Fee Deadlines:

  • 100% of the booth charges aredue with the exhibitor contract
  • 2018 Membership dues must be paid by December 31, 2017to continue to receive the member rate for booth space.

CANCELLATION POLICY: Exhibitor may, if desired, cancel the agreement; however, no refunds will be made. NATM reserves the right to refuse any exhibit or exhibitor or any advertising or display associated with such exhibit and further reserves the right to shut down any exhibit or exhibitor for breach of this agreement or for cause, in which case this contract shall terminate. In the event an exhibit is shut down, NATM’s liability is limited to a refund of contracted and paid space.

SET-UP: Wednesday, February21Noon–6:00 p.m.

Thursday, February227:30a.m. –11:00 a.m.

All exhibitorsmust be set up or in the process of setting up their exhibit space twohours before the opening of the trade show. If the exhibitor fails to fullyset up at that time, and the exhibitor has not canceled its booth space,management has the right to use the space for any purpose includingthe sale of the space to another exhibitor. In the event managementtakes possession of or uses exhibitor’s assigned space as providedabove, exhibitor shall not be entitled to a refund of any of its exhibitorfee or space rental or to avoid liability for payment of such fee or rentalas invoiced in full.

SHOW HOURS:Thursday, February2211:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Friday, February238:00 a.m. –Noon

DISMANTLING: Friday, February23Noon–5:00 p.m.

Exhibitors may not dismantle or disturb their exhibits untilafter the official closing. Failure to observe this rule will result in a $250financial penalty. The penalty fee must be paid in full before space for the nextNATM Trade Show will be assigned to offending exhibitor.

Each 10’ x 10’Booth Includes:

Two complimentary Booth Worker registrations per 10’ x 10’ booth(Names are to be submitted by January 31, 2018. Additional booth worker registrations are available.)

Draped 8’ backwall and 3’ sidewalls

One 6’ skirted table

ID sign

Two chairs and wastebasket

Listing in the 2018 Annual Convention Map and Exhibition Guide (Listing is guaranteed for exhibitors registered by November 30, 2017)

Exhibit hall carpeting

Listing on

Freeman Company exhibitor kit detailing booth equipment and services, emailed by Freeman Co.

Additional booth worker registrations may be purchased forbooth workers only. Booth worker registrations will only include admission to the President’s Reception on Wednesday, the Trade Show Lunch and Reception on Thursday, Breakfast with the Exhibitors on Friday and the Trade Show on Thursday and Friday – no other activities or events will be included. Booth workers will have a different color badge band. Booth worker upgrade to full registrationis available. Complete details will be in the registration brochureto be distributedin August.

INSURANCE: It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to maintain proper insurance coverage for its property and liability.

HOTEL: You will be responsible for making your own sleeping room reservations directly with Sheraton Fort Worth Hotel and Spa. Online reservationscan be made at call(888) 627-8556and tell them you are with NATM.Reservations must be made prior toJanuary 22, 2018to receive the guaranteed group rateof $149 a night (extra for more than 2 persons).