Complete list of public comments

A complete list of public comments concerning the Department of the Army’s Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) and draft Finding of No Significant Impact for Army force structure reductions and realignments that may occur from Fiscal Years 2013-2020, specifically in reference to the evaluation of the impact of force structure reductions at Fort Polk, La.:

·  Page 4.160-2 Table 4.16-1 Total real property is listed at 198,174 acres. However, Ft Polk is engaged in a land acquisition program and has purchased 14,000 acres so far with additional acreage scheduled to be purchased later in 2013. Total land to date is 212,174.

·  Page 4.16-2, lines 19-23 States that newly purchased lands are not yet available for training and are therefore not being considered in the study. However, 14,000 acres have been used for light training, and remaining studies will be completed by the summer to allow full training to begin.

·  Page 4.16-3 lines 3-6. Types of live fire training are mentioned. Ft Polk has additional target ranges to include one of only two air moving target ranges in the U.S.

·  Page 4.16-3 Table 4.16-2 Since so much investment in new brigade facilities has been made, there should be sufficient facilities for our current troop levels. There should be no benefit to the utilization of existing facilities by reducing troops by up to 5,300 as listed in the table.

·  Land Use conflict is listed as Minor with troop growth. If additional training land is considered, would this change to Negligible?

·  Traffic and Transportation: Listed as Minor in troop growth. How is this determined? With new road infrastructure, there should be Negligible impact on transportation. In addition, wait times measured at base access points are extremely low.

·  Page 4.16-14 Lines 15-22. It is stated that many unit facilities are outdated and smaller than the standard facilities authorized for Army units. Activities within the training and range areas would be limited to existing firing ranges, maneuver areas, and roadways. Can the Army provide data to back up their assertions on facilities? Did this analysis include the newly completed 4/10 Brigade headquarters bldg.? Since new land has been acquired, training would not be limited to existing ranges.

·  Page 4.16-15 Louisiana Department of Economic Development needs to verify assumptions made about employment, housing, and income. It is requested that the public comment period be extended to allow for this assessment.

·  Page 4.16-18 Lines 12-15 The report states an annual economic impact of $1.3 billion. This figure is 5 years old. The last report submitted by Ft Polk to the state was a $1.67billion dollar annual economic impact as of 2011.

·  Page 4.16-18 Lines 27-31 Annual Impact Aide is listed as $5,950,000.00. Impact Aide for this year will exceed $6,000,000.00, and a final exact figure will be supplied before the public comment period expires.

·  Page 4.16-19 Lines 24-28 Report assumptions list no significant impact from a troop reduction of 5,300 on sales volume or income. Considering the reduction accounts for over 50% of the soldier population considering the population of the ROI, this assumption is severely flawed. LED needs to verify the economic assumptions, and a time extension to submit these comments is requested.

·  Page 4.16-20 LED needs to verify the economic assumptions, and a time extension to submit these comments is requested.

·  Page 4.16-20 Lines 21-25 The report states that people no longer employed by the military would continue to reside in the ROI and be employed in other sectors. What other sectors does the Army contemplate would provide employment to a job loss of this size? What information was used for that assumption?

·  Page 4.16-21 Lines 1-10 LED needs to verify the economic assumptions, and a time extension to submit these comments is requested.

·  Page 4.16-21 Lines 18-20. With a reduction of over 50% of the soldier population and considering the number of soldiers that occupy off base housing, the statement in the report that there would be a less than significant effect on housing in the ROI is a false statement. What data did the Army use to make that assessment? Can the Army provide additional data to support this assessment?

·  Page 4.16-21 Lines 21-26 In addition to the negative impact of the loss of Impact Aide to the local schools, there would be even more negative impacts from the loss of tax revenues needed to fund bonds issued to build a new high school that is 48% military.

·  Page 4.16-25 Table 4.16-12 Ft Polk has purchased 14,000 additional acres which is not listed in the table.

·  Page 4.16-28 Lines 10-25 Gross understatement of Ft Polk projects (past, present and reasonably foreseeable). Below is a list of additional items not included in the assessment:

o  Additional past projects / Value
§  4/10 BDE HQ BLDG / 9,500,000.00
§  SFAC / 4,400,000.00
§  LA ANG UAS FACILITY / 5,500,000.00
§  FIRE STATION SOUTH FORT / 9,200,000.00
§  BRIGADE COMPLEX 1MEB / 11,857,000.00
§  BRIGADE COMPLEX 1MEB COF / 10,283,000.00
§  DECA COMMISSARY / 17,573,000.00
§  NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL / 21,145,000.00
§  NORTH FORT MINI MALL / 3,750,000.00
§  CID BLDG RENOVATIONS / 2,000,000.00
§  CANDLEWOOD SUITES / 30,000,000.00



·  Page 4.16-28 Lines 26-38 Many past present and future public/private actions have been omitted from the study:

§  England Airpark/Alexandria International Airport (AEX) is the APOE for Ft. Polk. The public/public partnership has provided this service since August of 1993. Aviation projects ranging from new fuel farm, runway/taxiway rehabilitation, ramp replacement, lighting, etc. have totaled approximately $141 million in non-DOD funds since 1993. DOD funds in the amount of approximately $50 million were invested at AEX to construct Passenger Processing Facility, Ammunition Holding Area, three Hot Pads, and additional ramp which makes AEX MOG 23 C5/747 aircraft. AEX is capable of deploying a fully combat loaded BCT in 80 hours. It is expected that an additional $28 million of non-DOD funds will be invested over the next two years to further improve the facility. In total, $191 million has been spent in this public/public partnership to improve aviation at the Ft. Polk APOE with another $28 million in non-DOD funds expected to be invested over the next two years. Initial engineering and land acquisition is now underway to lengthen runways to 12,000 ft. and 8,500 ft. in the beyond two year time frame.

§  The City of Leesville has or is investing the following;

§  $16.9 million for renovation and expansion of its water system

§  $ 850 k sewer upgrade 2011 – 2012

§  Engineer is in process of developing project plans for substantial renovation of our sewerage system

·  Leesville High School is doing major renovations that will increase the size of the school by 30,000 square feet. Construction is now in process at a cost of $21.5 million dollars. Funding is from a local bond issuance by the Vernon Parish School Board

·  New South Fort Elementary School – This school will be constructed at a cost of $21 million, to be funded 90% by OEA, 5% by Louisiana Economic Development and 5% by the local school board. The school will be for grades 1 – 4 and will serve 800-900 students.

·  DOTD Transportation Study- $650,000 to study all state and federal roads parish wide and to seek ways to alleviate traffic congestion between Entrance Road and the City of Leesville. This study is now complete and was funded by Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development.

·  There are currently 10 hotels/motels located in close proximity to Fort Polk. Three of these are new hotels opening in 2012. An additional hotel on Entrance Road will be opening this year. There is another hotel planned for the near future.

·  Four lane of US Highway 171 between Leesville, La. and Many, La. is now complete. US Hwy 171 now connects Lake Charles, La. to Shreveport, La. – providing the only north-south artery in west Louisiana.

·  Veterans Cemetery - The Department of the Veterans Affairs has established a Veterans Cemetery that is located on Hwy 467, near Fort Polk. The cemetery is approximately 204 acres in size, with 27.6 acres ready for use over the next 10 years. This cemetery is now open and accepting internments.

·  VA Clinic – The Department of Veterans Affairs has constructed a VA Clinic that is located on Hwy 467, in close proximity to the Veterans Cemetery.

·  Reconstruction of Highway 171 North and South Bound from Entrance Road to the City of Leesville will begin on March 4, 2013. The amount of this project is $15,131,194.

·  New Sheriff’s Office and Detention Center – will begin construction in 2013 at a total cost of $7.5 million, to be funded by a bond issuance by the Vernon Parish Police Jury.

·  2008-2012 the Vernon Parish Police Jury through grant and local funding has invested over $34 million dollars into Vernon Parish, through construction projects for new facilities, repairs and renovations, road overlay, and road improvement.

·  Page 4.16-29 Lines 13-15 Cumulative impact from troop reduction would be MINOR. How is this assumption reached?

·  Page 4.16-29 Lines 16-18 Although listed as a significant socioeconomic impact, more time for public comment is requested to submit data from LED to support a claim that the negative impact for a 50% troop reduction at Ft Polk is far greater than any other base reduction being considered in this study.

·  Page 4.16-29 Lines 18-22 The Louisiana Department of Transportation is not seeking employment and does not plan to seek employment at any level that could offset reductions in Federal Employment. This statement in the report is both false and unsubstantiated.

·  Page 4.16-29 Line 27 18-20 When judging the economic impact of troop growth, consider using some of the assumptions used for the Growth Management Area to determine the level of economic benefit for the ROI and the state. These figures should be available in a report being compiled by Dr. Loren Scott at the request of LED.