Personal Information Form–SSAC Committee Member
Please complete on your own PC and returned by email to . If completing by hand, please use black ink to assist with photocopying. This form must be returned to the Department of Work and Pensions with your CV and accompanying letter which should set out how you meet the criteria for the role.
Part 1: Your personal details
Home address
Home contacts / Phone / Mobile
Business address
(if applicable)Postcode
Work contacts / Phone / Mobile
(if applicable) / Fax / Email
Which address would you prefer Home Address Business Address
we use for correspondence?
Preferred e-mail addressYour current job title
Part 2: How you found out about these posts
Please as appropriate
Public Appointments Website / Which oneFrom the cabinet office
From the (SACC) Website
From the DWP
Word of mouth
Other Website e.g NEDonBoard, / Please give details
Part3: Declaration of interests
Do you have any business or personal interests that might be relevant to the work of the SSAC and which could lead to a real or perceived conflict of interests were you to be appointed? (Failure to disclose such information could result in an appointment being terminated.)
No / YesIf yes, please give details below:
Part 4: References
Please give details of two referees, at least one of whom must be related to your recent professional activity. They will not be approached unless you are invited to interview. An appointment will not be offered until we have received satisfactory references.
Tel No
/Tel no
How do you know him / her?
/How do you know him / her?
No / YesMay we contact them before interview?
Part 5: Future contact
If you are unsuccessful in this application, may we keep your contact details on our records to inform you of other public appointments for which we think you might be a suitable candidate?Yes
Monitoring Information
Most of the information requested in this form including in Parts 6-14below is not seen by the panel assessing your application (though the panel may consider your declaration of interests in Part 3).
Your name:Your postcode:
Part 6 – Age
35 & under
Part 7 – Gender
Male / FemalePart 8 – Ethnic Origin
White / Black or Black British / Asian or Asian British / Chinese and other / MixedBritish / African / Bangladeshi / Chinese / Asian & white
Irish / Caribbean / Indian / Any other ethnic background / Black African & white
Any other white background / Any other black background / Pakistani
Black Caribbean & white
Any other Asian background
Any other mixed background
Part 9– Disability
No / YesDo you have any long-term illness, health problem or disability which may affect your daily activities or the work you can do?”
If “Yes”, it would be helpful if you could let us know how we could adapt the working environment to meet your needs and/ or what other assistance we could provide to help you.
Part 10 – Political activity question
All applicants for a public appointment should complete the question below.
This question is asked as it enables the monitoring of political activity of candidates for public appointment in so far as it is already in the public domain. Neither activity nor affiliation is a criterion for appointment (except where statute dictates specific representation).
If you are successful, the information provided will be published with the announcement of your appointment.
Please indicate which of the following activities you have undertaken during the past five years by ticking the appropriate box and by providing details of your involvement. Name the party or body for which you have been active. If you have been or are an Independent or have sought or obtained office as a representative of a particular interest group, you should state this. You should tick all relevant categories.
Obtained office as a Local Councillor, MP, MEP, etc.Stood as a candidate for one of the above offices
Spoken on behalf of a party or candidate
Acted as a political agent
Held office such as Chair, Treasurer, or Secretary of a local branch of a party
Canvassed on behalf of a party or helped at elections
Undertaken any other political activity which you consider relevant
Made a recordable donation to a political party[1]
Name of Party for which activity undertaken:
Details of involvement:
None of the above activities applyPart 11: How would you characterise your previous career profile:
Mainly Civil ServiceMainly Private Sector
Mainly wider public sector
Mainly third sector
Part 12: Ministerial appointments currently held
Is this your first ministerial appointment?
No / YesDo you hold any other Ministerial appointments made by or on behalf of Ministers?
No / YesIf "yes" please give the following additional information
Body / Period of appointment / Payments received / GovernmentDepartment
From / To
Part 13: Publication of monitoring information
Information on the composition of public bodies is published. The Cabinet Office may need information on ethnic origin and disability in response to Parliamentary Questions and other public enquiries and the Data Protection Act requires that those providing this information must be informed and their consent given, even though individuals are not identified.
Do you consent, therefore, to this information being made publicly available?
No / YesPart 14: Declaration
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in this form is complete and correct. I further confirm that I have considered and understood the criteria for disqualification from appointment and that I do not fall within any of the descriptions of persons specified in those criteria. I understand that if I am appointed and the information I have provided is subsequently found to be untrue then my tenure of office may be terminated. I also confirm that I have read and I am fully aware of the standards of probity required by public appointees as outlined in the Code of Practice in Appendix 4).
Please note if you are submitting your application by email we do not require a hard copy in the post. A signature will only be required if you are appointed.
Signature / DatePlease return completed forms to:
Alternatively, please post to:
Carmela Keogh
ALB Public Appointment Team
Department for Work and Pensions
Private Pensions and Stewardship
1st Floor, Caxton House
Tothill Street
[1]The Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 requires the Electoral Commission to publish a register of recordable donations (donations from any individual totalling more than £5000 in any calendar year, or more than £1000 if made to a subsidiary accounting unit such as a constituency association, local branch, women’s or youth organisation). These provisions became effective from 16 February 2001.