Minutes of the meeting for the

Upper South Fork John Day River Watershed Council

The Upper South Fork John Day River Watershed Council met on the 14th day of April, 2014.

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am, by Phil St. Clair at the Izee Schoolhouse in Izee, Oregon.

In attendance for regular session:

Phil St. Clair
St. Clair Ranch / Joanne Keerins
Keerins Ranch / M.T. Anderson
Inshallah Ranch / Susan Horn
GC Rd. Dept. / Amy Stiner
Terry B.
GC Rd. Dept / Werner Arntz
Ferguson Surveying / Scott Myers
GC Court

Due to phone malfunction, Jason Kehrberg (Grant SWCD), Richard Nelson (Izee Ranch), and Theresa DeBardelaben (ODA), were unable to attend via conference line.

Susan Horn from the Grant County Road Department informed the council concerning the failing culvert on the St. Clair Ranch. The road department has hired Ferguson Surveying and Engineering, Werner Arntz, to assist in the advising and proper installation of a new culvert. The new culvert will be 4 feet wider, 24 feet, and 12 feet tall. It will be bottomless, and cement footings will be used. They have based this culvert design on 25 year flood events. They would like to use a temporary bridge structure until the culvert can be completed. The Road Department will have to wait for the water to be low enough to pour footings, but can begin before the in-stream work window with approval from ODFW. They believe start to finish this installation should take 2 weeks, and hope to begin mid to late June.

The road department also has 3 other projects they would like to perform in the Izee area, and would like to try to complete during the in-stream work period this year.

Sue Horn can address any questions or concerns in regards to the Road Department activities (541-575-0138).

The March meeting minutes were reviewed, M.T. made a motion to approve the minutes, and an email approval will be sought for a unanimous approval.

Scott Myers, Grant County Court Judge,

The council boundary changes were discussed with Scott. He had attended a meeting of the John Day River Core Team, where the Council boundary change had also been discussed. The Council also discussed creation and follow up of a CRMP group for the lower portion of the new boundary. The Council assured Scott of their intention to remain focused on the Upper South Fork of the John Day River at this time. Scott was also informed of the type of projects the Watershed Council focuses on; upland, Mule Deer enhancement, and stream restoration.

Scott wanted to stress the importance of commenting on the new revised 10 year Forest Plan. Some changes that concerned him were making McClellan Mtn. into a wilderness area, and increased restrictions on grazing practices. It was agreed that the Council would try to produce a comment letter before the June comment period deadline.

Coordinator Report:

  1. Update on Technical Assistance Grant, it has been completed and mailed.
  2. Update on Aspen Restoration Grant
  3. The grant had been moving ahead, then match funding could not be found, then match funds were found through NRCS EQIP money.
  4. Phil signed the grant application pending email consensus, which Jason Kerhberg was able to provide.
  5. Council Eligibility
  6. Needs assessment, reorganization and additions according to the watershed assessment, mule deer initiative, subbasin plan, and landowner information.
  7. Council boundary map, is completed and on display in the Izee school house.
  8. Population data, in working with Kyle Sullivan at Grant SWCD, the ownership and census information has been obtained for the entire Watershed Council Boundaries. The population totaled 541 people, and absentee landowner information still needs completion.
  9. Update on Trainings through the month
  10. Grant SWCD invitation to bid for hardened water crossings.
  11. Staking Crep fence with NRCS
  12. Conservation Innovation Grant Webinar through NRCS
  13. NRCS is looking for grant applications regarding implementation of new technologies, and proven research. The projects have to be different than anything they regularly perform, and has to address a natural resource concern. The main categories of concern are; energy, air quality, water quality and quantity, plant health, soil quality, and wildlife habitat. More information can be obtained at
  14. March hours, the Council reviewed the Coordinator’s March hours, and approved pending email consent, again provided by Jason Kehrberg.
  15. Billing request for printing and mailing costs for grant submittals. This will be kept and completed for May council meeting.
  16. A time extension has been completed and submitted for the Historical Monitoring Grant. Sue Greer has approved and passed on to Salem with stipulations regarding accountability to OWEB and the Council. OWEB would like to see progress reports, and status updates throughout the year to ensure the project is moving forward. Council members present would also like a presentation regarding progress and achievements.

Future agenda items:

  1. Forest Plan comment
  2. Council By-laws, Needs Assessment, and Work Plan updates with Sue Greer.
  3. Historical Monitoring Plan update
  4. Follow up with Dirk Renner (Partners for Fish and Wildlife), Oregon Wildlife Heritage Foundation, and Mike Tatum (Aspen specialist).

May meeting date was set to May 19th from 1:00-3:00 at the Izee Schoolhouse.

At 12:00 the meeting was adjourned.