STUDY SKILLS LAB:Class Organization and Policies

Student Name ______Course: ______Section: ___


  • To develop awareness of the requirements of the course
  • To develop effective ways to keep student’s work organized
  • To learn about student’s previous experiences in math


  • Tokeeporganized class materials to refer throughout the semester.
  • Todemonstrate a better understanding of the policies and requirements of the course.



(5 pts) Buy a 3-ring binder for this course. Size should be 1½ or 2 inch, unless you prefer larger. The binders with plastic sleeves on the front and back are great for storing the course calendar, but this is optional.

(5 pts) Insert dividers to organize class notes, homework, labs, tests, etc.

(20 pts) Your binder should contain AT A MINIMUM:

  1. The class syllabus
  2. The class calendar that shows various test and lab due dates
  3. Find at least three interesting quotes about math or attitude. Type on a separate piece of paper and put into the binder.
  4. The list of at least three websites where you can get help with math concepts or study skills.


Fill in this sheet with all your time commitments, particularly time when you plan to study for all your classes.


IV.) How Your Brain Learns and Remembers

ORVARK Learning Style assessment(15 POINTS)______PTS

a) Go to the developmental department website and find the PowerPoint presentation “How Your Brain Learns and Remembers” by Diana Hestwood and Linda Russell. Watch the slide show and write a paragraph on what you’ve learned about your brain and how you can use this information in math class.

b) Go to the following website , and Click on the link to the Questionnaire. Complete the questionnaire and print the pagewith results. Bring the printed results to class.

V.) Website and syllabus (15 POINTS)_____PTS

Read your syllabus and visit your instructor’s website to find the answers to the following questions:

1)What do you need to access and enroll to your course online?

2)How will your final grade be determined?

3)When are your professor’s office hours?

4) Is there a Math Lab on your campus? If yes, what is the room number?

5)When is your Online Labs due?


Student Name ______Nickname?: ______

Course ______Section ______Collin ID:______

Phone ______E-mail ______

1. Please list the last mathematics class you took:

Title: ______MM/YY completed: ______/ ______

2. List all high school mathematics classes you’ve taken: ______


3. Have you taken any other math courses at CCCC? If yes, please list below


4. What other classes are you taking this term? ______


5. What is your planned major, if you have one? ______

6. How many hours do you work each week? ______

7. Do you own a graphing calculator? ______

8. How would you describe your knowledge of how to use a graphing calculator? ______


9. What are your expectations of this class and instructor? ______




10. What are your fears about this class? ______


11. Please write at least a paragraph about yourself using complete sentences. Suggestions include where you went to high school, family, hobbies and interests, issues you want me to know about, plans for the future……. This is worth 10 points of this lab grade.

12. If math were a color, it would be ______

13. If math were an animal, it would be ______

14. My favorite subject is ______because



Please check one of the following:

□IF I REQUEST MY GRADES IN THIS COURSE VIA COUGARMAIL, I authorize Professor ______to send any of my grades I this class to the cougarmail e-mail address shown below though I realize e-mail may not be a secure system.


□Do not send any of my grades to my e-mail address.

Please read the following statement and sign at the bottom of the page:

I have received a syllabus for MATH ______course that I am currently taking at Collin. I understand that it is my responsibility to read and to follow requirements and policies established in this syllabus.

______Date: ______/ _____ / ______

(Please sign and date here)

Rev: 5/2010SSL - Class Org + Policy-v01.doc