Privacy Impact Assessment – Full assessment
NHS East and North Hertfordshire CCG’s data processing activity MUST comply with the
Data Protection Act 1998. The Privacy Impact Assessment process helps managers identify how the collection and use of people's personal data may affect their privacy.
This form should be used for both internal and partnership projects which require the collection and / or use of personal data. The form should be completed with the assistance of the NHS East and North Hertfordshire CCG Information Governance Manager.
Project name
Lead officer
Job title
Unit name / Unit ID
Telephone / Email
List all agencies which will have access to the personal data collected and used for this project.
What personal data do you intend to use, and why (list all categories)?
Can you achieve your objectives using anonymised data?
No / Why not?
What are the benefits to the individual of their personal data being used for this project?
What are the organisational benefits of the individual’s personal data being used for this project?
What are the potential negative impacts to the individual of their personal data being used for this project?
How will you avoid causing unwarranted or substantial damage / distress to the individual when using their personal data for this project?
Is the data already held by [Data Controller]?
Is it held by one of the partner agencies involved with this project?
No / Which agency will be collecting the data?
Have you told the individuals whose personal data you want to use for this project how and why you intend to use their data?
If not, are you intending to tell them?
No / Why not?
Do you already have the individuals permission to use their data for this project?
If not, are you going to ask for their permission?
No / Why not?
Have individuals been given the opportunity to refuse us permission to use their data for this project?
Is your project driven by any statutory / legal obligations?
Yes / Please list
How will you make sure that the personal data you are using is kept accurate and up to date?
How long will you need to hold the personal data for?
How will you make sure that you are holding data for the appropriate length of time, and no longer?
How will the data be held / stored?
What technical security measures will be in place?
How will personal data be transferred / shared between the agencies involved in this project?
Will you be transferring personal data to a country or territory outside of the EEA?
How will you ensure that third parties will comply with data protection obligations?
What organisational measures are in place to ensure only appropriate and authorised access to, and use of, personal data?
How will technical and organisational security be monitored / audited?
[Data Controller’s Information Governance Team] conclusions regarding this project’s overall compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and recommendations for changes / refinements to the project which are required to ensure compliance.
PIA reference number
As lead officer, I confirm that the information recorded on this form is, to the best of my knowledge, an accurate and complete assessment of the potential privacy impacts of this project.
Name / Signature / Date
Please return your signed and dated form to:
David Hodson
Head of Information
Direct Tel: 01707 685 441
Mobile: 07585 404432
If you have any questions about the Privacy Impact Assessment process, or if you need any help completing this form, please contact us using the email address, above, or by telephoning the above contact.
Privacy Impact Assessment reviewed and approved on behalf of the [Data Controller’s Information Governance Team] by:Name / Signature / Date
Prioritisation and Impact Assessment Tool– (v1.6)
NHS East and North Hertfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group / Page 1 of 7