Pete Hammett, Elder………….………….August 12/13, 2017

The Survival of God’s Church
2 TIMOTHY 3:10-17

Bible scholars surmise that some portion of the Christian community during the time Paul wrote 2 Timothy wondered if the church would survive. This question is often considered today. Will the Christian church survive? Will other religions overtake Christianity? Will secular humanism overshadow the cross? Has the church, and specifically Christianity lost its relevance?

In this very short passage, Paul outlines for Timothy, and for us, God’s plan for how His church will not only survive, but continue to grow as a real and ever-present witness of God’s love, mercy, and grace.

A Brief Review of Our Journey Thus Far in 2 Timothy:

1. Paul is in prison and there’s little hope for his rescue.

2. Timothy is facing significant opposition in his ministry.

3. Persecution against the church and apostasy within the church were causing many to leave the faith.

Our Focus for Today’s Sermon:

Just as in Paul’s day, there are those who ask, “How will the Church survive?” But the question is more foundational because the Church is more than a building. The Church is us…the body of believers. So what we’re really asking is how can we as believers protect, strengthen, and secure our faith. In these few verses in 2 Timothy we have three clear answers to this question.

I. Our faith is strengthened when we pattern our lives after Christ. (2 Timothy 3:10-11)

A. Pattern our Character

1. The Greek word for ‘follow’ is parēkolouthēsas –“follow closely, especially through a detailed comparing; follow after closely; to resemble.” i

a. Ephesians 5:1-2

b. 1 Corinthians 4:16

2. The Greek word for ‘imitator’ is mimētḗs fromwhich we get the word mimic. In Greek, theword means, “the positive imitation that arisesby admiring the pattern set by someone worthyof emulation, a mentor setting a proper example” ii

B. Pattern in Experiences

1. Enduring difficult times knowing the Lord willrescue you

2. HHBC’s experience during this transition season

a. God is the head of His church

b. Our failings, His forgiveness, and healing

II. Our faith is protected by anticipating and preparing for trials, evil people, and impostors.

A. Don’t be surprised, but be ready with the shield of faith (Ephesians 6:16)

B. Test every claim of godliness (1 John 4:1-3)

C. When we encounter a crisis of faith

1. Lord I believe, help my unbelief (Mark 9:24)

III. Our faith is secure in the truth and sufficiency of God’s Word.

A. All Scripture is breathed out by God. iii

1. The Bible is the Word of God, not of man. WhileGod used men to pen His words, the words areGod’s. The Bible is God’s Word to us.

2. God’s Word, the Bible is true. Absolutely true.

Absolute truth – God’s Word is the standard bywhich we measure everything.

B. God’s Word is profitable (sufficient) for...

1. Teaching - imparting truth

2. Reproof - refuting error

3. Correction - straighten someone up –get us back on track

4. Training in Righteousness - spiritual training

5. Equipping the saint to grow in maturity,complete, fully qualified for every good work(iv).

Hebrews 4:12 – “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”


IV. Taking it home / making it real

A. Our faith is strengthened when we pattern of our livesafter Christ’s.

B. Our faith is protected when we anticipate and prepare for trials, deception, and evil.

C. Our faith is secure in the truth and sufficiency of God’sWord.

We cannot finish reflecting on how God strengthens, protects, and secures our faith until we wrestle with one troubling question…Why do some people leave the faith? Why do some who claim to believe, later reject Christ?

Why do you believe in Jesus?

We should all be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks for a reason for the hope that is in you. (1 Peter 3:15)

Why do you still believe? (v)

There may be times in our life when we encounter a crisis of faith. We may face evil in such a visceral way we’re shaken to our very core. Or the lies and deception of the enemy cause us to stumble or fall and then we wonder what is true or if God would ever take us back. God may just seem absent from our life and we wonder if He’s still there.

God is faithful to His promise to us, not because of our righteousness, but in spite of our sinfulness. While we were mired in our sin, God gave His son Jesus for us. The caution in asking; ‘why do I still believe’ is a suggestion that our salvation, our faith in Christ, is a result of something we’ve done. My faith in Christ endures not because I’m diligent in making use of the mercies of God. The only reason we can give as to why any of us continue on in the faith is because we have been preserved. The process by which we are kept in grace is something that is accomplished by God. My confidence is not in my ability to keep the faith. My confidence rests in the power of Christ to sustain me with His grace and by the power of His intercession.

Philippians 1:6 - “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

In preparation for next week’s sermon, please spend some time in 2 Timothy 4:1-8this week.




iii John Piper -

iv John MacArthur -

v RC Sproul -

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright © 2000; 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.