Advanced Placement Psychology

Mrs. Brown...AHS Social Studies Dept.

Why take A.P. Psych?

1) Obviously, a primary benefit of this course is the opportunity to earn college credit by taking the advanced placement test given in May.

2) Another benefit of this course is that it will emphasize critical thinking, an important skill in life and in any further education you pursue.

3) Finally, I hope you will gain deeper understanding of yourself and of others through the study of psychology. For many of you this may be your first experience with an exciting and constantly changing discipline.

The AP Test

1) The date for this year's AP Psychology test is on Monday May 5th. The fee for the exam is approx. $89

2) The exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions which count for two thirds of the exam score and two essay questions, which count for one third of the exam, score.

3) Students earn a grade based on a 5-point scale as follows:

5 = extremely well qualified

4 = well qualified

3 = qualified

2 = possibly qualified

1 = no recommendation

Most colleges will give college credit for a 3 or higher, although some have higher standards.


*Textbook: Meyers, David G. (2007). Psychology. New York: Worth Publishers.


1. 3 ring binder

2. A note book for:

reading notes

demonstration reflections

vocabulary (you may also use note cards or study guide packet for vocab.)


A large three ring binder is highly recommended. You will collect a great deal of notes, handouts, and articles and so on during the course. Some students find it beneficial to have a LARGE three ring binder for each semester.

Taking notes/ Study habits

You will be expected to take notes, process or highlight everything: readings, class demonstrations, and videos. Good note-taking and participation is crucial to success in this class. Suggested text pages for reading will be posted on the chalkboard for each unit. You will be given basic outlines for each unit. It is your job to expand your knowledge past the minimal information.


Each unit will include a term list. These terms will be taken mainly from the textbook, but additional terms will be taken from other sources. It is very important to learn the vocabulary. Study hints: flash cards, vocabulary notebooks, and highlighters for notes. Also, I will include a brief study guide with each vocab. list. If not, I have workbooks to accompany each chapter that you can check out from me.

Reflective writings/ Journals/demonstration comments

In order to fully comprehend and remember course material, it is important to reflect on it and relate it to other things. Students may be assigned reflective readings for each unit, depending on time and content. Reflective writings will be graded on completion, not opinion. MOST IMPORTANTLY, throughout the year we will be engaged in several demonstrations to illustrate certain concepts, ideas or themes. Some of these demonstrations will be seconds long and only use one student; others may take the whole class period as well as all of the students' participation. It is EXTREMELY important you


Participation is crucial for learning the material. Be here, be involved and volunteer for activities. It is vital for you to participate and be an active member of this class.... it will enhance your learning as well as the class dynamics. Homework: keeping up with the reading is an expectation that is crucial to your success. Other homework, projects, papers etc. will be assigned as appropriate. Some tasks will be larger than others, etc. You should plan on doing A.P. work every night. (at least 20 minutes).

Absences will not count against participation directly. HOWEVER, with an absence YOU are responsible to get the notes and materials missed that day.

Quizzes and tests

A test similar in format to the AP test (multiple choice/essay) will be given for each unit. In addition there may be one to two quizzes per unit. Also, there will be reading quizzes for the assigned reading in each unit. More will be addressed on this later.

Course material

The title of each unit, corresponding textbook chapters, approximate class time to complete, and percentage of AP exam is listed below.

AGAIN, all dates and time allotments etc. approximations, they may not be perfect...

I. Foundations of Psychology (12 days) 8-12 % of exam

Myers, introduction, chapter 1,

Supplemental readings

II. Neuroscience, genetics and behavior (13 days) 8-10%

Myers, chapter 2

Supplemental readings

III. State of Consciousness (5 days) 2-4%

Myers, chapter 7

IV. Sensation and Perception (11 days) 7-9%

Myers, chapters 5 and 6

V. Learning (6 days) 7-9%

Myers, chapters 8

VI. Memory and Cognition Myers, chapter 9 (13 days ) ( 8-10%, includes Thinking and Language unit)

VII. Thinking and Language (see above)

Myers, 10

VIII. Motivation and Emotion (11 days) 7-9%

Myers, chapters 12, 13

Happy Holidays J


IX. Developmental Psychology (11 days) 7-9%

Myers, chapters 3 and 4

X. Personality (11 days) 6-8%

Myers, chapter 14

XI. Intelligence (8 days) 5-7%

Myers, chapter 11

XII. Psychological Disorders (11 days) 7-9%

Myers, chapter 15

XIII. Treatment of Psychological Disorders (9 days) 5-7%

Myers, chapter 16

(ongoing with XII)

XIV. Stress, Health (7 days) (5-7% ?)

XV. Social Psychology (11 or more days) 7-9%

Myers, chapters

Review and Final Exam cumulative!!!! (12 days or more)

AP exam- May 5th

May 6th- end of year- final project and activities

A.P. Psychology

Power standards- Goals for the AP student

1. Summarize and explain the mechanisms of the brain and nervous system and their influence on behavior. (E.12.1, E12.2, E12.16)

2. Analyze the variety of methods for interpreting behavior and be able to compare and contrast the major theoretical perspective in psychology. (E12.2)

3. Fully outline and apply the learning process and how rewards and punishments, memory, and motivation influence it. (E12.2)

4. Be able to describe the influence of the environment on behavior. e.g. parenting, cultural influences, etc. (E12.2, E12.3, E12.4, E12.6, E12.16)

5. Be able to write a well-organized essay that completely and accurately demonstrates knowledge. This includes, but is not limited to the ability to compare and contrast, identify supportive and non-supportive arguments, and critically evaluate the validly of various points of view. (E.12.9, E12.14)

Teacher availability for help/questions

*Free periods: (some of these may not be ‘free’ due to tutoring or other duties-I will communicate which at the start of each semester)

Semester one: 1, 2 hours

Semester two: 1, 2 hours

.Other options: after school (by appointment)

Best contact method: email:

Grading policy: Point system (individual total points scored/total points possible)

Grading scale:

A+ 100-97

A 96-94

A-  93-90

B+ 89-87

B 86-84

B-  83-80

C+ 79-77

C 76-74

C-  73-70

D+ 69-67

D 66-64

D-  63-60

F 59-0

Attendance and make-up work

Students cannot expect to do well if they do not attend class. Students who miss more than 10 days in a semester will find it very difficult to keep up. As stated before, it is the student's responsibility to get materials, notes, worksheets, etc. missed due to absence. This is a college prepatory course, and responsibility will be given to the student in accordance. Students will have a limited amount of time to make up work due to absence. After the time limit, the work will be counted late and only receive half credit. Late work will not be accepted after the test has been taken on that unit. It is the student's responsibility to make sure that unexcused absences reported in error are cleared up.

Absence Time limit

Excused absence 1-3 days 3 days, after 3 days half credit

Excused absence 4-10 days 5 days, after 5 days half credit

Unexcused absence 1-3 days 3 days at half credit, after 3 days, no credit

Unexcused absence over 3 days 5 days at half credit, after 5 days, no credit

Excused absences over 10 days Teacher/student plan

All assignments and daily work must be turned in on time to receive full credit; late work (including assignments forgotten in the locker or at home) is counted half off. After 3 days time (school days from original due date), late work will not be accepted or at the discretion of the teacher to accept. Basically- turn in your work on time. IF you have make up work due to absence or forgetfulness, get it in ASAP and before we take the test on the unit.

Discipline policy

Classroom rules:

1. Be here on time

Consequences for rule violations including tardiness:

1st and 2nd time: verbal warning

3rd time: after class or after school conference

4th time: Humiliation or class servitude…to be discussed later J

2. Be prepared

3. Be respectful

4. Be in your desk for dismissal

5. Be sure you exemplify the Arrowhead Way in all of your endeavors from school work to social interactions.

Electronic devices: Feel free to bring an electronic device of your choice to class. HOWEVER, it must be used respectfully, responsibly and appropriately to enhance the classroom learning environment.

Some example of acceptable use behaviors include: recording notes on the device, looking up the definition of a word, completing AP Psychology work, accessing Google for class work, etc... If you aren't sure, ask the teacher first.

Some examples of behaviors that would be unacceptable include: texting, game playing, personal chats, snap chats, work for another class, anything that does not enhance the classroom learning environment, etc.

Helpful suggestions:

Use the following sites to help with your studies:




IPhone, iPad etc. apps that might be useful: (and def. fun)

psych lite (study SETS)

Freud quotes

3D body quiz


3D brain



Use the study guidebooks available to check out in the room. Also, it is recommended to purchase an AP exam preparation book from a bookstore. I have examples in my room and have a few available for check out.

Have a great year!!!

Mrs. J. Brown


Psychology and AP Psychology courses

AHS social studies department

Psychology Club advisor

Parental/Guardian bonus :

Students, have your parents skim the expectations in this syllabus and have them email me with YOUR NAME and HOUR in the subject line to earn a bonus pass.