Defence Determination 2007/10
I, SUSAN JANE PARR, First Assistant Secretary Personnel, Personnel Executive, make this Determination under section 58B of the Defence Act 1903.Dated 21 March 2007
First Assistant Secretary Personnel
Personnel Executive
This Determination is Defence Determination 2007/10, Overseas conditions - amendment.2
This Determination commences on 22 March 2007.3
Defence Determination 2005/15, Conditions of Service, as amended,1 is amended as set out in this Determination.4
/Clause 14.3.20 (Loss or damage during storage)
omit the clause5
/Subclause (Post index)
omitof more than 2%
of 2% or more
/Annex 15.2.A (Post indexes)
substitutethe Annex set out in the Attachment to this Determination
1. / Defence Determination 2005/15 commenced on 31 May 2005. For previous amendments see Note to Defence Determination 2007/1 and see also Defence Determinations 2007/2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8 and 9.
As at 26 March 200722 March 2007page 1
Annex 15.2.A: Post indexes
Posting location / Applied index / Published indexAUSTRIA / 140.9 / 140.9
BAHRAIN / 100.0 / 81.7
BELGIUM / 136.9 / 136.9
CAMBODIA / 100.0 / 79.0
CANADABritish Columbia / 116.1 / 116.1
CANADAOntario / 119.7 / 119.7
CANADA Other / 111.0 / 111.0
CHINA / 107.9 / 107.9
COOKISLANDS / 138.1 / 138.1
EGYPT / 100.0 / 73.9
FIJI / 100.0 / 87.3
FRANCEParis / 141.8 / 141.8
FRANCE Other / 134.8 / 134.8
GERMANY / 142.1 / 142.1
INDIA / 100.0 / 77.0
INDONESIA / 100.0 / 93.0
IRAQ / 100.0 / 0.00
[Note:no price data is available for this location.]
ISRAEL / 128.5 / 128.5
ITALY / 137.9 / 137.9
JAPAN / 150.6 / 150.6
JORDAN / 100.4 / 100.4
KIRIBATI / 129.9 / 129.9
KOREA / 158.7 / 158.7
KUWAIT / 100.0 / 93.8
LEBANON / 104.8 / 104.8
MALAYSIA / 100.0 / 71.4
MARSHALL ISLANDS / 115.5 / 115.5
MICRONESIA / 116.1 / 116.1
NETHERLANDS / 129.3 / 129.3
NEW ZEALANDWellington / 110.7 / 110.7
NEW ZEALANDAuckland / 108.4 / 108.4
NEW ZEALAND Other / 108.7 / 108.7
PAKISTAN / 100.0 / 73.6
PALAU / 127.6 / 127.6
PAPUA NEWGUINEA / 111.4 / 111.4
PHILIPPINES / 100.0 / 72.8
SAMOA / 109.3 / 109.3
SAUDI ARABIA / 100.0 / 77.3
SINGAPORE / 103.7 / 103.7
SOLOMON ISLANDS / 121.9 / 121.9
SPAIN / 122.9 / 122.9
SWEDEN / 134.2 / 134.2
SYRIA / 100.0 / 89.2
THAILAND / 100.0 / 85.0
TIMOR-LESTE / 111.4 / 111.4
TONGA / 106.2 / 106.2
TURKEY / 126.7 / 126.7
TUVALU / 155.0 / 155.0
Posting location / Applied index / Published index
UKLondon / 153.9 / 153.9
UK Other / 133.4 / 133.4
USAAlaska / 129.4 / 129.4
USACalifornia / 117.5 / 117.5
USAColorado / 104.5 / 104.5
USA Connecticut/Rhode Island / 114.4 / 114.4
USAFlorida / 111.4 / 111.4
USAGeorgia / 104.6 / 104.6
USAIllinois / 118.1 / 118.1
USAHawaii / 131.0 / 131.0
USAManhattan / 131.1 / 131.1
USA Maryland/Virginia, including WashingtonDC / 120.5 / 120.5
USAMassachusetts / 114.8 / 114.8
USAMissouri / 106.9 / 106.9
USANew YorkState, excluding Manhattan / 124.1 / 124.1
USATexas / 100.9 / 100.9
USAWashingtonState / 114.3 / 114.3
USA Other / 106.8 / 106.8
VANUATU / 134.7 / 134.7
VIETNAM / 100.0 / 75.6
Defence Determination 2007/10
This Determination amends Defence Determination 2005/15, Conditions of Service (the Principal Determination), made under section 58B of the Defence Act 1903 (the Act). Chapter 14 of the Principal Determination deals with removal conditions for members travelling to or from a long-term posting overseas. Chapter 15 of the Principal Determination deals with overseas living allowance and education costs for members of the ADF on long-term posting overseas.
This Determination has three purposes.
- To remove a redundant provision relating to compensation for goods in storage.
- To amend the methodology for the calculation of post indexes.
- To implement revised post indexes that apply to the overseas locations where ADF members serve. The post index is worked out from local prices surveyed in March and September each year by the data service provider. An exchange rate movement in the national currency of 2 per cent or more over two pay periods then prompts an amending determination to vary the post index.
Clause 1 of this Determination sets out the manner in which this Determination may be cited.
Clause 2 of this Determination provides that the Determinationcommences on22March 2007.
Clause 3 specifies that the amendment is made to the Principal Determination, as amended.
Clause4 omits clause 14.3.20 from the Principal Determination. This clause previously provided compensation to a member whose belongings were damaged while in Commonwealth storage, associated with duty overseas. The clause provided maximum amounts that could be paid.
The Department of Defence has contracted with a service provider to provide removal and storage services to members, including unlimited cover for loss or damage of goods in storage. The loss of clause 14.3.20 does not adversely affect outcomes for members.
Clause 5corrects an anomaly in subclause of the Principal Determination. The table in the subclause lays out a methodology for varying the post indexes, in which the amount of the index is varied if exchange rate calculations change by 2% or more from the calculations of the previous fortnight. Subclause previously described this as a change of more than 2%. The subclause has been varied to standardise the methodology so that the post index is varied if the exchange rate calculations change by 2% or more.
Clause 6substitutesa new Annex 15.2.A into the Principal Determination.The new annex changes post indexes at a range of posting locations.The changes are due to recent exchange rate movements.
- Post indexes have decreased for Jordon, Lebanon, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, Sweden, Timor-Leste, Tonga, the UnitedState of America, and Vanuatu.
- Turkey is a new inclusion.
- Column 3 of Annex 15.2.A shows the index published for the posting location by the data service provider. Where this figure is less than 100 it is not used in working out overseas living allowance. Sixteen locations have had the index in Column 3 adjusted to reflect latest costs. Rates of overseas living allowance for members in these locations do not change.
- All other locations remain the same.
Authority: Section 58B of the
Defence Act 1903