
Name: ______Period: _____Date: ______

1) Read the following passage. Which of the underlined portions contains INCORRECT capitalization?
I was seated by the shore of a small pond, about a mile and a half South of the village of Concord and somewhat higher than it, in the midst of an extensive wood between that town and Lincoln, and about two miles south of that our only field know to fame, Concord Battle Ground.
-Henry David Thoreau Walden
A) a half South
B) Concord
C) Lincoln
D) Concord Battle Ground

2) (1) Once dry, Ts'ai Lun discovered that he had created a quality writing surface that was relatively easy to make and lightweight.
(2) He took the inner bark of a mulberry tree and bamboo fibers, mixed them with water, and pounded them with a wooden tool.
(3) He then poured this mixture onto a flat piece of coarsely woven cloth and let the water drain through, leaving only the fibers on the cloth.
(4) The person credited with inventing paper is a Chinese man named Ts'ai Lun.
Place these sentences in the correct order.
A) 1,3,2,4
B) 4,2,3,1
C) 3,1,2,4
D) 4,1,3,2

3) Which of the following sentences in this passage is irrelevant?
(1) Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. (2) This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. (3) Not even the Negro in South Africa is free. (4) It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. But 100 years later, the Negro still is not free. -Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" Speech
A) sentence 1
B) sentence 2
C) sentence 3
D) sentence 4

4) (1) Much has been made of Fitzgerald's relation to his characters. (2) Many of the characters in his novels are based on people from his life. (3) Within the characters of Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby, we can see the dueling parts of Fitzgeralds own personality. (4) Gatsby and Fitzgerald are alike by both being self-made men who have achieved financial success. (5) Similarly, they both achieved their financial success for the love of a woman. (6) Gatsby felt that he needed wealth to win the hand of Daisy, and Fitzgerald felt the same about Zelda. (7) The love of a woman was the motivating factor behind virtually all of Gatsby's actions, and many of the young Fitzgerald's. (8) Fitzgerald would spend the majority of his career struggling to earn as much money as possible to maintain the privileged lifestyle that Zelda desired.
Which sentence contains a possessive error?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 4
D) 7

5) Read the following passage:
One of the reform movements that arose during the "freedom's ferment" of the early nineteenth century was a drive for greater rights for women, especially in the political area. Women were heavily involved in many of the reform movements of this time, but they discovered that while they did much of the drudge work, with few exceptions (such as Dorothea Dix) they could not take leadership roles or lobby openly for their goals. Politically, women were to be neither seen nor heard. The drudgery of daily housework and its deadening impact on the mind also struck some women as unfair.
The convention at Seneca Falls, New York, in July 1848, was organized by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, two Quakers whose concern for women's rights was aroused when Mott, as a woman, was denied a seat at an international antislavery meeting in London. The Seneca Falls meeting attracted 240 sympathizers, including forty men, among them the famed former slave and abolitionist leader, Frederick Douglass. The delegates adopted a statement, deliberately modeled on the Declaration of Inde-pendence, as well as a series of resolutions calling for women's suffrage and the reform of marital and property laws that kept women in an inferior status.
Very little in the way of progress came from the Seneca Falls Declaration, although it would serve for the next seventy years as the goal for which the suffrage movement strove. Women's suffrage and nearly all of the other reforms of this era were swallowed up by the single issue of slavery and its abolition, and women did not receive the right to vote until the adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1920.
What can you infer is true about Dorothea Dix?
A) She was a public leader of a reform movement.
B) She did not mind the housework that she was expected to do.
C) She refused to take a public role in lobbying for reforms.
D) She did not participate in the Seneca Falls Convention.

6) "It is partly in consequence of such facts, that slaves, when inquired of as to their condition and the character of their masters, almost universally say they are contented, and that their masters are kind. The slaveholders have been known to send in spies among their slaves, to ascertain their views and feelings in regard to their condition. The frequency of this has had the effect to establish among the slaves the maxim, that a still tongue makes a wise head. They suppress the truth rather than take the consequences of telling it, and in so doing prove themselves a part of the human family. If they have any thing to say of their masters, it is generally in their masters' favor, especially when speaking to an untried man. I have been frequently asked, when a slave, if I had a kind master, and do not remember ever to have given a negative answer; nor did I, in pursuing this course, consider myself as uttering what was absolutely false; for I always measured the kindness of my master by the standard of kindness set up among slaveholders around us. Moreover, slaves are like other people, and imbibe prejudices quite common to others. They think their own better than that of others. Many, under the influence of this prejudice, think their own masters are better than the masters of other slaves; and this, too, in some cases, when the very reverse is true. Indeed, it is not uncommon for slaves even to fall out and quarrel among themselves about the relative goodness of their masters, each contending for the superior goodness of his own over that of the others." (Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave)
What is true about the speaker in this passage?
A) He once was a slave who spoke only positively about his master.
B) He is a slaveholder who treats his slaves well.
C) He disapproves of slaves who spoke positively about their masters.
D) As a slave, he thought that his master was better than most others.

7) Read the following sentence and determine which answer shows the correct capitalization of the underlined title.
My best friend was taken to the emergency room at St. Olaf's children's medical center.
A) correct
B) St. Olaf's children's medical center
C) St. Olaf's Children's medical center
D) St. Olafs Childrens MedicalCenter

8) Choose the sentence in which all of the capitalization is correct.
A) Last summer I visited GlacierNational park in Montana.
B) This summer I hope to see Yosemite National park in Sierra Nevada.
C) Ansel Adams took many of his famous photos there, including the one of Half Dome.
D) Maybe next summer I will tour Grand Teton National park in northwestern Wyoming.

9) Which of the following sentences makes correct use of the pronoun?
A) To who are you speaking?
B) Who are you going to the prom with?
C) Through whom did you arrange your vacation?
D) Whom is your dentist?

10) Which of these word groups demonstrate assonance?
A) keen, lean, speed
B) pass, pully, port
C) credit, ready, body
D) buzz, splash, crack