Associated Teachers’ TV programme
The Four Ages of Every Child: The First Age… 0-5
0001 10:00:09:03 10:00:13:02
I'd like all the normal things -
for her to be healthy and happy -
0002 10:00:13:02 10:00:16:23
but I think I'd really be happy
if she's happy with herself,
0003 10:00:16:23 10:00:20:13
so I want for her
what she wants for herself.
0004 10:00:31:19 10:00:34:05
(narrator) Brighton,
on the South coast,
0005 10:00:34:05 10:00:39:15
was chosen to pilot the government's
Every Child Matters initiative.
0006 10:00:39:15 10:00:43:09
Its ambition - to help every child
fulfil their potential
0007 10:00:43:09 10:00:45:14
and achieve their dreams.
0008 10:00:47:19 10:00:52:09
David Hawker is the man
leading the new Children's Trust.
0009 10:00:52:09 10:00:55:06
This programme,
the first in a series of four,
0010 10:00:55:06 10:01:01:00
looks at how Every Child Matters
affects the 0-5 age group.
0011 10:01:01:00 10:01:04:21
0-5 is about the best possible start
in life for children.
0012 10:01:05:19 10:01:09:06
Health, education, childcare.
0013 10:01:09:06 10:01:11:16
Good family support,
good parenting.
0014 10:01:11:16 10:01:13:17
Make sure the health checks
are there,
0015 10:01:13:17 10:01:19:13
make sure the parents are supported
to look after a very young child.
0016 10:01:19:13 10:01:21:13
(narrator) It's still early days,
0017 10:01:21:13 10:01:23:23
but the introduction
of Every Child Matters
0018 10:01:23:23 10:01:29:03
is starting to make a difference to
lives of young families in Brighton.
0019 10:01:29:03 10:01:33:10
Victoria lives with her partner Dave
in a tiny first-floor flat.
0020 10:01:33:10 10:01:37:20
She came to Brighton two years ago
and didn't have roots in the city.
0021 10:01:37:20 10:01:40:12
Dave, a builder, works long hours
0022 10:01:40:12 10:01:43:01
and Victoria was potentially
alone and isolated
0023 10:01:43:01 10:01:46:05
when she had baby Faith
three months ago.
0024 10:01:46:05 10:01:49:12
She wasn't alive when she was born.
She had to be resuscitated.
0025 10:01:49:12 10:01:53:01
They lost her heart trace
just as she was being born
0026 10:01:53:01 10:01:55:14
cos she had the cord
wrapped round her neck.
0027 10:01:55:14 10:01:59:10
It was more frightening afterwards
when I realised what had happened.
0028 10:01:59:10 10:02:02:00
They gave me an episiotomy
to get her out quickly
0029 10:02:02:00 10:02:03:20
cos they lost her heart trace.
0030 10:02:03:20 10:02:06:12
It took her ten minutes
to start breathing.
0031 10:02:06:12 10:02:10:10
It felt like 30 seconds to me,
but I didn't know until...
0032 10:02:10:10 10:02:13:12
They give you a report after.
They don't tell you anything.
0033 10:02:13:12 10:02:16:09
They don't like to
panic you or anything.
0034 10:02:16:09 10:02:20:15
I didn't even know if she was a girl
or a boy. They whisked her away.
0035 10:02:24:14 10:02:26:14
Aran, come here.
0036 10:02:27:21 10:02:32:03
(narrator) Any new mother encounters
a number of childcare professions,
0037 10:02:32:03 10:02:34:14
but for Victoria
there is real difference
0038 10:02:34:14 10:02:38:03
in the way that
the various agencies support her.
0039 10:02:39:03 10:02:43:12
She and Faith attend the new
Tarner Sure Start Children's Centre.
0040 10:02:43:12 10:02:46:05
Here, all the different services
for children
0041 10:02:46:05 10:02:48:22
are put together under one roof.
0042 10:02:50:11 10:02:53:15
(Victoria) Kim, she lives
at number 14 down the road,
0043 10:02:53:15 10:02:56:19
her little boy, Julian,
is nearly six months.
0044 10:02:56:19 10:03:00:24
But we usually walk to the
Tarner Centre along the seafront
0045 10:03:00:24 10:03:05:03
and at the end of the road there's a
cafe, and if it's nice we sit there,
0046 10:03:05:03 10:03:09:10
or we go into town and
go find a nice top or something.
0047 10:03:09:10 10:03:12:21
We walk from Hove,
yeah, from our road.
0048 10:03:12:21 10:03:15:02
(man) How far is it?
Is it down that way?
0049 10:03:15:02 10:03:19:10
It's about another 20 minutes,
I think, from here.
0050 10:03:19:10 10:03:22:15
It's taken us about ten minutes,
so it's about half an hour.
0051 10:03:22:15 10:03:27:18
I do have family - they live just up
the road - but obviously they work.
0052 10:03:27:18 10:03:33:04
I've got other brothers and sisters.
They can't come out all the time.
0053 10:03:33:04 10:03:37:13
My partner's auntie has had another
girl who's 12 weeks older than her,
0054 10:03:37:13 10:03:40:23
but they live in Portslade,
so it's a bit of a way to go.
0055 10:03:40:23 10:03:45:21
So it's just nice to have people
to socialise with, to talk to
0056 10:03:45:21 10:03:49:16
or if we've got a day off and
I don't want to watch telly all day,
0057 10:03:49:16 10:03:53:18
it's just nice knowing that
there's someone else there.
0058 10:03:53:18 10:03:57:10
I can just go and knock on their
door cos they're just over the road.
0059 10:03:57:10 10:03:59:23
The Tarner Centre
represents the new thinking
0060 10:03:59:23 10:04:03:10
that underpins the whole of
the Every Child Matters' agenda.
0061 10:04:04:13 10:04:09:06
Multidiscipline teams focus on the
care and development of the child,
0062 10:04:09:06 10:04:11:24
sharing information
to speed up procedures
0063 10:04:11:24 10:04:15:09
and allowing for early intervention
if required.
0064 10:04:15:09 10:04:20:17
No, it's quite new, quite unique
to be in this multidisciplinary team
0065 10:04:20:17 10:04:22:12
as health visitors.
0066 10:04:22:12 10:04:24:22
(man) What's the advantage?
0067 10:04:24:22 10:04:28:20
It means that we can give
the clients much more support
0068 10:04:28:20 10:04:32:00
and we can make referrals to people
like family support workers
0069 10:04:32:00 10:04:34:22
if a client is in need.
0070 10:04:34:22 10:04:38:07
So it works really well.
It's a fantastic way of working.
0071 10:04:38:07 10:04:40:17
It's definitely better
for clients, yes,
0072 10:04:40:17 10:04:43:12
and we have to learn
to work in a new way.
0073 10:04:43:12 10:04:45:08
(man) What's the new way?
0074 10:04:45:08 10:04:47:23
Working together,
sharing information,
0075 10:04:47:23 10:04:51:03
working with clients in an open way.
0076 10:04:51:03 10:04:56:18
We do joint visits together, so that
we're giving them a joined-up...
0077 10:04:56:18 10:05:00:11
Every Child Matters is probably
the most fundamental change
0078 10:05:00:11 10:05:03:07
in public policy
that we've seen for a generation.
0079 10:05:03:07 10:05:06:11
It's really,
I think, quite remarkable
0080 10:05:06:11 10:05:09:07
how the whole of the policy
has shifted around
0081 10:05:09:07 10:05:12:08
from it being driven
by lots of policies
0082 10:05:12:08 10:05:15:11
to being driven by the needs
of children and young people.
0083 10:05:15:11 10:05:17:21
So it's turned everything
inside out.
0084 10:05:17:21 10:05:22:15
And it's based around
what children's needs are,
0085 10:05:22:15 10:05:24:15
what their aspirations are.
0086 10:05:24:15 10:05:28:05
The five outcomes of Every Child
Matters are absolutely superb.
0087 10:05:28:05 10:05:30:05
You can get everything into them -
0088 10:05:30:05 10:05:33:06
being healthy, staying safe,
enjoying and achieving,
0089 10:05:33:06 10:05:36:20
making a positive contribution,
achieving economic wellbeing.
0090 10:05:36:20 10:05:41:02
I say to people if you've got those
five, you don't need anything else
0091 10:05:41:02 10:05:45:06
because everything else fits
into one or more of those five.
0092 10:05:46:13 10:05:50:08
(narrator) The Tarner Centre is just
the first of the Sure Start centres
0093 10:05:50:08 10:05:54:23
that David Hawker
hopes to roll out across the city.
0094 10:05:54:23 10:05:58:24
He outlines his plans to
the board of the Children's Trust.
0095 10:06:00:17 10:06:03:20
An important precursor to that
was the strategy
0096 10:06:03:20 10:06:06:19
for children's centres
across the city,
0097 10:06:06:19 10:06:09:16
in terms of
where they're going to be
0098 10:06:09:16 10:06:13:10
and how they'll relate together -
all be networked together -
0099 10:06:13:10 10:06:19:05
to provide a comprehensive,
early-years service for the city.
0100 10:06:19:05 10:06:22:18
The Sure Start project
is the most exciting thing
0101 10:06:22:18 10:06:26:04
that's happened in education
for many, many years.
0102 10:06:26:04 10:06:29:06
It's, if you like, the missing part
of the welfare state.
0103 10:06:29:06 10:06:32:17
It was meant to be cradle to grave,
but the cradle was never there.
0104 10:06:32:17 10:06:36:05
Under-fives were regarded,
mainly by Conservative governments,
0105 10:06:36:05 10:06:39:11
as nothing to do with the state.
They belonged to mothers
0106 10:06:39:11 10:06:42:14
and the state didn't intervene
until children were five.
0107 10:06:42:14 10:06:46:22
There was virtually no nursery
education free and available to all.
0108 10:06:46:22 10:06:50:23
Within the last eight years we've
seen universal nursery education
0109 10:06:50:23 10:06:54:18
for three- and four-year-olds, and
the start of the Sure Start project.
0110 10:06:54:18 10:06:56:18
It's still only beginning,
0111 10:06:56:18 10:07:00:11
but the idea that you can pick up
children from the very beginning,
0112 10:07:00:11 10:07:05:05
rescue those in danger of failing or
of being neglected or of suffering
0113 10:07:05:05 10:07:09:22
at the earliest possible stage - all
of the evidence forever has shown
0114 10:07:09:22 10:07:13:21
that what you can do for the
under-fives pays higher dividends
0115 10:07:13:21 10:07:16:01
than anything you do
for children later.
0116 10:07:16:01 10:07:20:20
The later you leave it, the harder
remedial care and treatment is.
0117 10:07:20:20 10:07:25:17
When I was pregnant I got a letter
and some leaflets in the post
0118 10:07:25:17 10:07:27:17
and didn't think much of it.
0119 10:07:27:17 10:07:30:20
Then, obviously, when she was born
0120 10:07:30:20 10:07:34:04
my health visitor
was contacted by my midwife,
0121 10:07:34:04 10:07:38:03
and that was Linda Evans
who works at the Tarner Centre
0122 10:07:38:03 10:07:42:08
and explained to me what the Tarner
Centre was and what it was about.
0123 10:07:42:08 10:07:46:15
What the centre's approach does mean
is that you can tap in very quickly,
0124 10:07:46:15 10:07:52:24
refer very quickly, communicate very
quickly with the appropriate support
0125 10:07:52:24 10:07:56:03
for a particular problem or issue,
0126 10:07:56:03 10:07:59:03
because we're all based
very closely together.
0127 10:07:59:03 10:08:00:18
Or you can bring people in
0128 10:08:00:18 10:08:04:19
and introduce them to
the facilities the centre has.
0129 10:08:04:19 10:08:07:09
I know Linda specifically.
0130 10:08:07:09 10:08:11:06
I know I can phone the Tarner Centre
and ask for someone to speak to
0131 10:08:11:06 10:08:14:07
that knows who I am, if you like,
0132 10:08:14:07 10:08:16:24
cos she does know who I am
when I phone up.
0133 10:08:16:24 10:08:19:23
I know they have lots of people
they look after,
0134 10:08:19:23 10:08:21:18
but it's nice having a one-to-one
0135 10:08:21:18 10:08:26:02
rather than speaking to a helpline
or something like that cos...
0136 10:08:26:02 10:08:28:16
I was cutting her toenails
the other day
0137 10:08:28:16 10:08:33:13
and accidentally snipped the side of
her toe and didn't know what to do.
0138 10:08:33:13 10:08:37:11
You can't put a plaster on it,
so I just phoned up and asked.
0139 10:08:37:11 10:08:40:03
It's nice to know there's someone
at the end of a phone
0140 10:08:40:03 10:08:43:03
who can reassure me
I haven't done something wrong.
0141 10:08:44:18 10:08:47:19
(narrator) Donna and Paul Tilley,
with their four children,
0142 10:08:47:19 10:08:49:20
were one of the first families
in Brighton
0143 10:08:49:20 10:08:54:08
to benefit from the introduction
of the Sure Start initiative.
0144 10:08:55:09 10:08:57:15
Say hi, Jade.
0145 10:08:57:15 10:09:02:11
And this little one here,
this is Harry. Harry, say hiya.
0146 10:09:02:11 10:09:05:07
Wave at the man. Say hiya.
0147 10:09:05:07 10:09:08:11
And the one in the white shirt
is Amy-Lou. Amy-Lou is seven.
0148 10:09:08:11 10:09:13:06
- Say hello.
- David's over there. David's six.
0149 10:09:13:06 10:09:16:20
When the system came into place
I was very new to the area.
0150 10:09:16:20 10:09:20:17
I didn't really have any friends
0151 10:09:20:17 10:09:25:18
and was looking for a drop-in group,
a toddler group - things like that.
0152 10:09:27:21 10:09:31:20
I think we offer the best
pregnancy group on the front.
0153 10:09:32:20 10:09:36:00
(woman) Maybe I should
take that down.
0154 10:09:39:05 10:09:42:20
(narrator) The support Donna
received in those early months
0155 10:09:42:20 10:09:45:05
was improved
by the close relationship
0156 10:09:45:05 10:09:49:03
between her health visitor
and playlink worker.
0157 10:09:49:03 10:09:52:07
We started having
playlink sessions.
0158 10:09:52:07 10:09:56:07
She used to bring
art materials, toys, books,
0159 10:09:56:07 10:10:00:04
and we'd play with Amy-Lou
for an hour.
0160 10:10:00:04 10:10:04:04
(narrator) Playlink workers are
part of the new multi-agency working
0161 10:10:04:04 10:10:06:17
taking place at
the children's centre.
0162 10:10:06:17 10:10:09:07
Receiving referrals
from health visitors,
0163 10:10:09:07 10:10:14:09
they knock on the doors of new
arrivals, offering help and support.
0164 10:10:15:09 10:10:17:07
It's not about relieving parents.
0165 10:10:17:07 10:10:22:07
It's about having time with the
parents and the children together.
0166 10:10:22:07 10:10:25:06
So the idea is parents can't just
do the ironing or have tea.
0167 10:10:25:06 10:10:28:08
We're all sitting and
playing together and chatting.
0168 10:10:28:08 10:10:31:02
From one visit to the next
it can be different.
0169 10:10:31:02 10:10:34:09
Sometimes a mum might need
five minutes alone, and that's fine,
0170 10:10:34:09 10:10:37:07
but the idea is that she enjoys
the time with her children.
0171 10:10:37:07 10:10:42:00
It's a break in your hectic day
sometimes that you need to sit down
0172 10:10:42:00 10:10:45:18
and think, "Yeah, I can do that.
That's a good idea."
0173 10:10:45:18 10:10:49:19
"That's something we could
do together at another time."
0174 10:10:49:19 10:10:51:19
Sometimes it's very simple things -
0175 10:10:51:19 10:10:55:15
you can play with a shoebox
and put things in it!
0176 10:10:55:15 10:10:58:06
But sometimes it's things
you wouldn't think about
0177 10:10:58:06 10:11:02:06