(A check off list for coaches)
____ 1. Go to ISA website and complete the Volunteer Disclosure Form. Submit a picture to Nicole Schilling via email, . This must be completed each season. Operations – Volunteer Disclosure Form – Online Volunteer Disclosure Form.
____ 2. Contact the parents on your roster as soon as possible. Tell them their child is on your team and either set the first practice time or let them know you’ll be contacting them when the first practice time is set. List the players on the team. Everyone wants to know who they’ll be playing with!
____ 3. Communicate what each player should bring to practice. The correct size soccer ball, water bottle and appropriate shoes.
____ 4. U8 and older teams will need to bring a wallet size picture to the first practice. These are needed to make player cards. Coach – bring an envelope to practice to collect these and keep them safe until the Registrar distributes the player cards.
____ 5. Make a pre-season hand out and establish a time and date for the pre-season parent meeting. Introduce yourself as the coach to any parent you may not know. Your hand out should include your contact info, practice times, goals and expectations for the season (such as arriving at least 15 minutes before game time).
____ 6. Make contact with your Team Parent. This person is your resource for administrative responsibilities (Treat Schedule, laminating player cards, team pictures, distribution of uniforms, calling parents for practice / game notifications). Make sure you use them.
____ 7. Hand out a copy of the game schedule and field directions to each parent. Make sure you give it to the parent – things get lost quickly. Or ask your team parent to delegate this task.
____ 8. Equipment bag pickup. This is for your use during the season. There will be a drop off time scheduled at the end of the season to turn it in.
____ 8. Contact the Director of Coaches with your practice time and location. Nicole Schilling,
____ 10. Review the Practice Plans enclosed to help you set up your first practice.
____ 11. Keep a list of parent, coach and board member contact info with you.
____ 12. Take player cards, roster and coaches pass to each game. U12 & U14 teams must report their score. Director of Scores, Tim York,
____ 13. Have Fun!