St Marks
Neighbourhood Coordination Meeting

27th April 2017 – 2-4pm,

Hesters Way Resource Centre,Cheltenham


Andy Hayes / Hesters Way Partnership / Cllr Pat Thornton
Rachel Shingler / Hesters Way Partnership / PCSO Phil Clark
Kevin Devaney / HWNP
Agenda Item 1 – Apologies & Introductions
Introductions were made for the benefit of those who had not previously met. Apologies were received from PCSO’s Cindy Walton and Hayden Selwyn, PS Simon Elson, Inspector Roddy Gosden, Denise Pitt, Jane Harris, Victoria Powell. Liz Penwill, Cllr David Willingham, Helen Down.
Agenda Item 2 - Minutes of the Last Meeting and Actions from the Last Meeting
Minutes of the last meeting held on 26th Januarywere agreed and signed by the Chair.
Actions from the last minutes:
  • Check whether Cllr David Willingham is on the NCG distribution list (Jenny) – Done, he is on the list.
  • Send response to FOI request re S106 in relation to former Christ College site with the minutes (Jenny) – Done. Attached to previous minutes.
  • Follow up with Planning to establish the reason the two exits which were originally proposed on the former Christ College site have not been included(Pat). These are legal and in the pipeline. Ongoing.
  • Investigate what is happening on the old BMX site and report back at the next meeting(Pat). A new path was installed thanks to AMEY and the Big Local. .
  • Chase for response from Robert Vale at Highways re re-surfacing (Andy) - Robert confirmed that their capital surfacing programme runs about a year in advance so they are currently looking for schemes for the 2018/2019 financial year and he will be putting Arle Road in for priority assessment in the next couple of weeks for possible inclusion. In the meantime he will ensure that we keep it safe.
  • Investigate reason for Gloucester Road re-surfacing not being completed (Pat), The suggested delay may be due to Travis Perkins site being redeveloped. Work is scheduled in.
  • Contact Richard and Roger if any further response is received from Cllr Coleman regarding the lighting on Netherwood Gardens (Andy)- Robert Vale responded to say he had copied their lighting team (Ken Pitt) and asked them to respond directly; no response received, Andy chased 26/4/17. Ongoing.
  • Send Glow Sports, Easter Eggstravaganza and KGV public art posters with the minutes (Jenny) – Done.
  • Attach findings of speed survey for Arle Road with the minutes (Jenny) – Done.
/ PT
Agenda Item 3 – Positive Community Activities Updates (e.g. litter picks)
Policing - PCSO Clark- PCSO Clarknoted that there are now 2 additional PCSOs in the Lansdown area, giving more time given to the PCSOs in our neighbourhood.
Tenants – Kevin reported that there are new tenants at Coronation Square, including a new barbers, Create on the Square, and the Cheltenham Science Group.
Public Art – plans for a path to the planned artwork, and landscaping the surrounding ground are continuing with the artist and CBC.
Community pride funding– 30k is now available for communities to apply for.
Agenda Item 4 – Police Community Engagement / Emerging Issues
PCSO Clark reported the following, comparing the incidents of crime in the same period 2016 – 2017;
  • Burglaries in the Arle/St Marks/St Peters areas are down 28%. CCTV more popular, and now more affordable is a good deterrent, and offer good prevention and detection. There has been a drop in the professional burglaries and chance burglaries.
  • Theft from dwellings is down 14%– this largely involves invited guest stealing, particularly from the elderly. Trust relationships leading to thefts important to spread warning of strangers and good intentions.
  • Fraud is on the increase, with younger people committing crimes, and the use of internet sales, whereby the money paid but the goods are never sent.
  • The use of hard drugs is down this year, but use of cannabis has increased, and is tending to be the drug of choice for younger people.
Shop lifting is up 14%. PCSO Clark discussed an app which a special rate for the Hesters Way area of £50 for the year instead of the usual £115. The app enables traders to communicate with each other (shops), to share tips, style of thefts, distraction etc, target of thefts eg meat. It includes information such as banned (convicted) mugshots of criminals. The traders meeting really needs pushing, to share useful information, and build a traders community, share cctv tips, guidance on making it effective, capture and deterrent. Action: Share Colin Pillsworth details with Trader Group. Invite PCSO Clark to next traders group meeting to discuss the app. Action: KD /AH to invite
It was noted that traders are not reporting thefts by people known to them. PCSO Clark suggested it might be effective to employ an independent security guard between a few shops who can neutrally pursue thefts.
In the area, surrounding Coronation Square, issues regarding non-shoplifting can exist in the adjoining roads. Minor problems exist as a result of mixed tenants from Cheltenham Borough Homes, Guinness and Bromford Housing, and the three organisations not necessarily working together, which can cause minor tenant/area conflicts. Initiatives such as street cleaning/tidy up can help build communities.
A new aspect to the dangerous drugs network which the police are tackling is a process called cuckooing, which involves taking over the flat or dwelling of vulnerable person from which to sell drugs. The police are working hard targeting at removing the dealers, and therefore removing supply.
PCSO Clark continued that neighbourhood policing has changed, whereby crime management calls are triaged, and prioritised. An example of policing in Cheltenham, is that football only has three officers, policing is not really needed. Main demand for policing is Friday and Saturday nights.
  • If anyone wants to contact PC Phil Clark his email address is:

  • Colin Pilsworth 01242 252323 07969 209831
Agenda Item 5 – Cheltenham Plan & Neighbourhood Development Plans – Community Views Update
Andy gave an update on work done to date, how the forum and area for the West Cheltenham Neighbourhood Plan had been turned down and that a new forum; Springbank Neighbourhood Forum (SNF) had been established which had applied to Cheltenham Borough Council for designation. This SNF identified its area as the Springbank district ward. No communication had been made by the new forum members with the WC Forum. The SNFappears to have a strong focus on opposing development contrary to the purpose of any Neighbourhood Development Plan. The WCFmembership is due to meet on 17th May to decide how to proceed
Andy referred the group to the website to have a look:
Agenda Item 6 – Any Other Business
Agenda Item 7 – Items for the next Agenda
None noted
Agenda Item 8 - Date and Time of Next Meeting:
Thursday 6th July2017–2pm to 4pm
Venue to be confirmed
Please forward items for the next agenda to Rachel Shingler () by Thursday 16th June 2017.
Signed………………………………………… Date…………………………………………………
Action / Name
1. / Follow up with Planning to establish the reason the two exits which were originally proposed on the former Christ College site have not been included (Pat). These are legal and in the pipeline. Ongoing. / PT
2. / Lighting situation on Netherwood Gardens - Robert Vale responded to say he had copied their lighting team (Ken Pitt) and asked them to respond directly; no response received, Andy chased 26/4/17. Ongoing. / AH
3. / Share Colin Pillsworth details with Trader Group regarding the trader communication app. / AH/KD
4. / Invite PCSO Clark to next traders group meeting to discuss the app. Action: KD to invite / KD

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