GlobEd Project Proposal



Purpose of Plan

Background Information

Project Approach...... 2


Our understanding of your requirements...... 3

Overview of Requirements...... 3

Requirements based on SOW Responses...... 4

proposed approach to meeting requirements...... 5

Details of the Solutions...... 5-7

Web-based Elements ...... 8

Recommendations for commuNication online selection...... 8

Collaborative Elements...... 9

Evaluation...... 9


Project Timeline...... 10

Communications Plan...... 11

Issue Management...... 12

proposed MILESTONE for the PROJECT...... 13

Project Roles and Responsibilities...... 14

staff assigned to roles...... 15

project Organizational chart...... 16

APPROVALS...... 17

Sign-off Sheet...... 17


GlobEd Project Proposal


Purpose of Proposal

This GlobEd Project Plan will provide a definition of the project, including the project’s goals and objectives. It will also serve as an agreement between the Project Sponsor, Steering Committee, Project Manager, Project Team, and other personnel associated with and/or affected by the project.

This proposal will define and outline the following:

Project Purpose

Understanding the Requirement

Proposed Approach to Meeting Requirements

Project Management Approach

Proposed Milestone for the Project

Background Information

GlobEdheadquarted in Orlando, Florida, has been solving complex training challenges for the private and public sectors for over 20 years.

GlobEd has provided custom-designed leadership courses, training solutions to improve processes and human performance for Fortune 500 companies, universities and nonprofit organizations. We have produced high quality, technology-based, training solutions using a systematic approach based on the ADDIE model. Our development has included training systems using electronic classrooms, custom courseware and software. Additionally, we have the capability to design one piece of a training program or an entire system. Globed will conduct thorough analysis to determine the most cost-efficient necessary training solutions

We are experienced in using various mediums of delivery including e-Learning, mobile learning, informal learning, instructor-led training (ILT), or a combination.

Understanding of the Requirements

In this section you will be presented with requirements necessary to complete the training for project managers with less than 2 years of experience. We want to assure you that GlobEd understands your requirements and will implement solutions that will meet and exceed your needs.

To meet your leadership training needs, GlobEd will conduct a preliminary skills assessment; commission experienced Subject Matter Experts, and ensure learner engagement by developing interactive online training, both in English and Spanish.

Our Understanding of your requirements

Companies face increasing costs associated with training their workforce to grow their business and comply with federal and state regulations. The era of employees travelling to unite for training evolutions has passed. The fiscally responsible move to using technology for corporate education is growing exponentially. Wallington Bank intends to be a leader in this trend by creating a company training program that ensures their workforce is knowledgeable of and responsive to the management and leadership requirements of this fine corporation. This training will focus on the overall goal of providing a stronger management workforce. Wallington Bank's training program will reflect their foundational principles and their company's reputation around the country. GlobEd is committed to working collaboratively with Wallington Bank to perform a thorough Leadership training course to provide a learning solution that requires minimal maintenance and targets the unique needs of their workforce. GlobEd proposes a blended learning solution that will be delivered asynchronously online with periodic synchronous live events, printed job-aids and web assessments (document assessments can be obtained upon request).

Overview of Requirements

The requirements include computer access for all project managers, who will have access to the course from both, the office and home. Since no subject matter experts will be provided, GlobEd will obtain these experts and gain the proper knowledge to suit the learners in this course. GlobEd will be in constant communication using many different communication devices listed in Proposed Approach for Meeting the Requirements. Project managers who are taking this course will take part in apreliminary skill assessmentto assist us in designing the course. A SCORM 1.2 compliant course will be offer to anyone that will be taking the course as requested in the SOW responses.

Requirements based on SOW Responses

The 5-hour course will be considered a basic leadership skills course. Prior to development, we will determine the number of modules. The course will also include an end-of-course evaluation. Below is a list of requirements necessary to completing this training.

Requirements to Leadership Training Course / Time Requirements
The training course is required to be uploaded in Wallington Bank company LMS (Blackboard) / The training course requires first steps in pre- testing of learners in order to provide quality leadership courses
The training course is required to also be made available in Spanish / The training course is required to have a "kick off" meeting within 5 days of contract award
The training course is required to have a preliminary skill assessment conducted as a part of this contract / The training course will require a 3 month period of performance that will begin upon date of award and will be completed once the 60 working days have been completed.
The training course is required to have an adequate mix of media to support an engaging and interactive course design / Final delivery to occur before the period of performance expires so that Wallington bank has a chance to review the product
The training course is required to be interactive and engaging / The training course requires 3 weeks to make a decision on RFQ after date of submission
Must be a Web-based training course / Prototype is required as well as a final customer review upon appropriate time
The training course must give the learners the ability to print various elements in the course such as embedded documents and screens. / Meetings will be scheduled weekly to show where GlobEd is at in the designing of the course.

Proposed Approach for Meeting the Requirements

Wallington Bank requires that their managers be trained in Leadership skills training. The course will consist of 5 hours of highly interactive content and assessments, using an array of multimedia elements such as graphics, charts, and animations and sound instructional strategies. The course needs to be SCORM 1.2 conformant.

To gain a more in-depth idea of how we will be accomplishing the requirements, we have created a schedule that describes what we are doing at the different phases of this project. The project is broken down into different sections to better gain results. These sections include the Project Kick-Off Meeting, Project Management Plan(PMP), and the Analysis, Design Development.

The Leadership Skills Training, will lasted about 43 days and will begin Monday 11/2012 to Wed 1/2013. The Project Kicks Off meetings are designed to focus on creating, submitting agendas. The team will attend meetings and set up the overall projects and tasks. After this section and the PMP plan, we will move on to the actual creating of the course. This section is called the Analysis, Design and Development.

The section will begin in the Analysis phase. This phase is designed for us to figure out desired new behavioral outcome, timeline for project completion, who are the learners and the characteristics. This phase of the section is schedule to have a duration of 5 days. The next phase in the section is the Design Plan and Prototype. This phase deals with the learning objectives, assessment instruments, content development, lesson planning and media selection of training course. This phase of the section is schedule to have a duration of 5 days. The development phase of the section focuses on storyboarding the course and working with developers to create and assemble the content that was produced in the Design phase. This phase of the section is schedule to take 10 days. The next two sub-phases of the Analysis, Design and Development section are the Course pilot and Final review of the course. These two section are designed to implement and evaluate the course. The implementation phase involves actual testing of the course and seeing if the content is efficient to fulfill its objectives. The review and final delivery consist of gaining feedback for the course from client and editing those points on the course. In this section we will review and make final edits to the course. These two phases are schedule to take 3 days for the Course Pilot and 2.5 days for Final Review and Delivery of course.

Leadership Skills Training

1. Project Kick-Off Meeting Section

2. Project Management Plan Section3. Analysis, Design and Development phases of Section

  • Course Pilot
  • Final Review
  • Final Delivery

Please refer to Project Management Approach/Project Timeline for a more detailed and complete schedule of phases and sections.

Defining Requirements

ISDs will facilitate various methods to collect requirements which may include: job shadowing, interviews, focus groups, facilitated workshops, group creativity techniques, questionnaires and surveys of Wallington Bank (WB) leaders. These will be conducted to ensure all requirements are captured. The team will also define system requirements by questionnaires and interviews of IT personnel at Wallington Bank.

Analyze the current system

The GlobED project team will analyze requirements to determine if they fall into project or product categories. Additionally, this analysis will determine where in the WB the requirements will fall or what work activities correspond to particular requirements. Accountability and priority for each requirement will also be determined as part of the analysis. Finally, acceptance criteria must be determined for all requirements in order to provide a baseline for understanding when a requirement has been fulfilled to an acceptable level. If needed as reassessment of application or architecture requirements will be done and alternative solutions will be developed and evaluated.

Developing Learning Objectives

GlobEd will develop learning objectives after reviewing skills that leaders need to possess to perform their job effectively and efficiently. GlobEd will tie goals and objectives directly to what is needed.

Develop Training Plan

Once requirements have been identified and analyzed, the project team at GlobEd will determine what methodology the team will use to outline training plan and course of action. At this time an outline of the training plan will outline specific divisions of content, instruction, and transitions. It will include plans for next stage of development. The training plan will be prepared and submitted to Wallington Bank for a review, modifications if any, and finally an approval to move on to development.

Skills Assessment

The GlobeEd team will use observation, interviews, and questionnaires to target audience to gain information on the skills needed to become a leader at Wallington Bank. GlobEd will collect information in identifying and developing work skills. Employee suggestions will determine techniques and skills leaders use. This helps determine evaluation strategies for skills assessment methods.

Prototype Approval

This is the procedure for the approval of the product design, including test performance, for compliance with classification requirements. Type approval basically implies that the design of the product is assessed once and the approval is made.

Design Reviews Complete

The design, including content is reviewed against requirements. The review will be conducted by GlobEd first, and then reviewed by point of contact at Wallington Bank. Other design features that will be reviewed are: Physical appearance of course will be reviewed, key design items will be reviewed including: user interface, interactivity, images, icons, audio, and simulations. Modifications will be made as needed and approved.

Unit Test Complete

The evaluation instrument(s) will be completed. This includes the following: questions, responses (incorrect and correct), and feedback.

Integration Test Complete

Integration testing is taking two units that have already been tested are combined into a component and the interface between them is tested. Integration testing identifies problems that occur when units are combined. By using a test plan that requires you to test each unit and ensure the viability of each before combining units, you know that any errors discovered when combining units are likely related to the interface between units. This method reduces the number of possibilities to a far simpler level of analysis.

Acceptance Test Complete

Acceptance testing is a trial test that Globed will conduct using participants from Wallington Bank to determine if the requirements of the course have been reached by users. After this is completed necessary modifications will be made to ensure acceptance of test.

System Acceptance by User

Globed will test the course on the system that Wallington Bank will be using to deliver their training. Wallington Bank will supply a group of learners to take the course as a trial. After this is completed necessary modifications will be made to ensure system is accepted.

Customer Shipment

All applicable materials are hand delivered to Wallington Bank.

Documentation Delivery

Delivery is documented.

Details of the Solution

GlobEd presents a learning approach that blends web-based asynchronous elements, Web 2.0 synchronous and collaborative elements and a traditional print media element to create a rich learning environment for a diverse group of learners. Web 2.0 is used throughout internet technology and education. This type of technology is considered second generation of web development and design tools that enhance collaboration, communication, interactivity and secure information sharing on the internet. Web 2.0 enhancements include web-based communities and hosted services, and a variety of social networking applications, such as wikis, blogs and video-sharing sites. Web 2.0 tools provide companies with a way to conduct synchronous training events without the added expense of travel. By utilizing Web 2.0 technology in Wallington Bank’s training solution, learners will be able to interact with each other through discussion boards and the use of new communication systems.

Web-based Elements

The course will be delivered via a Learning Management System. The course will present scenario-based simulations. The simulations will be an interactive multi-media learning experience containing images, audio, text and video. This approach is design to benefit anyone of any type of learning style they may prefer including both asynchronous and synchronous elements.

As the learner furthers in the training course, they will be tested through different points to check their understanding of the course. The checks serve by allowing the learner to freely answer questions without the consequence of any being incorrect. The course will give the learner the ability to retake the assessment. Each training module will contain an interactive assessment that models similar questions as seen in the comprehension checks. The LMS will record and store performance information and proof of satisfactory completion. The LMS can also provide reports to verify employee compliance with SCORM 1.2 and other compliances.

Recommendations for Communication Online Selection

GlobEd has a subscription to OLIVE, an interactive virtual environment that provides cost saving, efficient and effective business communications. This program answers for the demand of faster, real-time decision-making. Entities like Government organizations, academia, and corporations use OLIVE as a source of new ways to collaborate, train, rehearse, and operate. OLIVE can bring together hundreds of distributed employees across the globe in one virtual world, reducing travel, meeting, training, and rehearsal costs. It delivers an immersive user experience superior to audio and web conferencing systems without the cost of specialized and location-based equipment associated with telepresence solutions. It can also strengthen personnel learning and knowledge retention through its robust record and replay features. GlobEd will provide access to this database to have for better communications and conferences with the client. We used this software for the last 4 years and feel that it will provide for better results.GlobEd are responsible for all charges and licensing factors that come with this communication software. We will send you a link to the download site and provide Wellington Bank with passwords and hosting information. All Wellington Bank will be responsible for is having the proper standard computers to access the site. GlobEd will have scheduled meeting where we will host presentation of the tasks we have completed.

Additionally you will have access to phone numbers, emails of employees for communication purposes. If you will like to host a meeting using your communication services or ours (OLIVE) we will be happy to calibrate with Wellington Bank's methods.

Collaborative Elements

Weekly electronic multiple choice quizzes will be provided to increase retention. Links to the quiz will reach the employees via email and the quiz results can be tracked and stored in the LMS. Each quiz will take one to two minutes to complete. These quizzes can be used if learners allow; for results to be seen by other employees to serve as a tool to help each other understand questions that another employee can better help them with.

A blog for Wallington Bank employees to freely discuss the training topics will also be added to the training course. This blog offers employees the opportunity to discuss personal situations or issues they may be dealing with at the workplace. The blog will provide the opportunity for peers to learn from one another. GlobEd believes the blog will facilitate Wallington Bank's management discussions of the leadership training with their employees. The benefit is that lessons learned will be shared rapidly instead of being addressed just once a year. Management will be of instances that may be occurring with their employees and be able to efficiently address incidents before they become less manageable.