Updated 26 Jan 17

Player Registration

Registration for the Spring season is now open. The registration fee is $50 for a U5/U6 player and $70 for U8 and older. A $15 "early bird" discount will be applied to the fee for players registered by February 18. There is a sibling discount. Players registering after February 26 will be placed on a waiting list.

  • Registration opens January 25.
  • Early-Bird Prices end February 18. Normal fees startFebruary 19.
  • There is a sibling discount.
  • Practices start March 6for U8 and above. First Game is on March 18and continues throughthe end of May. No games on Easter Weekend.
  • Jerseys and insurance are included in your fees. Your child will need shin guards, black shorts, black socks, a ball for their division and most children wear soccer cleats, although they are not required.
  • Complete the registration through pay either by Online Payment (credit card) or check. Online payment is the preferred method.
  • Wait listing is possible afterFebruary 26.

Registration Instructions for the Spring Season:

  • If your player has never played for Boonsboro before, Go to the players section and click on the Orange Sign Up box under the New Player? prompt.
  • If your player played for Boonsboro during the just past fall soccer season, go to the Already Registered section on the left and follow the below instructions:
  • If any registration information has changed from when the form was submitted for the fall season, click the Update player application link, which is 1st in this section.

After information has been changed or if information didn't need to be changed, click the Signup for other programs link, which is the 4th down on the left. You should now see your player or players that played in the fall. Under the Signup for spring-2016 column, click on the word "Signup" in blue for players you want to register for the spring season. A gray box will appear asking "are you sure you want to sign up the player?" If you are sure click "OK", otherwise click "cancel". You should see a line in green under the “Signup for other programs” title that says, “Signup successful”.

Click the back button to get back to the welcome screen.

  • If your player played for Boonsboro any previous season in the past other than the just past fall season, go to the Players section on the left and click the Orange Sign Up box underneath the Returning player? prompt.

Whether you are applying for a new or returning Player or a new or returning Volunteer, you will be asked to select a Region - you want to choose Region 482.

Parent will receive Signup successful message. Parent can then choose to Pay Fee via Credit Card or Pay Fee by Check/MO/Cash. Paying via check/cash provides a pop up message advising of fees and where to mail info to. Paying via Credit Card opens up a screen to select who you are paying for and the ability to key an online payment.

Attention for those making online payments: For U8 and older divisions, please select the line item next to your player and pay that amount. Do not select anything from the Region Other Fees section. For U6 and younger, please select the U5/U6 Division fee shown in the Region Other Fees section only.

Your player will not be registered until we receive the Checkout Form and payment. If you paid online, please annotate this on the Checkout Form.

HAVING PROBLEMS - Make sure that all pop-up blockers are disabled (in your browser Toolbar).Make sure you have Adobe Reader installed on your computer.

The Early Bird Registration Fee is as follows:
Oldest child U8 division & older $55
Sibling U8 division & older (until Feb18) $50
Player U5 or U6 Age Division $35
Team Sponsor $100
Normal fee per player, postmarked after Feb 18 $15 Additional

Check List:
Checkout Form
Sponsorship Form (if applicable)
Check or Online Payment with Credit Card

Make sure you have e-signed your players' registration
Make sure you have e-signed your Volunteer Form(if applicable)
Make sure you have e-signed your Youth Volunteer form for each youth volunteer (if applicable)

When you register your players in eAYSO you must complete by eSigning; if you do not your child cannot be registered.

What to do with all this paperwork?

Mail To: or eMail To:

Boonsboro AYSO
P.O. Box 102
Boonsboro, MD 21713