Instructional Services
Council / Minutes
Monday, December 5, 2016
Time: 2:30pm – 3:30pm
Location: Rm. MS 140
X = Present
\ = Absent / Jan Jarrell / Larry Forman
Renee Kilmer / Laura Castaneda
Alazar Tesfamariam / Leroy Brady
Alicia Rincon / Lori Erreca
Audrey Breay / Minou Spradley
Bernice Lorenzo / Nancy Crispen
Berta Harris / Nesha Savage
Bree Kennedy / Nick Slinglend
Carlos De la Lama / Rafael Alvarez
Carol Withers / Randy Barnes
Deanna Shelton / Rob Ewell
Dede Bodnar / Rosalinda Sandoval
DeeDee Porter / Rose LaMuraglia
Enrique Davalos / Salley Deaton
Erin Rempala / Sarah Pitcher
Fred Julian / Sudie Philips
Jeanie Tyler / Sue Martin
Jenny Kimm / Susan Hasegawa
Katherine Rodda / Trudy Gerald
Kris Hale / Wendy Wiehl
Minutes / 5 MIN
Accreditation Update
·  Self-Evaluation Report
·  Next Steps / I/D / 25 MIN
Strategic Planning
·  Status Report
·  Work group progress / I/D / 25 MIN
Other / 5 MIN

Meeting Called to Order: 2:33 PM

Minutes: Celebrated with cake since it was the last meeting of the Fall Semester.

Accreditation Update: The Accreditation Self Evaluation report has been finalized. All necessary edits have been made and the final version of the Accreditation SER is ready to go to print. All of the evidence has been included and the report should be complete. Although the evidence to all of the standards has been included and there’s no reason why the accreditation team would find any faulty information, the committee can always make suggestions as to what needs to be improved or modified. However, because of the careful examination there should be little to no sanctions from the accreditation team for San Diego City College.

The Accreditation SER goes to board on the week of Dec. 12 and after final tweaking it will be sent to the commission in both a print version and an electronic version which includes all of the evidence uploaded and linked to the correct places. The Accreditation SERs will be mailed out to the team members by January 13th. The Accreditation team is scheduled to visit on the third week of March for a four day visit. There is an expectation that during the day the members of the ISC be available. If there’s an MPAROC meeting during the time of the visit it is very possible the team might want to step in and observe. It is also critical that all faculty members have their syllabi for fall and spring and that they have their SLOs on them during the site visit. During FLEX week there will also be a session available explaining what to expect for the site visit.

Strategic Planning: MPAROC is taking on the Strategic Plan and therefore a workgroup has been created to deal with issues regarding the Strategic Planning directly.

Work Group progress

Enrollment Planning

Goal: San Diego City College will develop data-informed comprehensive enrollment strategies and policies that provide information and flexibility to meet the college’s mission.

Objective 1: Secure a functional enrollment management system.

Strategy: Elicit stakeholders’ involvement in the design and configuration process to meet the following:

·  Enrollment data to facilitate enrollment projections

·  Students’ educational plans to make enrollment projections

·  Longitudinal studies for scheduling projections

·  Qualitative and quantitative data.

Objective 2: Obtain early access to wait lists to maximize student enrollment

Strategy: Chair and managers advocate for edits to current system to gain early access to existing wait lists.

Strategy: Request participation in Campus Solution design and configuration processes to secure a wait list module that is suitable for managers and chairs to access the waitlists.


Goal: Enhance the organizational effectiveness and employee satisfaction at San Diego City College by strengthening our commitment to communication and collaboration efforts toward the aim of collectively improving student success.

Objective 1: Promote consistent and clear communication across diverse/secure social media and social networking platforms in order to exchange updated information, maintain transparency, inspire campus cohesiveness, and stimulate engagement.

Strategy: Publicize and update all College reports online and in print, and enhance directory assistance with an increase in directory aids to reflect the updated campus climate and infrastructure.

Objective 2: Encourage active representation on committees, and promoting effective dialog across the campus community by inviting shared/participatory governance in planning and decision-making.

Strategy: Survey institutional structure, supervisory relationships, teamwork, student focus, shared/participatory governance, employee satisfaction, and workplace satisfaction.

Objective 3: Inclusively develop and disseminate an institutional administrative, faculty, and classified staffing plan that equally takes into consideration planning for areas of demonstrated need or deficiencies, 50% Law compliance, and administrative leadership capacities.

Strategy: Provide all San Diego City College employees with an on-boarding orientation program specific to their role, as well as the functions of the college and district. ("on-boarding" also known as "organizational socialization", refers to the mechanism through which new and current employees acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors to become effective organizational members and insiders within a new or current position).

Strategy: Employ qualified staff / faculty /administration with collaborative opportunities for continued professional advancement consistent with the college mission and based on identified teaching, learning, and operational needs.

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