Creating ASP.NET Web Applications

Course FB20A2 – 4 days – Framework 2.0

BLOCK 1: What is ASP.NET?

BLOCK 2: Creating a Simple Web Application

BLOCK 3: Using Advanced Server Controls

BLOCK 4: Working with Multiple Pages

BLOCK 5: Styles and Formats

BLOCK 6: Working with Data

BLOCK 7: Creating Custom Controls

BLOCK 8: State and Caching

BLOCK 9: Securing a Web application

BLOCK 10: Configuration, Monitoring and Deployment

BLOCK 11: Miscellaneous Topics


BLOCK 1: What is ASP.NET? 10

ASP.NET Execution Model 10

Configuration 11

BLOCK 2: Creating a Simple Web Application 12

Module 2.1: Starting a Project with Visual Studio 12

Project template 12

Project directory on IIS 13

File System Project 14

File types 14

Running the Application 15

Module 2.2: Creating the User Interface 16

Control Types 16

User controls 17

HTML code 17

Adding Simple Controls 19

Using the ToolBox 19

Label, Textbox, Button 20

Checkbox 23

RadioButton 24

HyperLink 25

LinkButton 26

Calendar 26

Image 27

Table, TableRow and TableCell 28

Literal 28

DropDownList 29

Loading Controls dynamically 30

BLOCK 3: Using Advanced Server Controls 31

Module 3.1 User Interface Controls 31

ImageButton 31

ImageMap 31

FileUpload 32

AdRotator 34

Panel 35

XML Control 35

Wizard Control 36

Module 3.2: Validation Controls 39

Client versus Server side validation 39

Validation Controls 39

Examples of usage 40

ValidationGroups 42

Feedback with Images and Sounds 42

Enumerating Validators 43

BLOCK 4: Working with Multiple Pages 44

Module 4.1: An ASP.NET Page 44

Create ASP.NET pages 44

Adding a new page 44

Add and set Directives on ASP.NET pages 46

Separate user interface resources from business logic 47

Module 4.2: Page Navigation and User State 49

Navigation in Code 50

Navigation 50

Managing state - introduction 50

View State 51

Postbacks 51

The Transfer method 52

The Execute method 52

The Window.Open method 53

Navigation Controls 54

The SiteMapPath Control 55

The TreeView Control 57

The Menu Control 61

URL Mapping 62

Miscellaneous 63

Module 4.3: Events 64

The life cycle of a web application 64

Application and Session Events 64

Page events 66

Server Control Events 67

BLOCK 5: Styles and Formats 69

Module 5.1: Layout 69

Set styles using CSS 69

Themes and Skins 73

Creating Themes 73

Applying Themes Declaratively 74

Applying Themes Programmatically 75

Themes Miscellaneous 76

Working With Images 76

Module 5.2: Master and Content Pages 78

What is a Master Page? 78

Creating a Master Page 78

Creating Content Pages 79

Nesting Master Pages 82

Addressing the Browser Type 84

Event Sequence 85

BLOCK 6: Working with Data 86

Module 6.1: ADO.NET 86

ADO.NET Overview 86

Introduction 86

Disconnected model 86

Provider specific 87

Optimized for XML 87

ADO.NET Objects 88

Connection 89

Create, Open and Close 89

Transactions 90

The Dataset 92

Introduction 92

Creating a Dataset 93

The DataTable 93

The DataView 95

DataRelations 96

Constraints 97

Typed and Untyped DataSets 99

Updating Data 102

Changing Data in the DataSet 102

Updating with the DataAdapter 102

Updating manually 103

Dealing with conflicts 104

The Command 105

Calling a Stored Procedure 105

ExecuteScalar 106

ExecuteNonQuery 106

ExecuteReader 107

The DataReader 108

Module 6.2: Data Binding in ASP.NET 109

New Data Source Provider Model 109

DataSourceControls 110

Creating Connection with Wizard 114

Managing ConnectionStrings in Web.Config 115

Simple DataBound Controls 117

Rich DataBound Controls 119

GridView 119

Module 6.3: Working with XML Data 126

Introduction 126

DOM and XMLReader 127

What is the DOM? 127

The XmlReader class 127

The XmlDocument class 128

DataSet and XmlDataDocument 130

Use XPath to query XML Data 131

What is XPath? 131

XPath Expressions 131

XPath Navigator 133

Generate and use an XSD Schema 135

What is an XSD Schema? 135

Use scenarios 135

Creating an XSD schema using Visual Studio 135

Creating an XSD schema in code 137

Validate an XML Document 139

BLOCK 7: Creating Custom Controls 140

Web User Controls 140

Composite Custom Controls 140

Superclassing Server Controls 140

Rendered Custom Controls 140

Web User Controls 141

Combine HTML and Server controls 141

File-based, not Toolbox based 141

Designing the control 141

Using the control 141

Superclassing Server Controls 143

Rendered Custom Controls 144

Composite Custom Controls 147

Separate project ‘Web Control Library’ 147

Combine HTML and Server controls 147

Compiles into a dll 149

Templated Control 150

Control Extras 156

Adding to Toolbox 156

Toolbox Icon 156

BLOCK 8: State and Caching 157

Module 8.1: Server-Side State 158

Session State 158

Introduction 158

Session State 158

Writing and reading Session State 159

Disabling State 160

Application State 161

Module 8.2: Client-Side State: Cookies 162

Reading Cookies with the Request Object 162

Setting Cookies with the Response object 164

Module 8.3: Caching 165

Introduction 165

Configure and implement Caching 165

Output Caching 166

Fragment Caching 167

Introduction 167

Use the Cache API 167

Additional properties 168

Guidelines for Data objects 169

SQL Cache Invalidation 170

What is SQL Cache Invalidation? 170

Creating a SQL Cache Invalidation 170

BLOCK 9: Securing a Web application 172

Module 9.1: ASP and IIS Security 172

Overview 172

Securables 173

ASP.NET Security 174

Windows authentication 174

Forms authentication 174

Passport authentication 176

Custom authentication 177

IIS Security 178

Introduction 178

Anonymous 178

Integrated Windows Authentication 179

Digest 179

Basic 179

.NET Password Authentication 180

Security extras 181

File and directory access 181

Impersonation 182

SSL Encryption 182

Module 9.2: Membership and Role Management 184

Introduction 184

Login Controls 184

Database 184

Management Tools 185

Setting Up Membership Provider 186

Creating the Provider 186

Creating the Database 187

Login Controls 189

Logging in to a Website 189

Membership in Code 196

Role Management 198

The LoginView control 200

Management Tools 201

Module 9.3: Personalization 204

Introduction 204

Steps 204

Walkthrough 204

BLOCK 10: Configuration, Monitoring and Deployment 207

Module 10.1: Testing and Debugging 207

Debugging and Tracing 207

Introduction 207

Difference between the Debug and Trace objects 207

The Debug object 208

The Trace object 209

Using System.Diagnostics.Trace 209

Tracing after compilation 210

Application and Page level tracing 211

Web Enabled Tracing 211

Remote Tracing 211

Custom Trace Messages 212

Conditional Compilation 214

Introduction 214

The DEBUG Directive 214

Custom Directives 214

Remote Debugging 215

Introduction 215

Prerequisites 215

Attaching and debugging 215

The MSVSMON Tool 216

Module 9.2: Deploying a Web application 219

Plan the deployment of a Web application 220

XCOPY Deployment 220

Deployment to a Web garden or Web farm 220

Create a setup program 222

Web Setup Project 222

Installing the application 223

Uninstalling the application 225

Copy Web Site Feature of Visual Studio 226

Add assemblies to the GAC 229

Install 229

Use from GAC 229

Multiple versions 230

Native Images using ngen.exe 230

Module 10.3: Configuring a Web Application 231

The config files 231

The Web.Config files 231

The Machine.config file 231

Add and modify application settings 232

BLOCK 11: Miscellaneous Topics 234

Web Parts 234

Introduction 234

Web Parts Essentials 234

Developer Scenarios for Using Web Parts 236

Dos and Don’ts for optimization 237

Performance tips 237

Common misunderstandings 238

Using ActiveX Controls 239

Implement globalization 241

Globalization Approaches 241

Detecting the user’s culture 241

Satellite assemblies 243

Setting culture in Web.Config 245