Teacher:__First Grade______Subject:All______Date:2/15-2/19, 2016

Modeling(List the standards that will be modeled each day.)

Monday / ELA-Letter names/sounds review. Sight-word review. Journeys Lesson20: Read aloud “Chicken Little” Model fluency (reading speed), introduce vocabulary, and listening comprehension questions.Phonics: Introduce Compound words. Discuss and define the Words to Know (Add words to word wall.) Read through the anchor text: “Little Rabbit’s Tale”.Guided reading using retelling cards.Grammar: Prepositions and prepositional phrases. RL.1.1, 1.2, l.4, 1.10, RI.1.9, RF.1.2b,1.4a-b, W1.3,1.5,1.6 SL.1.1a-b,1.2-6, L.1.1i,1.1e,1.4a
Math- Engage NY Module 4 Lesson23 - 1.NBT.4 1.NBT.2
Tuesday / ELA- Letter names/sounds review. Sight-word review. Journeys Lesson 20: opening routines- phonemic awareness, High-frequency words, and vocabulary boost. Read Dig Deeper: TE447. Second read of “Little Rabbit’s Tale” and Write about Reading TE449. Model fluency-choral reading. Grammar: Prepositions and prepositional phrases RL.1.1, 1.2, l.4, 1.10, RI.1.9, RF.1.2b,1.4a-b, W1.3,1.5,1.6 SL.1.1a-b,1.2-6, L.1.1i,1.1e,1.4a
Math- Engage NY Module 4 Lesson24 & 25- 1.NBT.4 1.NBT.2
Wednesday / ELA- Letter names/sounds review. Sight-word review. Journeys Lesson 20: opening routines- phonemic awareness, high-frequency words, and vocabulary boost. Independent reading of“Little Rabbit’s Tale”and RN 69-70. Grammar-Prepositions and prepositional phrases
RL.1.1, 1.2, l.4, 1.10, RI.1.9, RF.1.2b,1.4a-b, W1.3,1.5,1.6 SL.1.1a-b,1.2-6, L.1.1i,1.1e,1.4a
Math- Engage NY Module 4 Lesson 26 & 27
Thursday / ELA-Journeys: Lesson 20opening routines- phonemic awareness, high-frequency words, and vocabulary boost.Phonics: Review – compound words and words with -e, and -ea.Vocabulary Strategies: Compound words. Grammar: Spiral Review: verb be.Reading of“Silly Poems” Text to Self writing page TE469.
RL.1.1, 1.2, l.4, 1.10, RI.1.9, RF.1.2b,1.4a-b, W1.3,1.5,1.6 SL.1.1a-b,1.2-6, L.1.1i,1.1e,1.4a
Math- Engage NY Module 4 Lesson 28 & 29.
Friday / Assessments/Lessons:
Spelling- Compound words
Reading- Vocabulary, Phonics, and Comprehension on Journeys Lesson 20
Math-Teaching Engage NY Module 4 End of Module assessment - 1.NBT.4 1.NBT.2

Rotations for Guided and Independent Practice

Guided Practice / Independent Practice
Monday / ELA
-Teacher Led- Read “Little Rabbit’s Tale”and Guided Retelling activity
-Assistant Led- Vocabulary Reader “The Whether” and Blackline Master page20.4
-Teacher Led- and
-Assistant Led- Problem set for Mod. 4Lesson 23 / ELA
-Spelling Word Building with stamps and sentence writing
-Read to Self w/ Response
- Module 4 Lesson 21 Homework pages
-Fluency practice
Tuesday / ELA
-Teacher Led- Reread “Little Rabbit’s Tale”. Dig Deeper, Write about Reading pages 180-183
-Assistant Led- Prepositional phrases pages RN 66 & 67
-Teacher Led- and
-Assistant Led- Engaged NY Mod. 4Lesson 24 & 25 / ELA
-Spelling Word Building with stamps and sentence writing
-Read to Self w/ Response
-Module 4 Lesson 22 Homework pages
-Fluency practice
Wednesday / ELA
-Teacher Led-Leveled Readers BM 20.5-20.7
-Assistant Led- RN 69-70
26 & 27 / ELA
-Spelling Word Building with stamps and sentence writing
-Read to Self w/ Response
-Module 4 Lesson 23 Homework pages
-Fluency practice
Thursday / ELA
-Teacher Led- Connect to the Topic, Compare Texts using Text to World. Draw and Share. Pages 184-187
-Assistant Led- RN pgs. 73-74
Lessons 28 & 29 / ELA
-Spelling Word Building with stamps and sentence writing
-Read to Self w/ Response
-Homework pages lesson 24
-Fluency practice
Friday / ELA
Teacher Led- Reading/Language Assessment
Assistant Led- Spelling test
Teacher & Assistant Led- Module 4 End of module assessment. / ELA
-Spelling Word Building with stamps and sentence writing
-Read to Self w/ Response
-Module 4 Lesson 25 homework pages
-Fluency practice