can contact human immunodeficiency virus or hepatitis infection from blood donation. A good number (47.0%) were afraid of the side-effects, such as weight loss (23.8%), sexual failure (5.9%), high blood pressure (5.2%), sudden death (3.3%), and convulsions (1.47%).About 41% preferred certificates as an incentive for donation, whereas 13.6% preferred money, less than 3% would like that their names got announced or published in the media and 2.58% would donate for nothing. It was recommended that an intensive blood donation campaign should be maintained as this will allow people to be well informed, turningthe positive attitude of saving life through blood donation to a regular practice.(17)
A cross sectional study was carried out at the Armed forceshospital Sharourah kingdom of Saudi Arabia, during January 2003.500 individual interviewed, 291(58.2%) were donors and 209 (41.8%) were non donors. Four hundred and seventy one (94.2%) replied that a person more than 45 years of age cannot donate blood, 51.2%(107 out of 209) of non donors answered that one could donate blood once a year. Out of 291 donors 186 (63.9%)donated blood to their family members or friends and 105 (36%) were volunteer blood donors. Non donors 89 (42.6%) replied that they were not approached by anybody. For blood donation 80 (38.3%) considered themselves unfit for donation due to weakness.(18)
6.3 Statement of the problem
“Assessment of knowledge and attitude of student regarding blood donation in selected colleges at Mangalore.”
6.5 Objectives of the study
  1. To determine the level of knowledgeof students regarding blood donation.
  2. To find out the attitude of students towards blood donation.
  3. To find out the relationship between knowledge and attitude regarding blood donation among students.
6.5 Operational definition
  1. Blood donation :- Blood donation ,also called blood banking ,refers to the process of collecting, testing, preparing, and storing, whole blood and blood components intended primarily for transfusion for health needs.11
  2. Attitude:-In this study it refers to the expression of feelings of students towards blood donation as measured by an attitude scale.
  3. Knowledge:- In this study it refers to the subjects correct response to knowledge questions as measured by a structured knowledge questionnaire on blood donation.
  4. Students:- Students studying Arts , Science or Commerce degree course in selected colleges at Mangalore.
6.6 Assumption
The study assumes that students may,
  1. have some knowledge regarding blood donation.
  2. willingly participate in the study
  3. give awareness about blood donation to the people.
6.7 Delimitations
The study is delimited to,
Students studying Arts, Science and Commerce degree coursesin selected colleges at Mangalore.
6.8 Hypothesis
H1- There is a significant relationship between mean knowledge scores
and mean attitude scores of students on blood donation.
H2- There is a significant difference in mean knowledge score of students
between different streams of education.
H3- There is a significant difference in mean attitude score of students
between different streams of education.
Material and Methods
7.1 Sources of data
Students who are studying arts,science and commerce, from selecte
colleges at Mangalore.
7.1.1 Research design
Descriptive correlation research design will be used for the study.
7.1.2 Setting
The study will be conducted in selected colleges at Mangalore
7.1.3 Population
The population selected for the study are students doing graduation in
Art , Science and Commerce subjects in selected colleges at
7.2 Method of Data Collection
7.2.1 Sampling procedure
In this study, disproportionate stratified random sampling will be use
to select sample from the selected colleges at Mangalore.
Total number of colleges in Mangalore
Random sampling

College I College II College III College IV CollegeV

35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

105 105 105 105 105
S:- Science, C:- Commerce, A:- Arts
7.2.2 Sample size
In this study the sample size will be 525 students between the ag
group of 18 - 25 years.
7.2.3 Inclusion criteria
Students studying Arts or Science or Commerce degree course who,
  • are willing to participate in study.
  • can read and write English.
  • are between the age group of 18 – 25 years.
7.2.4 Exclusion criteria
Students those who have participated in similar study earlier.
7.2.5 Data collection methods
Prior to data collection permission will be obtained from the concerned College authorities for conducting the study. Written consent will be obtained from the subject. Subject will be selected according to criteria of study. Data will be collected using structured knowledge questionnaire on knowledge and attitude scale on blood donation.
7.2.7 Plan for data analysis
Data would be analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
7.3 Does the study require any investigations or investigations to be
conducted on patients or other human or animal?
7.4 Has ethical clearance been obtained from your institution in case
of 7.3?
List of references
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8. / Signature of the candidate
9. / Remarks of the guide
10. / Name and designation of (in block letters)
10.3Co-guide (if any) / MRS:DIANA LOBO
11 / 11.1Head of the department / PROFF:LARISSA MARTHA SAMS
12. / 12.1Remarks of the Chairman and Principal