Hon Secretary
Edwin Bellamy
17 Parkdale,
Barton on Humber
DN18 5EQ
Tel & Fax:01652 633422
144th September 2007
Dear Club Secretary/official
A County meeting and the belated AGM will be held at 7.00pm on Monday, 24th September at WolfretonSchool, Carr Lane, Willerby, (travel directions are attached). The meeting will have to conclude by 9.00pm if we are not to be locked in. Venue chosen as free, thanks to Mike Nicholson- we will have to conserve our financial resources so that they can be applied to competitions we stage or are involved in. Also Paper work will be sent by e-mail to those whose e-mail addresses I have. In the past NoEAA paid administration costs but this ceased last April when they lost governance to England Athletics. Hence the need to make economies as our only income is Championship and Track League entry fees.
Minutes of the last AGM and Committee meeting will be available at the meeting.
Northern Athletics are discussing the Competition Review at their AGM on 22nd September. Probably most of you have not seen this document which is radical in the way it proposes different levels of Track & Field Competition; changes of age groups; combined club and schools competition. Hence it is controversial. I gather that the up to date version (version 10) will not be released until September 19th, when UKA’s Board approve it. It should go on the England Athletics website once it is released. However for club, version 8, will be as an attachment to e-mails – it is 18 pages long but T&F clubs should view it.
Yours sincerely,
Edwin Bellamy
Agenda and notes for Committee meeting.
- Minutes of last Meeting
- Matters arising not on the agenda.
- Role of CountyAssociation – are we now only a competition provider?
- Results of Under 17 Men’s High Jump in Championship.
- Report on Cross County and Track & Field Championships; Inter County Cross Country Championships; CAU Half Marathon Champs (incorporated in Humber Bridge Half Marathon; Northern Inter County T&F Champs; Under 15 & Under 13 match Humberside to stage in 2008.
- To determine the venue for the Cross Country Championships January 2008. (Offer from Clee at YMCA)
- Review of the situation regarding spectator charging at Costello and other matters..
- North of England Road Race Relays – do we bid for the young athletes relays for October 2008? If so venue and would we have sufficient marshals from the local clubs?
- Sports Hall Athletics – is this now the province of the Athletic Action Groups in North Lincs, North East Lincs and Hull and East Riding in consultation with the Humberside group?
AGM Agenda
1. Apologies
2. To receive the minutes of the 2005 AGM (will be available at the meeting)
3. Secretary's Report
4. Treasurer's Balance Sheet & Report
5. Election of Officers (current holders in brackets)
Life Vice Presidents - to confirm the existing LVP's and add to the list if thought necessary. (G.A. Wright)
President (A. Ireland);Chairperson (G. Brummitt);Vice Chairperson (D.J. Roberts);
Vice Presidents(4 max) ( C. Bellamy, M. Nicholson, H. Benson)
Honorary Secretary (E. Bellamy see note); Honorary Treasurer (D Macdonald).
Honorary Official's Secretary (D. Lightfoot);Honorary Coaching Secretary (in abeyance);
Honorary Statistician (D. Lightfoot)
Road Race/Cross Country Committee (5 including Hon. Secretary)
Track & Field Committee (7 inc. Hon Sec.)
Emergency Committee Member
6. To elect two Honorary Auditors
7. Election of representatives to Sports Hall Athletic Association and Regional Coaching Committee.
8. To make nominations for the UK CAU committee.
9. To appoint a permit/s secretary. Currently Permits are only required for Road Races but UKA have started Cross Country permitting through the Northern Athletics Office, and are to start T&F permitting shortly.
10.To form a sub committee to look at redrafting the constitution in the light of the CountyAssociation no longer being a sub committee of the NoEAA, it having lost the governance of the sport to England Athletics.
Notes I am looking for someone to take on the role of secretary, as soon as possible, even if I am guiding them; this is because I have taken on the role of chairman of England Athletics – Yorkshire & Humberside. Consideration needs to be given to the role of the secretary – the attendance at NoEAA General Committee has gone, so basically it is minute taking; does the secretary have to organise the T&F League and Cross Country & Track & Field Championships or can they be delegated – do we need to revert to Championship Secretaries?
We need to consider taking in the Humberside Track & Field League and the East Yorkshire Cross Country League as sub committees. It seems pointless for these bodies to pay £50 affiliation to England Athletics when all their members are already club members and the only benefit is a single vote in any elections at England Regional, national and UKA level. The same could apply to any other bodies whose members are already club members. All that we as a county would require is that a delegate be appointed who would make a brief report as necessary.
From Hull Willerby Rd - Kingston Rd - Last exit Willerby Square - Carr Lane -pass MethodistChurch on left, Wolfreton approx, 400m on left (big green gates)
From M62/A63 Follow signs for Humber Bridge - 1st exit Humber Bridge (A 164) roundabout (Signed "Beverley") - 2nd exit next roundabout - 3rd Exit next roundabout (just before 2 garages) - 3rd exit next roundabout - 2nd exit next roundabout - Carr Lane - pass Methodist Church on left, Wolfreton approx. 400m on left (big green gates)
From York A1079 (Beverley by-pass) -off at first slip (signed "Humber Bridge") -Turn left (Al64) - 2nd exit at next three roundabouts – 1st exit at roundabout after 2 garages) - 3rd exit next roundabout - 2nd exit next roundabout - Carr Lane - pass Methodist Church on left, Wolfreton approx. 400m on left (big green gates)
From Humber Bridge 2nd exit Humber Bridge (A 164) roundabout (Signed "Beverley") - 2nd exit next roundabout - 3rd Exit next roundabout (just before 2 garages) - 3rd exit next roundabout - 2nd exit next roundabout - Carr Lane - pass Methodist Church on left, Wolfreton approx. 400m on left (big green gates)
When you arrive at the school, go through big gates. The first right, beside the caretaker's house, leads to the car park. The meeting will take place in the West Block, (If you have forgotten your compass, this is the bigger block - on the left as you come through the gates.) The meeting will take place in the staff room. Turn left as you come through the door. There is a tea and coffee machine (20p), which, apparently following the dictates of Jamie Oliver, does not dispense sugar.
The meeting MUST finish by 9.00 p.m. or we shall be locked in!!!!!!!!