Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Time: 1:00 p.m.

Place: 112 South Osceola Street, 3rd Floor,

Clearwater, Florida, 33756

(City Hall Council Chambers)

Welcome the City of Clearwater Community Development Board (CDB) meeting. The City strongly supports and fully complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Please advise us at least 72 hours prior to the meeting if you require special accommodations. Assisted listening devices are available. An oath will be administered swearing in all participants in public hearing cases. If you wish to speak please wait to be recognized, then state and spell your name and provide your address. Persons speaking before the CDB shall be limited to three minutes unless an individual is representing a group in which case the Chairperson may authorize a reasonable amount of time up to 10 minutes.
Kindly refrain from conducting private conversations, using beepers, cellular telephones, etc. as they are distracting during the meeting.
Florida Statue 286.0105 states: Any person appealing a decision of this Board must have a record of the proceedings to support such appeal. Community Development Code Section 4-206 requires that any person seeking to: personally testify, present evidence, argument and witness, cross-examine witnesses, appeal the decision and speak on reconsideration requests should request party status during the case discussion. Party status entitles parties to: personally testify, present evidence, argument and witnesses cross-examine witnesses, appeal the decision and speak on reconsideration requests.
If you have questions or concerns about a case, please contact the staff presenter from the Planning and Development Department listed at the end of each agenda item at 727-562-4567.


B.  ROLL CALL: Chair Barker, Vice Chair Funk, Members Allbritton, Anuszkiewicz, Boutzoukas, Flanery, Lau, Alternate Member Quattrocki, City Staff



1.  Case: FLD2016-09033– 1305 Franklin Street Level Two Application

Owner: Sam Karamountzos; Odin Enterprises, Inc (613 South Missouri Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33759; email: )

Agent: Michael J. Palmer, P.E.; Synergy Civil Engineering, Inc. (3000 Gulf to Bay Boulevard, Suite 201, Clearwater, FL 33579; phone: (727) 796-1926; email: )

Location: 1.02 acres on the south side of Franklin Street and southern terminus of Waverly Way

Atlas Page: 287B

Existing Zoning: Institutional (I) District

Request: The Community Development Board (CDB) is reviewing a proposed 30-unit multi-family development in the Institutional (I) District and the East Gateway character of the Clearwater Downtown Redevelopment Plan for the property located at 1305 Franklin Street. The project will consist of two buildings 38 feet in height, includes a minimum of 38 parking spaces (1.3 spaces per dwelling unit), requests allowable flexibility with regard to the use (Community Development Code Section 2-1204.A) and requests allowable flexibility with regard to landscaping (Community Development Code Section 3-1202.G); and an allocation of 18 dwelling units from the Public Amenities Incentive Pool under the provisions of the Clearwater Downtown Redevelopment Plan; and a two-year Development Order under the provisions of CDC Section 4-407.

Proposed Use: Attached Dwellings

Neighborhood Associations: Clearwater Neighborhoods Coalition

Presenter: Mark T. Parry, AICP, Senior Planner

2.  Case: FLD2016-09030– 1749 Drew Street Level Two Application

Owner: R.Carlton Ward; Arnard Developments, LLC (1253 Park Street, Clearwater, FL 33756)

Agent: Housh Ghovaee.; Northside Engineering, Inc. (300 South Belcher Road, Clearwater, FL 33565; phone: (727) 365-5031; email: )

Location: 0.43-acre property is located on the southeast corner of the intersection at North Saturn Avenue and Drew Street.

Atlas Page: 288B

Existing Zoning: Commercial (C) District

Request: The Community Development Board (CDB) is reviewing a Comprehensive Infill Redevelopment Project for a fast food restaurant with a drive-thru lane in the Commercial (C) District for the property located at 1749 Drew Street. The project is 21 feet in height, includes 17 parking spaces, and requests allowable flexibility from setback, off-street parking spaces, and landscape requirements (Sections 2-704.F and 3-1202.G).

Proposed Use: Restaurant (fast food)

Neighborhood Associations: Clearwater Neighborhoods Coalition

Presenter: Kevin W. Nurnberger, Senior Planner


1.  Case: TA2016-12004 - Amendments to the Community Development Code Level Three Application Applicant: City of Clearwater

Request: The Community Development Board (CDB) is reviewing a request to amend the Clearwater Community Development Code to establish a foreclosure property registry and associated fee and making a recommendation to City Council.

Neighborhood Associations: Clearwater Neighborhoods Coalition

Presenter: Terry Teunis, Code Compliance Manager

2.  Case: DVA2016-09001 – Unaddressed and 2425 McMullen Booth Road Level Three Application

Owner: Kim A. Preedom Trust; Randall R. Preedom Trust
Applicant: HR Tampa Bay, LLC; Claire Clements (9804 West Park Village Drive, Tampa, FL 33626; phone: 813-293-3719; email: )
Location: 6.522 acres located on the west side of McMullen Booth Road approximately 836 and 1,058 feet south of Enterprise Road East.

Request: The Community Development Board is reviewing a proposed Development Agreement between HR Tampa Bay LLC., and the City of Clearwater, and making a recommendation to City Council.

Neighborhood Associations: Clearwater Neighborhoods Coalition

Presenter: Melissa Hauck-Baker, AICP, Senior Planner

3.  Case: LUP2016-02002 – Unaddressed and 2425 McMullen Booth Road Level Three Application

Owner: Kim A. Preedom Trust; Randall R. Preedom Trust

Applicant: HR Tampa Bay, LLC; Claire Clements (9804 West Park Village Drive, Tampa, FL 33626; phone: 813-293-3719; email: )

Location: 6.522 acres located on the west side of McMullen Booth Road approximately 836 and 1,058 feet south of Enterprise Road East.

Request: The Community Development Board (CDB) is reviewing a request to amend the Future Land Use Element from Residential Low (RL) to Residential Low Medium (RLM) and making a recommendation to City Council.

Neighborhood Associations: Clearwater Neighborhoods Coalition

Presenter: Kyle Brotherton, Planner

4.  Case: REZ2016-02002 – Unaddressed and 2425 McMullen Booth Road

Level Three Application

Owner: Kim A. Preedom Trust; Randall R. Preedom Trust

Applicant: HR Tampa Bay, LLC; Claire Clements (9804 West Park Village Drive, Tampa, FL 33626; phone: 813-293-3719; email: )

Location: 6.522 acres located on the west side of McMullen Booth Road approximately 836 and 1,058 feet south of Enterprise Road East.

Request: The Community Development Board (CDB) is reviewing a request to amend the Zoning Atlas from A-E, Agricultural Estate Residential (Pinellas County) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) and making a recommendation to City Council.

Neighborhood Associations: Clearwater Neighborhoods Coalition

Presenter: Kyle Brotherton, Planner


Community Development Board Agenda – January 17, 2017

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