Madrid, 22-23 September 2005
Practical arrangements: National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA), Viajes Iberica Overseas Travel Agency
Location: Hotel Confortel-SuitesMadrid, C/López de Hoyos, 143, 28002 Madrid
Conference organisers: ENQA, ANECA
THURSDAY, 22 SEPTEMBER 2005, 15:00 – 22:00 h:
15:00 – 15:10Item 1: Welcome by the President of the
15:10 – 15:30Address by Ms. María-Jesús San Segundo,
Minister of Education and Science of Spain
15:30 – 16:30Item 2:ENQA presidency on the quality assurance developments of the Bologna process
A. Results and recommendations of the Bergen ministerial meeting
(annex 1).
B. European register for external quality assurance
agencies operating in Europe
16:30 – 16:50Coffee break
16:50 – 17:30C. Way forward and National implementation of the
European Standards and Guidelines
(annex 2).
17:30 – 18:15Item 3: The second Transnational European
Evaluation Project (TEEP II) – update / Staffan Wahlén
20:00 – 22:00Reception / Dinner
FRIDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 2005, 09.00 – 13:30 h:
09:00 – 11:00Item 4: Consideration and approval of the report by the President
Procedures: Christian Thune presents his annual report on the activities of the Association.
Document: Annual report of the President (annex 3)
Item 5: Consideration and approval of the report by the Secretary General
Procedures: Kimmo Hämäläinen presents his annual report on the activities of the secretariat.
Document: Annual report of the Secretary General (annex 4)
Item 6: Consideration and approval of the Association's financial statement for 2004
Procedures: Kimmo Hämäläinen presents the financial statement of ENQA.
Document: Financial statement of ENQA (annex 5)
Item 7: Approval of the amount of the membership feesfor 2006
Procedures: The General Assembly establishes the level of annual subscription to be submitted by Full and Candidate members.
Documents: -
Item 8:Consideration and determination of the annual budget
Procedures: Kimmo Hämäläinen introduces the contents and rationale of the annual budget plan for 2006. The General Assembly discusses and approves the budget proposal for 2006.
Document: ENQA budget plan for 2006 (annex 6).
Item 9:Election of members of the Board
Procedures: Kimmo Hämäläinen introduces the new candidates for the Board and presidency to the General Assembly, which then votes on the proposal.
Document: List of vacancies and candidates for the Board and presidency (annex 7).
Item 10:Results of the election and proposal by the new Board for president and two vice-presidents
Procedures: The General Assembly elects the president and two vice-presidents from the members of the new Board.
Documents: -
11:00 - 11:30Coffee break / Press conference
11:30 - 13:30Item 11: Approval of the annual ENQA work plan
Procedures: Emmi Helle presents the annual work plan as prepared by the Board. The General Assembly discusses and approves the ENQA work plan.
Document: Proposed ENQA work planfor 2006 (annex 8).
Item 12: Recommendation to the General Assembly on the modifications of the ENQA regulations submitted by ENQA members before and after the Frankfurt General Assembly, followed by the adoption of the revised regulations
Procedures: TheChair proposes to the General Assembly that the revised regulations, revised by the Board on the basis of members' comments received before the Frankfurt General Assembly and as a request by the President on 9 March 2005, should be adopted.
Document: Current regulations of ENQA (annex 9);
Board suggestions for revisions (= new version for ENQA
regulations; annex 10)
Item 13: Endorsement of admission of new ENQA members and exclusion of members in breach of regulations
Procedures: On the proposal of the Board, the General Assembly discusses and endorses the admission of new member agencies and excludes a member.
Document: Board proposal on endorsement and admission (annex 11)
Item 14: Host of the 2006 General Assembly
Procedures: The Board has received a joint offer from four ENQA members, NVAO, EUA, VLIR and VLHORA, to host the 2006 General Assembly in Flanders. The General Assembly decides on the location and date of the 2006 General Assembly.
Document: -
Item 15: Any other business
13:30 Conference ends and buffet lunch
16:30Visits to the Palacio Real or to the PradoMuseum.
09:30 – 18:00 h Guided visit to Toledo
1. Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area;
2. The Bergen Communiqué: The European Higher Education Area - Achieving the Goals;
3. Annual report of the President (to be circulated on 16 September);
4. Annual report of the Secretary General (to be circulated on 16 September);
5. Financial statement of ENQA;
6. ENQA budget plan for 2006;
7. List of vacancies and candidates for the Board and presidency.
8. Proposed ENQA annual work plan for 2006;
9. Current regulations of ENQA;
10. Board suggestions for regulation revisions;
11. Board proposal on endorsement of admission and exclusion of members;