Investment Committee

Thursday 10th April 2014

Room 5.4, 15 Marylebone Road

Members in attendance

Philip Young (PY) / Lay Member for Audit & Governance CWHHE CCGs, Chair
Nicola Burbidge (NB) / Chair, Hounslow CCG
Daniel Elkeles (DE) / Chief Officer, CWHHE CCGs
Alan Hakim (AH) / Secondary Care Consultant, CWHH CCGs
Clare Parker (CP) / Chief Finance Officer, CWHHE CCGs
Mohini Parmar (MP) / Chair, Ealing CCG
John Riordan / Secondary Care Consultant, Ealing CCG
Ben Westmancott (BW) / Director of Compliance, CWHHE CCGs
Trevor Woolley (TW) / Lay member, Hounslow CCG
Non Members in attendance
Matthew Bazeley (MB) / Managing Director, Central London CCG, Item 5 on
Kiran Chauhan / Deputy Managing Director, Central London CCG
Clare Graley (CG) / GP Clinical Lead, Hammersmith & Fulham CCG
Sue Jeffers (SJ) / Managing Director, Hounslow CCG
Kathryn Magson (KM) / Managing Director, Ealing CCG
Carolyn Regan (CR) / Managing Director, West London CCG
Tessa Sandall (TS) / Deputy Managing Director, Hammersmith & Fulham CCG
Kieran Seale (KS) / Governance Manager CWHHE CCGs, Minutes


Business Items / Action
1.  / Welcome/Apologies
1.1.  / Apologies were received from Matthew Bazeley, Fiona Butler and Tim Spicer.
2.  / Declaration of Interests
2.1.  / No interests in addition to those previously identified were declared at the beginning of the meeting.
Minutes of Meeting – 27th March 2014
3.1.  / It was noted that Alan Hakim and Kathryn Magson had attended the meeting by phone. With this change, the minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting.
Matters Arising
4.1.  / 6.3 – 27th March 2014 - Local Incentive Scheme 14/15 (Central London): Matthew Bazeley had confirmed with Philip Young that there was no double counting in the costs for SystmOne.
4.2.  / 6.4 – 27th March 2014 - Local Incentive Scheme 14/15 (Central London): Matthew Bazeley had also confirmed with Philip Young that the rates being paid for emergency admissions were correct. Daniel Elkeles said that it would be important to check that the proposed Local Incentive Schemes do not overlap with what is being provided nationally. Tessa Sandall said that she is looking into this. / TS
Additional Primary Care Capacity – Weekend Opening (Hounslow)
5.1.  / The papers on weekend opening in Hounslow and Hammersmith & Fulham were considered together.
5.2.  / Alan Hakim asked about the relationship between the proposals and winter funding (as the proposals had originally been developed in that context). He said that all the winter schemes were currently being reviewed with a view to deciding the priorities for next year. Daniel Elkeles said that although the proposals had originally been developed in the context of winter funding, weekend opening hours are part of the wider strategy of improving the accessibility of primary care and therefore the two issues are no longer linked. This was agreed, but it was noted that evaluation of the benefits of such schemes using a common methodology across the five CCGs was desirable.
5.3.  / Philip Young asked about standardisation of the proposed levels of payment across CCGs. It was noted that the payments were generally of the same level, although Hounslow had proposed an uplift on Sunday payments for work on Bank Holiday Mondays. The committee did not see how such an uplift could be justified and asked the Hounslow Governing Body to reconsider this part of the proposal. / SJ
5.4.  / It was noted that the two papers differed in the length of time it was proposed the contract should last. It was agreed that the intention was for the approach set out in the papers to continue until a specification can be agreed across the five CCGs as part of the work to re-commission enhanced services. It was agreed that this would be made clear in both cases. / SJ/ TS
5.5.  / With these changes the papers were agreed. It was agreed that there should be a review in September 2014 to distil the lessons learnt from these schemes.
5.6.  / On a more general point, Trevor Woolley asked what level of detail needed to be brought to the Committee about proposed schemes. Philip Young said that the purpose of the committee was either to consider items referred to it by the Governing Body and provide guidance so that the Governing Body can make a final decision, or to make specific decisions that had been expressly delegated to them by the Governing Body on a case by case basis. Thus Governing Bodies should provide the committee with the paperwork they had seen relating to a proposal, plus a cover sheet which identifies the particular questions that they are asking the committee to consider.
6.  / Extending Weekend Opening (Hammersmith & Fulham)
6.1.  / See discussion on item above.
7.  / Any Other Business
7.1.  / Community Ophthalmology (Central London) - a paper on the procurement of Community Ophthalmology by Central London CCG was tabled. It was agreed that further time was needed to consider this paper in detail, but the question of when papers relating to procurements need to be brought to the Investment committee was discussed. Clare Parker noted that the process had been considered in some detail a year ago and that a diagram mapping out the process had been produced. It was agreed that this should be revisited, revised as necessary, and brought back to the committee. Clare Parker will discuss the document with Philip Young, Alan Hakim and Trevor Woolley before it is brought back to the committee. / CP
8.  / Dates and times of next meeting
·  1st May 2014, 10am
·  15th May 2014, 9.30am
·  12th June 2014, 11.30am
·  3rd July 2014, 10.30am
·  11th September 2014, 11.30am
·  2nd October 2014, 10.30am
·  13th November 2014, 11.30am
·  4th December 2014, 10.30am

CWHHE is a collaboration of Clinical Commissioning Groups: Central London, West London, Hammersmith & Fulham, Hounslow & Ealing

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