
Heliskiing is off-trail, downhill skiing that is accessed by a helicopter, not a ski lift. It generally takes place in remote mountain wilderness regions where unspoiled and seldom visited terrain exists. Some operators are located adjacent to established ski areas, though.

The mountain terrain that heli-sking takes place in is exceptionally diverse. Runs vary from high alpine glaciers, to alpine bowls, to steep chutes, to gladed trees. The type of terrain skied correlates to the mountain topography where an operator is based. For example, Alaska heli-ski operations genarally lack tree skiing due to the low tree line yet ski steep serated peaks carved by glaciers while Canadian operations with their old growth forests often ski tree runs -- especially during periods of inclement weather. Some operations have runs nearly 10,000 feet or 3,000 meters in vertical relief. Average runs are more likely 2,500 feet or 800 meters.

Heliskiing has became an increasingly popular activity since its inception in the 1960's, with operators established in Canada, the USA, Alaska, Greenland, New Zealand, Indian Himalyas, Russia, Turkey, Sweden, Finland, Argentina and Chile. Heliskiing is banned in France and is highly regulated in other European alpine countries.

The sport is very well promoted in all Warren Miller skiing movies. Also the sport has its own star athletes: Seth Morrison, Mark Abma, Glen Plake, Dean Cummings etc.


Hans Gmoser, a mountain guide and Austrian immigrant to Canada, is generally credited with starting heli-skiing in 1965 in the Bugaboos Mountains of British Columbia (although he experimented with helicopter accessed skiing in the years proceeding in the front ranges of the Canadian Rockies west of Calgary). Evidence suggests that heli-skiing may have even taken place earlier in the late 50's or early 60's in Alaska, Wyoming or Utah based on old photos in ski books.

Equipment and gear

Avalanche transceivers are required and a buddy system is mandatory because of the dangers of avalanches. Layered clothing fit for sub-zero temperatures are necessary, as well as goggles, hat, ski gloves, and neck warmers. Having a backpack is not allowed by some operators but one can bring a small pack to store basic pieces of skiing gear.

Fatter off piste, powder, freeride or "all-mountain" skis are used by the majority of heliskiers. They are less tiring in use and handle difficult terrain more easily. The introduction of these skis, originally known as "fat boys" has led to an increase in the amount of vertical feet skied, as the skiers become less tired, (and spend less time looking for lost skis). They have also been linked with decreased injury rates.

Heliskiing safety

The primary safety concern of heliskiing operators is the danger of avalanches. Reputable heliskiing operations employ highly trained guides and pilots who are experienced in evaluating snow conditions, snow stability, and risk management. Most tours will include in the price the use of avalanche transceivers and will provide training on the use of them and other avalanche rescue equipment.

Other hazards include tree wells, crevasses on glaciers, and common mountain terrain features such as cliffs and creek beds.

Equipment and gear

Avalanche transceivers are required and a buddy system is mandatory because of the dangers of avalanches. Layered clothing fit for sub-zero temperatures are necessary, as well as goggles, hat, ski gloves, and neck warmers. Having a backpack is not allowed by some operators but one can bring a small pack to store basic pieces of skiing gear.

Fatter off piste, powder, freeride or "all-mountain" skis are used by the majority of heliskiers. They are less tiring in use and handle difficult terrain more easily. The introduction of these skis, originally known as "fat boys" has led to an increase in the amount of vertical feet skied, as the skiers become less tired, (and spend less time looking for lost skis). They have also been linked with decreased injury rates.


Conditions encountered when heli-skiing range from the best snow imaginable -- endless over the head powder, to the worst conditions possible such as breakable wind crust. Simply it's sking in an uncontrolled mountain environment. Consequently, conditions often vary from run to run due to wind and solar aspects. But, with a guide's experience and the incredible mobility of a helicopter quality sking can usually be found.

Conditions vary depending upon the time of year. Some experienced heliskiers opt for spring skiing because of longer days, warmer temperatures, and different ski conditions such as spring snow (granular "sugar" snow, which when skiied in good conditions makes for one of the most relaxed skiing descents). Spring days also mean more day light and the opportunity to ski greater vertical. In fact, it is not uncommon for spring heli-skiers during week long ski packages to exceed 200,000 feet (60.96km) of cumulative sking.

Others patrons specifically go earlier in the year to seek and take advantage of deep, fresh powder snow. The altitude in which skiers will descend depends on the weather, snow stability and quality, and by the evaluation of the guides and pilots.

Heliskiing groups

On most Heliskiing tours, heliskiers are led by an experienced guide who will lead a group of skiers. There are as little as 4 or as many as 12 skiers. Most operations offer private heliskiing charters too.

Heliskiing tour length

There are 5-12 runs or heli lifts in a day. Guides will constantly be assessing and searching for the best (and the safest) snow. Most heliskiing operators offer daily, three, four and seven day packages. When avalanche conditions are high one may end up skiing easier, more gentle slopes.

Required Skill Level

Anyone who has had previous experience in skiing can try heliskiing. Nevertheless, being able to ski on intermediate and advanced runs consistently is one of the requirements for anyone who aspires to go heliskiing. The introduction of "fat' skis in the last ten years has enabled less experienced skiers to participate. Most operators have such skis available either for free use or rental. This equipment substantially reduces the amount of energy required to ski untracked snow.

One should also be able to manage skiing along all types of terrain and in all possible snow conditions, and should be knowledgeable about avalanche safety. Experts recommend that skiers who try heliskiing should start a fitness program two months in advance and should be acclimatized a few days before the heliskiing trip. Being fit is given prime importance in this skiing discipline since it imposes challenging runs that may lead to serious risks.

Heliskiing, however, does not necessarily involve steep and extreme terrain but is all about skiing through deep, untracked powder. Tree skiing or going through trees and other challenges in a mountain environment is said to be the essence of heliskiing, according to many skiers. Heliskiers look forward to old-growth forests with huge trees they can criss-cross, albeit challenging and strenuous.


Movies: Alaska heliskiing

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